Montag, 4. Juli 2011

EE5410 Signal Processing -- Structures for Discrete-time system

EE5410 Signal Processing -- Structures for Discrete-time system

1. A linear time-invariant system with rational system function has the property that the input and output sequences satisfy a linear constant-coefficient difference equation.

2. Since the system function H(z) is the z-transform of the impulse response, and since the difference equation satisfied by the input and output can be determined by inspection of the system function,

it follows that the difference equation , the impulse response, and the system function are equivalent characterizations of the input-output relation of a linear time-invariant discrete-time system.

3. Systems described by linear constant-coefficient difference equations can be represented by structures consisting of interconnection of the basic operations of addition, multiplication by a constant, and delay.

4. Since the basic difference equations can be obtained simply by linear transformations of the variables of the difference equations.

5. Thus, there are an UNLIMITED number of equivalent realizations of any given system.

我被捕了( 論人民力量的抗爭策略)



我們只是敦促政府改善,然而依然由這個垃圾政府代理我們的政治。政府看穿了我們的底牌,便將我們玩弄到底——拋出一筐羅的屏障議程和惡法惡政,用疲勞戰術來對付我們,只要我們一刻放鬆了,政府便通過惡法惡政。這種戰役,我們承受不了的,無法打的, . . . .

為什麼不在人潮最多、情緒最激憤、癱瘓效果最好的大白天,去堵塞馬路,而非要等到三更半夜,人潮減退到只有核心幾百人,才孤絕地走去人煙稀少的 “ 絕地 ”( 政府總部 和禮賓府)留守和象徵式地堵塞車路? 最終等待的是警察在兩三點拘捕的 “ 訊號”,大家可以 “ 收工” 嗎?

為什麼 “ 反高鐵” 的時候,我們要在立法會外邊架設電視屏幕轉播,一群人緊張地評述會議,等待裡面的保皇黨回心轉意?


為什麼我們要示人以弱,被政府和保皇黨嘲笑 和侮辱?就是我們沒有準備好迎接民主運動的成功的後果——執政。我們甘於做壓力團體,向獨裁政府施壓,然後等待他們做一些修補或改過,令我們的生活好過一些,僅此而已。

香港自治運動( HKAM)的目的,就是告訴大家,準備好參與政治,港人治港之後,大家才會告別失敗主義,擁抱成功。衝破了這個心理障礙,香港的民運就步上康莊大道。

[蝗] 內地生報讀本港大學人數也大幅飆升


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