Samstag, 21. Mai 2011

EE5410 Signal Processing : spectrum 印度司機中六合彩, 令我諗到一樣 o野:

EE5410 Signal Processing : spectrum 印度司機中六合彩, 令我諗到一樣 o野:

1. A spectrum is a presentation of the frequency elements that are present in a signal. A spectrum consists of a magnitude spectrum and a phase spectrum.

2. The spectrum is plotted as magnitude against frequency and , s such, is a frequency domain presentation about the signal. Use FFT.

3. LOW frequency signals are constant or change slowly over time. They appear at the LEFT end of the spectrum.

4. HIGH frequency signals change rapidly with time. They appear at the right end of the spectrum.

5. Each piano note consists of many harmonic frequencies, all multiples of a fundamental frequency, which means that the full spectrum contains many spikes.

印度司機中六合彩, 令我諗到一樣 o野:


真係唔知點解 我諗唔少人同我感覺一樣,覺得果個阿星中獎,好值得為佢高興,而阿星亦好大方好開朗咁向大家展示佢嘅喜悅,

如果換左係 香港人中獎,就會有好多討厭動作,扮下大牌呀、當自己係大明星咁又想出鏡又要遮下樣,如果係港女中獎仲 Hi Hi,直頭當正自己係神一樣,會講好多白鴿眼說話,




adenauer, weymar

1996年 施政報告, policy address, 港督彭定康

96. 在我看來,香港一直在生活中實踐作家傑克‧倫敦(Jack LONDON)的信條:

“ 寧化飛灰 ,不作浮塵。
“ 寧投熊熊烈火,光盡而滅;
“ 不伴寂寂朽木,默然同腐。
“ 寧為耀目流星,迸發萬丈光芒;
“ 不羨永恒星體,悠悠沉睡終古。”

97. 前路不管有何挑戰,都不會,我重複,都不會使這顆流星飛墜,光華從此消逝。我深願香港能奮然而起,征服未來,那時候,歷史也必為之動容,起立喝采。

96. Hong Kong, it seems to me, has always lived by the author, Jack LONDON's credo:

"I would rather be ashes than dust,
I would rather my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze,
Than it should be stifled in dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
With every atom of me in magnificent glow,
Than a sleepy and permanent planet."

97. Whatever the challenges ahead, nothing, nothing should bring this meteor crashing to earth, nothing should snuff out its glow. I hope that Hong Kong will take tomorrow by storm. And when it does, history will stand and cheer

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