Donnerstag, 9. August 2012

The movement of the judgment

The movement of the judgment

1.   First ,as immediate, judgment is the judgment of existence; its subject is immediately an abstract, existent singular, and the predicate is an immediate determinateness or property of it, an abstract universal.

2.   Second, as this qualitative character of the subject and predicate is sublated, the determination of the one begins to shine reflectively in the other; the judgment is now the judgment of reflection.

3.   But this external combination passes over into the essential identity of a substantial, necessary combination; and so we have, third, the judgment of necessity.

4.   Fourth, since in this essential identity the difference of subject and predicate has become a form, the judgment becomes subjective; it entails the opposition of the content and its reality and the comparison of the two; it is the judgment of the concept.

This emergence of the concept grounds the transition of judgment into syllogistic inference.


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