Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010

Kaufmann譯 : 黑格爾精神現象學序言

Kaufmann譯 : 黑格爾精神現象學序言
Walter Kaufmann : the Preface to the Phenomenology ( Hegel)
excerpted from Walter Kaufmann : Hegel : Reinterpretation, Text and Commentary

"the seriousness of the Concept." (der Ernst des Begriffs)

page 373

comment 7. A student who remembers and produces the conclusions of his teacher, or of some great philosopher, but not the way in which things are worked out in detail, has only got hold of something lifeless: the spirit of philosophy has escaped him.

What counts in philosophy is not the striking aim or claim, but the detail.

comment 8. What is wanted is devotion. The philosopher, like a scientist, should devote himself to, and immerse himself in, his subject instead of trying to be interesting and different. Or as Hegel puts it later, what is wanted is "the seriousness of the Concept." (der Ernst des Begriffs)

comment 9. External criticism hat simply condemns without any prior effort to comprehend is relatively easy and trivial. To really grasp a position and the arguments involved in it is more difficult.

But a philosopher must combine grasp and critical evaluation: for until we rethink every step critically we cannot fully comprehend what led a writer to go on as he did; what problems led him to develop his views; and what prompted later thinkers to differ with him.



蘋果日報 2010-10-15 昨天起禁外出 記者採訪遭保安潑水中共圍鐵板「監禁」劉霞

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