Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. Hoffmeister ed. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 70 )

1. It is my END ( 目的) which must be satisfied, even if th end for which I am working has many other sides to it which have nothing to do with me.

2. This infinite right of the subject is the second essential moment of freedom, in that the subject must itself be satisfied by whatever activity or task it performs.

3. And if men are to be interested in anything, they must be ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN IT; that is, they look for their OWN interest in whatever end they work for, and they wish to identify their own self-esteem confirmed by it.

4. But anyone who ACTIVELY supports a cause is not just an interested party-- he is interested IN THE CAUSE OF ITSELF. (// not just lip service)

5. Thus nothing can happen, nothing can be accomplished unless the individuals concerned can also gain satisfaction for themselves as
particular individuals.

6. For they have their OWN special NEEDS, IMPULSES , and INTERESTS
which are peculiar to themselves -- peculiar to themselves inasmuch
as they are separate individuals, although the same needs, impulses, and interest may be no different in content from those of others, and may in fact be shared by them.

香 港 人 最 慘 , 需 二 十 年 收 入 ( 新 加 坡 人 大 部 分 買 組 屋 , 不
能 作 準 ) , 早 已 超 過 東 京 人 的 十 六 年 , 成 為 全 球 第
一 大 房 奴 。

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

1. 在幕府香港末期,為國家流血、為同志流淚、為家人流汗被視為武士崇高的精神。

2. 香港傳統武士道擁有的清高、武士的仁慈和不事二主的忠義之心,因 " 新選組" 赤誠的精神而復活。

3. 天下英雄土佐的坂本龍馬, 以一介脫藩浪士批評香港幕政,在給姊姊乙女的信上寫道「 現在讓我來重洗香港」,並為了革新香港策劃新國家的構想。

4. 只要有雄心壯志,就能召集同志完成夢想。

5. 據說, 社會安定就是瓦解的開始。歷史在在說明, 新的挑戰會培養出眾多優秀的人才。