Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. Hoffmeister ed. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 68 )
page. 68

1. What means (ways, 方法) does the Idea employ to realise itself?

2. This question of the means whereby freedom creates a world for itself leads us to the phenomenon of history proper.

3. An initial survey of history, however, would indicate that the actions of men are NEEDS, PASSIONS, and INTERESTS, by the attitudes and aims to which these give rise, and by their own character and abilities;

4. we gain the impression that, in this essence of ACTIVITY, these needs, passions, interests, etc., are the sole MOTIVE FORCES.

5. We may well see the ends of reason realised in the virtues of individuals who constitute but a small proportion of the mass of mankind when we compare them with all the other, and the extent to which their virtues are effective is relatively limited.

6. But in many cases, PASSIONS, PRIVATE INTERESTS, and the satisfaction of SELFISH IMPULSES are the most potent force.

7. What makes them powerful is [that] they DO NOT heed any of the RESTRAINTS which justice and morality seek to imposes upon them, and the elemental power of PASSION has a more immediate HOLD over man that artificial and labouriously acquired discipline of order and moderation, justice and morality.

8. . . . and when we are moved to profound pity of the untold miseries of individual human beings -- we can only end with a feeling of sadness at the transience (頃刻; 無常; 短暫; 稍縱即逝 ) of everything.

5 Kommentare:

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「 如果,一旦出現 1929 年的經濟大蕭條,令中共一夜倒下的話,香港的中共解放軍會變成怎樣? 」


這種理性的活動一方面讓事物按照它們自己的本性,彼此互相影響,互相削弱,而它自己並不直接干預其過程,但 同時卻正好實現了它自己的目的。

在這種意義下,天意對於世界和 世界過程可以說是具有絕對的機巧。

上帝放任人們縱其特殊情欲,謀其個別利益, 但所達到的結果,不是完成他們的意圖,而是完成他的目的,

而他〔 上帝 〕的目的 與他所利用的人們原來想努力追尋的目的,是大不相同的。

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BNO已被歐洲25個國家認為EU/EEA Citizen,英、法、愛爾蘭國除外

Germany is my second address本帖最後由 前香港人 於 13-8-2010 14:38 編輯

Whole family using BNO PP to apply Resident Endorsement Certificate in Germany.

Hand-on Experience. Success !!!!

In Germany. Just need address proof by owner + one passport photo + one passport copy + 30 Euro + 7 working days. Government Office for resident registration will be closed on every Wenesday and banks just open up to 16:00 hours daily.

Most shops will close after 1700 hour . Supermarkets will close at 2000 hour. No evening life. Police officer iron face, immigrantion officers smiling face, racial discremination seem high. Some Germen are very straight but helpfu. Not all of them know English.

Control on living address (spy monitoring) just like that operate in the Rubbish Red China. Government hacking to your e-mail or mobile phone account is possible, particularly for possible mafia, terorrist, communist and Taplibian.

Entering Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Holland without entrance clearance chop.

Demark people is clean, polite, friendly and helpful. The whole city is in good manner but the tax and living standard are so high.

Sweden same as Demark. Not yet go to Norway . May be next month.

Holland people are cheer and open. Bigh ball swinging everywhere. Men urinates in the open container street toilet provided by the Government.

A good place for student who want to carry out survey on the length of penies of Holland poeple. Everyone like a Mafia but actually not but queening is not their culture. Amsterdam's evening life just like Macau.

Indian is so called as Ah-CHA in Hong Kong. Yellow Skin is called as CHA-CHA (Tea) in Germany.

Those who want to reside in Germany need to resgister with the local city council (police), they will check with your details in the application form and issue you a note of register then you need to go up-stair other section to ask for the resident endorsement certificate.

This certificate not like RESIDENT PERMIT , it enables EU-Cityzen to work and live in Germany freely.

So far only those non-EU Citizen needs to apply RESIDENT PERMIT same as in UK. In UK, they have abandoned ID Card or Resident Permit (Card) to EU-Citizen. Those who holding UK-BNO passport with migrant visa needs not to obtain ID Card after landing as they are already recognised as local resident.

Someone said I am not sure, once living in a region for long, new immigrant need to register to local council for head count tax.

However, if you need to change the address, you need to inform the council just like that done in the Red China.

British Nationals may register to below council which just near the Central Station, just ask local people may know, to go by taxi from the central just ask you HK$40 as it just behind the central station of Hamburg for 3 minutes travelling.

Anonym hat gesagt…

BNO已被歐洲25個國家認為EU/EEA Citizen,英、法、愛爾蘭國除外

Germany is my second address本帖最後由 前香港人 於 13-8-2010 14:38 編輯

Whole family using BNO PP to apply Resident Endorsement Certificate in Germany.

Hand-on Experience. Success !!!!

In Germany. Just need address proof by owner + one passport photo + one passport copy + 30 Euro + 7 working days. Government Office for resident registration will be closed on every Wenesday and banks just open up to 16:00 hours daily. Most shops will close after 1700 hour . Supermarkets will close at 2000 hour. No evening life. Police officer iron face, immigrantion officers smiling face, racial discremination seem high. Some Germen are very straight but helpfu. Not all of them know English. Control on living address (spy monitoring) just like that operate in the Rubbish Red China. Government hacking to your e-mail or mobile phone account is possible, particularly for possible mafia, terorrist, communist and Taplibian.

Entering Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Holland without entrance clearance chop.

Demark people is clean, polite, friendly and helpful. The whole city is in good manner but the tax and living standard are so high. Sweden same as Demark. Not yet go to Norway . May be next month.

Holland people are cheer and open. Bigh ball swinging everywhere. Men urinates in the open container street toilet provided by the Government. A good place for student who want to carry out survey on the length of penies of Holland poeple. Everyone like a Mafia but actually not but queening is not their culture. Amsterdam's evening life just like Macau.

Indian is so called as Ah-CHA in Hong Kong. Yellow Skin is called as CHA-CHA (Tea) in Germany.

Those who want to reside in Germany need to resgister with the local city council (police), they will check with your details in the application form and issue you a note of register then you need to go up-stair other section to ask for the resident endorsement certificate. This certificate not like RESIDENT PERMIT , it enables EU-Cityzen to work and live in Germany freely.

So far only those non-EU Citizen needs to apply RESIDENT PERMIT same as in UK. In UK, they have abandoned ID Card or Resident Permit (Card) to EU-Citizen. Those who holding UK-BNO passport with migrant visa needs not to obtain ID Card after landing as they are already recognised as local resident. Someone said I am not sure, once living in a region for long, new immigrant need to register to local council for head count tax.

However, if you need to change the address, you need to inform the council just like that done in the Red China.

British Nationals may register to below council which just near the Central Station, just ask local people may know, to go by taxi from the central just ask you HK$40 as it just behind the central station of Hamburg for 3 minutes travelling.

Anonym hat gesagt…

出爐諾貝爾文學獎得主略薩( Mario Vargas Llosa),堅決反獨裁,被譽為「秘魯良心」。


74歲 的略薩,前日在美國紐約出席記者會時說:「 必須鼓勵新一代閱讀,尤其要令年輕人深信文學不只是知識,不只是學習某種思想或概念的方式,而是一種非凡樂趣。」

他又指,「 若我們想未來的生活有自由,好的文學是最重要的」,因為它打造出來的公民,不會那麼容易被當權者支配。

「 沒有東西比好的文學更能喚醒社會的心靈。這解釋了為何所有獨裁政權,不論打着甚麼旗幟,第一件要做的事,都是實施審查制度。」

他說:「 他們試圖控制文學生命,因為他們見到文學生命是危害權力的種子。好的文學,能喚醒人的批判性精神,創造一批更難被操縱的公民。」


他說:「 我希望新科技不代表書本內容會變得乏味。」


Anonym hat gesagt…

多讀文學 防被極權洗腦