Kaufmann譯 : 黑格爾精神現象學序言
Walter Kaufmann : the Preface to the Phenomenology ( Hegel)
excerpted from Walter Kaufmann : Hegel : Reinterpretation, Text and Commentary
page 373
But consider the Philistine who reads the final speech of Geothe's Faust, in the fifth act of Part Two, and says: " I always knew that nothing good could come of boundless striving; one has to settle down to a job and do it well." He has got hold of a " naked result" or a " lifeless generality."
Real comprehension depends on a grasp neither of the play without the last act, nor of the speech without the play, but of " the result together with its becoming."
In the case of a philosophic position, too, the "BECOMING " involves not olny the detailed arguments but also " the seriousness of life in its fullness" (Ernst des erfullten Lebens).
Yet this, however necessary, is not enough for philosophy which requires, " in addition to all this, the seriousness of the Concept."
德國將出版德文等多種語言版《 劉曉波文集》
《哲人道》第二十九集(1):谷爆最好:陳雲 Bye Bye香港
2 Kommentare:
atou, do you remember the voice we heard on the boat that night?
Before those words we heard come these ones: "When I WAS a child, I SPOKE as a child. I UNDERSTOOD as a child, I THOUGHT as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Here before you is neither the program called the Puppet Master nor the woman that was called the Major.
陳雲 : 港財閥, 請「地獄式捐獻」 !
The Hegel Myth and Its Method
Source: “ From Shakespeare to Existentialism: Studies in Poetry, Religion, and Philosophy” by Walter Kaufmann, Beacon Press, Boston 1959, page 88-119,
Chapter 7: The Hegel Myth and Its Method;
Transcribed: by Kai Froeb.
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