李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. Hoffmeister ed. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 69 )
page 69
1. There is nothing we can do about it now, and we react against the lassitude into which such sorrowful reflections can plunge us and return to our customary attitude, to the aims and interest of the present, which [call for] ACTIVITY rather than laments over the past.
2. ... to whom, or to what ultimate end have the monstrous sacrifices been made?
3. A principle, fundamental rule or law is something universal and implicit, and as such, it has NOT attained complete reality, however true it may be in itself.
4. In other words, that which exists only in itself is a possibility or potentiality which has NOT YET emerged into existence.
5. A second moment is necessary before it can attain reality-- that of actuation or realisation; and its principle is the WILL, the ACTIVITY of mankind in the world at large.
6. It is only by means of this ACTIVITY that the original concept or implicitly determination are realised and actualised.
司馬遼太郎--新選組血風錄——総司之戀 (司馬遼太郎)
木村幸比古,幕末, 新選組
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木村幸比古,幕末, 新選組
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