Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

9 properties of the ROC for the Z-transform

9 properties of the ROC for the Z-transform

9 properties of the Region of Convergence ( ROC) for the Z-transform

1. The ROC of X(z) consists of a ring in the z-plane centered about the origin.

2. The ROC does NOT contain any poles.

3. If x[n] is of finite duration, then the ROC is the ENTIRE z-plane, except possibly z=0 and/or z = undefined.

4. If x[n] is a Right-sided sequence, and if the circle | z | = r0 is in the ROC, then all finite values of z for which | z |> r0 will also be in the ROC.

5. If x[n] is a Left-sided sequence, and if the circle | Z | = ro is in the ROC, then ALL values of z for which 0< | Z |< r0 will also be in the ROC.

6. If x[n] is two sided, and if the circle |z|=r0 is in the ROC, hthen the ROC will consist of a RING in the z-plane that includes the circle | z| = r0.

7. If the z-transform X(z) of x[n] is rational, then its ROC is bounded by poles or extends to infinity.

8. If the z-transform X(z) of x[n] is ration, and if x[n] is right sided, then the ROC is the region in the z-plane OUTSIDE the outermost pole -- i.e., outside the circle of radius equal to the largest magnitude of the poles of X(z).

Furthermore, if x[n] is causal ( i.e., if it is right sided and eual to 0 for n <0), then the ROC also inclides z = undefined.

9. If the z-transform X(z) of x[n] is rational, and if x[n] is LEFT sided, then the ROC is the region in the z-plane INSIDE the innermost nonzero pole --

i.e., inside the circle of radius equal to the smallest magnitude of the poles of X(z) other than any at z=0. and extending inward to and possibly including z=0.

In particular, if x[n] is anti-causal (i.e., if it is left sided and equal to 0 for n >0 ), then the ROC also includes z= 0.

Every Little Thing - Pray


Wan Chin:

中共推出「 和諧社會論」,抗爭者用普通話諧音,在二〇〇九年製造了「河蟹」之名,然後真的造出了河蟹這生物,之後為了對抗河蟹這種幻想生物,又製造一種與北方粗口諧音的幻想生物「草泥馬」,再借用南美洲的駝羊為像,真的造出了草泥馬出來。

然後,草泥馬與河蟹退出正經語言的場所,大戰在「馬勒戈壁」的虛幻地方。民間不與中共爭奪正經語言的詮釋權,卻自我從攻擊對象之上滑落(sliding away from target),溜出正軌,不斷地衍生幻想語言和幻想圖像,最後自甘墮落,淪落到使用粗言穢語的地步。


Wan Chin :
語言戲謔用來宣傳抗爭或諷刺時弊,仍是有用的,但不能成為抗爭行動的主題,一大群人去玩語言戲謔,甚至成為舞台表演. . .

Wan Chin :
破解中共這種戰略佈局,我幾個星期前提出過關鍵少數論( critical minority)。


至於中共和 港共的剝削機器,已經不是農牧社會的粗糙狀態,而是金融社會的剝削,這種社會,對公共治安和 秩序的要求很高,也受到國際輿論影響,故此要顛覆這種所謂 超穩定秩序,毫不困難。

Wan Chin:



政府這些貌似自打嘴巴的房屋政策,其實惡毒無比。政府的用心,是鼓勵部分市民同流合污,參與「 化公為私」的發財遊戲,雙手沾滿邪惡,然後這些得到小利益的市民便會走出來以保護樓價、捍衛私產的名義,惡言指責那些為公益而奮鬥的抗爭者。


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