EE5410 Signal Porcessing --The trade-off of FIR filters
Wan Chin:
雖然我覺得武力絕對唔係一個好既解決方法. 但絕不能放棄在最後最後使用,
就好似小國擁有攻擊性而不是防禦軍事設備, 雖然如果一打扙好可能會滅國,
但係別人知道, 你最後有寧為玉碎, 不為瓦全既決心, 反而得到和平;尊重及合理既對代.
For FIR filters, one of the principal trade-offs between the time and frequency domains is that increasing the flexibility in specifying the frequency domain characteristics of the filter,
including, eg., achieving a higher degree of frequency selectivity, requires an FIR filter with an impulse response of LONGER duration.
Nonrecursive filters CAN have exactly linear phase.
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