李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. Hoffmeister ed. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 73-74 )
p.74 神機啟動 1 (ie. how reason realises itself? )
1. World history begins with it universal ends -- that the CONCEPT of the spirit should be realised -- existing only in itself, ie, as mere nature; it is as yet only an inward, basic, UNCONSCIOUS IMPULSE, and the whole activity of world history, as already mentioned, is a constant ENDEAVOUR ( 盡力 ) to MAKE this impulse CONSCIOUS.
2. Thus, what we have called the subjective element --ie. needs, impulse, passions, particular interests, and opinions or subjective ideas -- is immediately PRESENT to itself from the beginning in the shape of natural being or natural will.
3 This vast conglomeration of volition, interests, and activities is the sum total of Instruments and means which the world spirit employs to accomplish ( 完成 ) its end, to MAKE this end CONSCIOUS and to give it reality;
4. and its end is simply that of FINDING ITSELF, of coming to terms ( 達成協議 ) with itself, and of contemplating ( 思量 ) its OWN ACTUALITY.
5. All these expressions of individual and natural life, in seeking and fulfilling the OWN ENDS, are at the same time th MEANS ( 方法) and INSTRUMENTS ( 工具) of a higher purpose and wider enterprise of which they are themselves ignorant and which they nevertheless unconsciously ( 不知不覺地 ) carry out.
酒井法子 - さよならを過ぎて
6 Kommentare:
Batou, do you remember the voice we heard on the boat that night?
Before those words we heard come these ones:
"When I WAS a child, I SPOKE as a child. I UNDERSTOOD as a child, I THOUGHT as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Here before you is neither the program called the Puppet Master nor the woman that was called the Major.
陳雲 : 港財閥, 請「地獄式捐獻」 !
" 1909年,韓國人 安重根不願當亡國奴,在哈爾濱槍殺日本樞密院議長 伊藤博文,打響韓國反抗殖民、追求獨立的第一槍。安重根 遺骨被日本人秘密處理,南北韓雙方近年遍尋不獲 . . . . . . " 安重根是天主教徒。
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