Samstag, 22. Januar 2011

EE5410 on Impulse Response h[n] 存在主義神學

on Impulse Response h[n]

excerpted from : Joyce Van de Vegte : Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing. page. 123-125.

4.7 The Impulse Response

1. The impulse response for a filter is, as the name suggests, the response of the filter to an impulse.

2. In other words, when the input to a filter is a unit impulse function ( x[n] = delta[n]), the output from the filter is the unit impulse response (h[n]).

3. The difference equation for a digital filter can be used to calculate the impulse respose for the filter. How?

4. Since the input MUST be a impulse function, the input x[n] in the difference equation can be replaced ( 代替) by delta[n].

The impulse response for filter is normally designated as h[n]. Thus, the output y[n] in the difference equation should be replaced (代替 )by h[n]

5. Once these substitutions have been made, samples of h[n] can be calculated step by step in the usual way.

6. Since ALL digital signals can be constructed from impulse functions, the impulse response can be used to PREDICT outputs for inputs of all kinds.

田立克 ( Paul Tillich) 與 存在主義

田立克沒有刻意強調 或否認過自己深受存在主義 的影響,就他看來,存在主義 是一種對於生存處境的真實描述 ── 存在主義者的濫觴乃是完全合理的,因為現實的人生的確如他們所觀察到的那般。


田立克 稱那些人類所從事以證明人生具有價值的嘗試為「 存在的勇氣」:舉凡一切的道德觀念、禁慾主義、犬儒主義、自然法權 .... 這些都是人類面對虛無人生處境時 所選擇的回應態度 ( the courage to BE in spite of . . . ) ,這些內省的態度證明了, 人類具有某種高於動物性的特殊品格,這種品格被田立克稱為「 存在的勇氣」(The Courage to Be) 。

他又稱那些人類對於道德的、倫理、品德的追求為一種「 關懷」(Concern ),而宗教是一切關懷中的極致,因為它最抽象,需要最大的勇氣去跨越理智的界限,故名之為「終極關懷」(Ultimate Concern );而基督教──尤其是新教乃是「 終極關懷」中的最大者,因此是人類所有回應中最好的一個。

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