Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

Wayfoong: the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation; a study of East Asia's transformation, political, financial, and economic, during the last hu

Wayfoong: the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation; a study of East Asia's transformation, political, financial, and economic, during the last hundred years.

古戀歌 (亞細亞書局 中華民國十六年)use firefox to download

→ 註釋歷代女子詞選 (中華書局 民國三十年)

→ 胡適: 詞選 (商務印書館 1930)

→ 汪精衛: 雙照樓詩詞稿 (北平 1941)

→ 中國歷代詠月詩詞全集

→ 中國古今對聯大觀 (上海文化出版社 1993)

→ 王力: 詩詞格律 (中華書局 2001)

汪精衛: 雙照樓詩詞稿 (北平 1941)

Use firefox to download

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