EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
Keeping in mind that Golome codes can only be used to represent nonnegative integers and that there are many Golomb codes to choose form, a key step in their effective application is the selection of divisor m.
Probability mass function (PMF) is function that defines the probability that a discrete random variable is exactly equal to some value. A PMF differs from a PDF in that a PDF's value are not probabilities; rather, the integral of a PDF over a specified interval is a probability.
The discrete probability distribution defined by the PMF is called the geometric probability distribution.
Its continuous counter-part is the exponential distribution.
孟德斯鳩在《論法的精神》中講道,中國人是" 地球上最善於騙人的民族","具有一種常人難以想像的貪利之心",而且法律也"准許欺騙"。
康德不無鄙夷地評論說: " 中國人無論什麼都吃,甚至狗、貓、蛇等等。食品均按重量出售,所以,他們往雞嗉囊裡填沙子。一頭死豬如果分量重, 可以比一頭活豬賣更好的價錢,
18世紀,一個叫理查・沃爾特的說,中國人是個 " 自私自利的民族",極盡"各種詭計、敲詐之能事": 為了增加賣出的鴨子的重量, 而塞進鴨肚過多的石塊砂礫; 往豬肉內注水,給豬吃大量的鹽刺激其喝大量的水,然後再想辦法阻止它們排尿,在此之前將豬賣掉。
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