Mittwoch, 8. September 2010

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 34-35 )

page 34
1. It is man who abstract the laws from empirical reality and acquires knowledge of them.


2. I wish, from the outset, to emphasise this distinction between a definition, principle, or truth which remains abstract, and one whose specific determination and concrete development are also explained.


3. For divine providence is wisdom, coupled with infinite power,which realises its ends,i.e. the absolute and rational design of the world; and reason is freely self-determining thought or what the Greeks called "nous".


p.35, 神機

4. They conceive of providence as an abstraction [and] make do with a general idea of it [ without discussing its determinate application ]


5. The determinate aspects of providence, the specific actions it performs, constitute the providential plan ( i.e., the end and means of its destiny and aims ).

But this plan is supposed to be hidden from our view, and we are told that it is presumptuous to try to comprehend it.


陳雲 : 評論之終局 鳳翼天翔

1. 要改變困局,只能轉而求之於非理性衝動的總體爆發,在廢墟和殘骸之中重新建設。這叫革命。眾人壓抑久了,到了轉捩點,要爆發行動,理性分析和善意忠告,就只限於同道之間流傳;公開發表,就「 阻住地球轉」,變成反革命了。

2. 政改之後,香港的終局,已可預知。於是我在政論專欄,將言論層層推進,達到極點,一般人認為是天方夜譚,連預備中國崩潰的「中美共治香港論」都說出來了。

3. 總體爆發的暴亂革命,史上沒有多少個政治家有道德操守和通透智慧去駕馭。當然,用來消滅邪惡霸權,以惡止惡,革命很有效。

4. 然而,革命的功用,所謂弔民伐罪,也僅止於弔民伐罪而已。要開太平之世,靠的仍是溫溫吞吞的理性商量,跌跌撞撞的實務改善。

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