Donnerstag, 2. September 2010

EE5410 Signal Processing : Unit Impulse

EE5410 Signal Processing : Unit Impulse

1. the unt impulse is perhaps the simplest sequence becausse it has only ONE nonzero value, which occurs at n = 0.

The Kronecker delta function

delta[n] = 1 if n = 0
delta[n] = 0 if n != 0

x[n] = sum (for k) : x[k] * delta[n-k]

2. Using the unit impulse response delta[n], through addition and multiplication, to represent x[n]

eg. x[n] = 2 * delta[n] + 4 * delta[n-1] + 6 * delta[n-2] + 4 * delta[n -3] + 2 * delta [n-4]

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