Donnerstag, 9. September 2010

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 36-38 )

1. It was Socrates who took the first step towards finding a means of combining the concrete with the universal, if only in a subjective and one-sided way; thus his polemics are not directed against concrete applications of the principle.


2. The concrete events are the ways of providence, the means its uses, the phenomena in which it manifests itself in history; they are open to our inspection, and we only have to relate them to the general principle referred to above.

p. 37
3. It we admit that providence reveals itself in such objects and materials, why should we not do the same in world history?

p. 38

4. Thus if knowledge of God is impossible, the only thing left for the mind to occupy itself with is the non-divine, the limited, the finite.

p. 38

5. Of course, it is necessary for man to occupy himself with finite things; but there is also a higher necessity which requires that there should be a sabbath ( 安息日 )in his existence, a time when he can rise above his daily labours to occupy his mind consciously with truth.

Macross ED - Runner (Duet with SeSeHorie)!

超時空要塞 Macross ~ Runner ランナー (中文版)

是誰在這裡 為理想繼續獨行
茫茫人海 如何能找到你的路
獨自獨往 只見你為理想背叛從前
浮雲如煙 誰人能捨棄那些夢
當天瀟灑走遠方 從未覺路長
今天瑟縮一角中 難復再清醒
誰人可 從漆黑中找出光輝
盼望有天我能 同共你夢裡輕舞

淚痕在心裡 在細哭昨日路難行
重重欄阻 誰人能找到你的路
默默獨往 只有愛共晚星作伴導行
長長途中 如何能失去那些夢
舊日就像是無奈 藏在於心裡
日後日復日明日 誰為愛追趕
常回憶 從光輝之旅豁出去
有日我將遠行 踄步到夜裡輕唱

路仍是這麼遠 是昨天故事淚痕
人群中 誰人能模索你的路
淚滴落處 只見你 站遠方告別辭行
遙遙繁星 如何能洗卻我的淚
未問日後若重會 能為我輕吻
日後若在路途上 能為我傷感
如繁星 從幽谷中引領方向

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