Samstag, 10. September 2011

The Encyclopaedia Logic (with the Zusatze ) Part I of the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences with the Zusatze A new translation with Introduction

The Encyclopaedia Logic ( with the Zusatze) Part I of the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences with the Zusatze A new translation with Introduction and notes by T. F. Geraets, W. A. Suchting, and H. S. Harris

The Cunning of Reason

§ 209

(3) Even in conjunction with its means the purposive activity is still directed outwards, because the purpose is also not identical with the object; consequently it, too, must still be mediated with the object.

In this second premise the means, as object, is immediately related with the other extreme of the syllogism, the objectivity as presupposed, the material. This relation
is the sphere of mechanism and chemism which now serve the purpose which is the truth and free Concept of them both.

The fact that the subjective purpose, as the power over these processes (in which the objective gets used up through mutual friction and sublates itself) , keeps itself outside of them and preserves itself in them is the cunning of reason. "


Addition . Reason is as cunning as it is mighty . Its cunning generally consists in the mediating activity which, while it lets objects act upon one another according to
their own nature, and wear each other out, executes only its purpose without itself
mingling in the process.

In this sense we can say that, with regard to the world and its process, divine Providence behaves with absolute cunning.

God lets men, who have their particular passions and interests, do as they please, and what results is the accomplishment of his intentions, which are something other than those whom he employs were directly concerned about.

a. die List der Vernunft

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