李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. Hoffmeister ed. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 61 )
page 61.
1. There is nothing new under the sun. But this is not so with the sun of the spirit. It movement and progression DO NOT repeat themselves, for the CHANGING aspect of the spirit as it passes through endlessly varying forms is essentially progress.
2. This progress is evident even when the national spirit destroys itself by the NEGATIVITY if its thought, because its knowledge, its thinking apprehension of being, is the source and matrix from which a NEW form -- and indeed a higher form, whose principle both CONSERVES and TRANSFIGURES it -- emerges.
3. Each determinate form which the spirit assumes does not simply FADE away naturally with the passage of time, but is preserved in the SELF-DETERMINING, SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS activity of the self-consciousness. Since this preservation is an activity of thought, it is both a CONSERVATION and a TRANSFIGURATION.
4. Individuals withdraws into themselves and pursue their own ends, and this, as already remarked, is the nations' undoing: each individual sets himself his OWN ENDS as his PASSION dictate.
page 61-62.
5. Division contains and carries with it the need for Unification, because the spirit is itself ONE. It is a living thing, and is powerful enough to CREATE the unity it requires.
urusei yatsura ED「宇宙は大ヘンだ」 FULL
Hiatari Ryoukou (陽あたり良好) OP 1 (HQ)
3 Kommentare:
朱光潛譯 : 黑格爾--美學
一 美學的範圍和地位
根據“ 藝術的哲學 ”這個名稱,我們就把•自•然•美除開了。
從一方面看,我們這樣界定物件的範圍,好象有些武斷,好 象以為每一門學科都有權任意界定它的範圍。
但是我們把美 學局限於藝術的美,並不應根據這種瞭解。在日常生活中我 們固然常說•美的顏色,•美的天空,•美的河流,以及•美的花卉, •美的動物,尤其常說的是•美的人。
我們在這裏姑且不去爭辯 在什麼程度上可以把美的性質加到這些物件上去,以及自然 美是否可以和藝術美相提並論,不過我們可以肯定地說,藝 術美•高•于自然。
① 產生和•再•生•的•美,心 靈和它的產品比自然和它的現象高多少,藝術美也就比自然 美高多少。
從•形•式看,任何一個無聊的幻想,它既然是經過 了人的頭腦,也就比任何一個自然的產品要高些,因為這種
see also : 業主起義踢走長實
小業主反長實運動正星火燎原。繼馬鞍山聽濤雅苑後,九龍塘畢架山一號業主立案法團,不滿長實子公司高衞管理質素惡劣,決定揭竿起義 . . .
source : 豪宅管理差 業主起義踢走長實 (25 Sept 2010 )
不滿益自己友 籲投票罷免管理公司 聽濤雅苑業主 起義反長實
豪宅管理差 業主起義踢走長實
聽濤雅苑業主 起義反長實
聽濤雅苑業主 起義反長實
長江實業馬鞍山樓盤聽濤雅苑一眾小業主,不滿長實入伙 13年來以公契經理人身份,將屋苑每年 4,300萬元 管理合約,自動外判予旗下高衞物業管理有限公司,
業主立案法團打算召開業主大會罷免長實, . . .
法團表示, 須獲過半數業主支持才能踢走長實,呼籲小業主齊心起義。
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