李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. Hoffmeister ed. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 48-49 )
page 48-49
1. the spirit PRODUCES and REALISES itself in the light of its knowledge of itself; it ACTS in such a way that all its knowledge of itself is also realised.
2. Thus everything depends on the spirit's self-awareness; if the spirit knows that it is FREE, it is altogether different from what it would be WITHOUT this knowledge.
3. For if it does NOT know that it is FREE, it is in the position of a SLAVE who is content with his slavery and does not know that his condition is an improper one..
4. It is the sensation of freedom alone which makes the spirit free, although it is in fact always free IN and FOR itself.
page 49
6 What man IS reality, he must also BE indeality.
7. In man, the impulse is present before it is satisfied and independently of its satisfaction; in controlling or giving rein to his impulses, man ACTS in accordance with ends and DETERMINES himself in th light of a general principle.
8. It is up to him to DECIDE what end to follow; he can MAKE his end a completely universal one.
1 Kommentar:
早年曾創立了亞信公司,有「中國資訊化第一人」之稱的田朔寧,曾和馬雲去見了一次蘋果創辦人喬布斯( Steve Jobs)。
中國不僅在寫軟體上屈居下風,上海世博開幕時,大陸網民就一針見血地寫道:「 我們不要做經濟的巨人、政治的侏儒、科技的侏儒!不要做山寨大國!」
英國政經學者 Will Hutton 在《 The Writing on the Wall》一書寫道:「在整個改革時期,中國本土的企業大多以低工資為基礎進行競爭、剽竊科技、不顧環境成本。」
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