Sonntag, 26. September 2010

MS5220 Managment Science Homework4 Excel Solver Setting

MS5220 Managment Science Homework4 Excel Solver Setting

The spirit is such that it PRODUCES itself and MAKES itself what it IS.

In doing HW4, for some of your computers and/or versions of the Solver software, you may have to modify your “Precision” setting using the following steps:

1. After invoking the Solver in an Excel Solve LP worksheet, click on “Options” in the Solve dialog box.

2. In the subsequent dialog box, for “Precision,” set it at 0.001 (the current setting may be, say 0.000001).

Hegel prided himself on having taught philosophy to speak German.
黑格爾以他能教導哲學說德語而驕傲 . . .

不滿益自己友 籲投票罷免管理公司 聽濤雅苑業主 起義反長實

豪宅管理差 業主起義踢走長實

聽濤雅苑業主 起義反長實
聽濤雅苑業主 起義反長實

長江實業馬鞍山樓盤聽濤雅苑一眾小業主,不滿長實入伙 13年 來以公契經理人身份,將屋苑每年 4,300萬元 管理合約,自動外判予旗下高衞物業管理有限公司,
業主立案法團打算召開業主大會罷免長實, . . .

法團表示, 須獲過半數業主支持才能踢走長實,呼籲小業主齊心起義。

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