Dienstag, 22. November 2011

EE4206/EE5806 : Digital Image Processing : 2-D DFT Symmetry Property 3

EE4206/EE5806 : Digital Image Processing : 2-D DFT Symmetry Property 3

Prove : If f(x,y) is a real function, the real part of its DFT is even and the imaginary part is odd;
similarly, if a DFT has real and imaginary parts that are even and odd respectively, then its IDFT is a real function.

ie., f(x,y) real <---> R(u,v) even; I(u,v) odd

steps :

1. F(u,v) is complex in general, so it can be expressed as the SUM of real and an imaginary part:

f(u,v) = R(u,v) + jI(u,v).

2. Then, F^*(u,v)= R(u,v) - jI(u,v).

3. Also, F(-u,-v) = R(-u,-v) + jI(-u,-v).

4. The Fourier transform of a real function f(x,y) is conjugate symmetric (even):

F^*(u,v) = F(-u,-v) (property 1)

5. Therefore, F^*(u,v) = R(-u,-v) + jI(-u,-v)

6. Then, F(u,v) = R(-u,-v) - jI(-u,-v)

7. from 1, F(u,v) = R (u,v) + jI(u,v)

8. from 6 and 7, therefore, R(u,v) = R(-u,-v) (even) and
I(u,v) = -I(-u,-v) (odd)


Property 8

Prove : f(x,y) real and even <---> F(u,v) real and even

1. If f(x,y) is real we know that from property 3 that the real part of F(u,v) is even, so to prove property 8 all we need to do is show that if f(x,y) is real and even then the imaginary part of F(u,v) is 0, ie., I(u,v) = 0 ( ie., F is real)

2. use Euler's equation and the fact that cos(x) is an even function and sin(x) is an odd function.

3. even function X even function = even function

4. odd function X odd function = even function

5. even funcion X odd function = odd function

6. The product of two even or two odd functions is even, and that the product of an even and odd function is odd.

7. the only way that a discrete function can be odd is ifall its samples sum to zero.

excerpted from :
Digital Image Processing, 3rd., by Gonzalez and Woods, ch4, page 262-266.



  仲尼之作 《 春秋 》 也,上探正天端王公之位,萬民之所欲,下明得失,起賢才以待後聖。故引史記,理往事,正是非,序王公。史記十二公之間,皆衰世之事,故門人惑。

孔子曰:“ 吾因其行事,而加乎王心焉。 ” 以為見之空言,不如行事博深切明。故子貢、閔子、公肩子言其切,而為 國家賢也。其為切而至於弑君亡國,奔走不得保社稷。其所以然,是皆不明於道,不覽於 《 春秋 》 也。故衛子夏言 “ 有國家者,不可不學 《 春秋 》 ”。

不學《春 秋》,則無以見前後旁側之危,則不知國之大柄、君之重任也。故或脅窮失國,擒殺於位,一朝至爾。苟能述 《 春秋 》 之法,致行其道,豈徒除禍哉?乃堯舜之德 也。故世子曰: “ 功及子孫,光輝百世,聖王之道,莫美於恕。” 故予先言 《 春秋 》,詳己而略人,因其國而容天下。

《 春秋 》 之道,大得之則以王,小得之則以 霸,故曾子、子石盛美齊侯。安諸侯,尊天子,霸王之道,皆本於仁。仁,天心,故次以天心。愛人之大者,莫大於思患而豫防之,故蔡得意于吳,魯得意于齊,而 《 春秋 》 皆不告,故次以言“怨人不可邇,敵國不可狎,攘竊之國不可使久親”,皆防患、為民除患之意也。

不愛民之漸,乃至於死亡,故言楚靈王、晉厲公生弑於 位,不仁之所致也。故善宋襄公不厄人,不由其道而勝,不如由其道而敗,《 春秋 》 貴之,將以變習俗而成王化也。

故子夏言 《 春秋 》 重人。諸譏皆本此,或奢侈使 人憤怨,或暴虐賊害人,終皆禍及身。故子池言魯莊築台、丹楹刻桷,晉厲之刑刻意者,皆不得以壽終。上奢侈,刑又急,皆不內恕,求備於人,故次以 《 春秋 》 緣 人情,赦小過,而 《 傳 》 明之曰 “ 君子辭也 ”。孔子明得失,見成敗,疾時世之不仁,失王道之體,故因行事,赦小過,《傳》又明之曰 “ 君子辭也 ”。

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