Dienstag, 7. September 2010

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 29)

1. "It has already been shown and will again emerge in the course of this enquiry that the history of the world is a rational process, th rational and necessary evolution of the world spirit."

2. The spirit [is] the substance of history; its nature is always one and the same; and it discloses this nature in the existence of the world. ( The world spirit is the absolute spirit.)

3. ... he brings his categories with him, and they influence his vision of the data he has before him.

( Nisbet, page 30)

1. " it concentrates its attention on the concrete spiritual principle in the life of nations, and deals not with individual situations but with a universal thought which runs throughout the whole.

2. "the object of history is the most concrete of all, for it comprehends every aspect of existence; the world spirit is its individuality.

3. What philosophy is therefore concerned with in its treatment of history is th concrete object in its concrete form, and it traces the necessary development of this object.

4. its chief concern is the spirit of the events themselves, the moving spirit within them, ...

5. Its criteria of the essential and the inessential will vary according to the end it is pursuing in its examination of history, and the ends it sets itself can also vary enormously.

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1968年 法國,正處於戰後重建所謂「 光輝三十年」(1945-1975)中途,經濟發展急速,國際地位提高,社會正處於空前繁榮期間。

但起安定富裕表皮下,強勢總統戴高樂之專斷,加上大學生人數急增同時,教學硬件設備追唔上、導致教學品質落後等,都引致唔少法國人,特別青年人自覺「 物質提升,信仰下降」。




至5月25日 達成協議,滿足工人學生訴求,教育制度改革、政府改組、重新選舉....至6月中旬,風暴已基本平息。



而我起高登介紹呢件事,其實主要係想講,有時真係唔一定食得飽有工番就要滿足,同樣類型嘅運動起香港發生,上街嘅學生工人們大概又只會被描繪成「 自己冇料到就怨社會」、唔知足、成日賴三賴四賴政府賴制度嘅無恥之徒吧....

× 托老師和考試的福,六歲就開始與人競爭。
× 咱們一起推倒托兒所、大學和其它牢獄的大門吧。
× 要作愛,不要作戰。
× 做現實主義者,求不可能之事。
× 社會是一株食人花。
× 母校,我甜蜜的母校,私通的母校,父祖的母校。
× 商品是人民的鴉片。
× 他們在收購你的快樂。把它偷回來
× 前進,同志,舊世界已經被你拋在腦後。
× 有多少報道,就有多少質疑。
× 我們不詢問,我們不要求,我們把它拿下,接著就占領。
× 沒有什麽東西叫做革命思想,只有革命行動。
× 能意識到自己的欲望就叫自由。
× 你們雖富猶懼,雖生猶死。
× 從來就沒有救世主,也沒有神仙皇帝,我就是救世主。
× 嚴禁使用嚴禁!

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