Montag, 6. September 2010

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)

李榮添 : 歷史之理性 -- 黑格爾歷史哲學導論述析 ( Hoffmeister, Nisbet)
excerpted from Lectures on the Philosophy of World History : Introduction : Reason in History. tr. by Nisbet.
( Nisbet, page 27)

". . .Within philosophy itself, however, it is not a presupposition; for it is proved in philosophy by speculative cognition that reason -- and we can adopt this expression for the moment without a detailed discussion with its relationship to God -- is substance and infinite power;

it is itself the infinite material of all natural and spiritual life, and the infinite form which activates this material content. "

" It is substance, i.e. that through which and in which all reality has its being and subsistence; it is infinite power, for reason is sufficiently powerful to be able to create something more than just an ideal, an obligation which supposedly exists in some unknown region beyond reality ( or, as is more likely, only as a particularly idea in the heads of a few individuals);

and it is the infinite content, the essence and truth of everything, itself constituting the material on which it operates through its own activity. "

"Unlike finite actions, it does not require an external material as a condition of its operation, or outside resources from which to derive its sustenance and the objects of its activity; it is self-supporting, and is itself the material of its own preparation. " ( Nisbet, page 27)

陳雲:胡蘭成的膽識 與權謀、仕進與學問

1. 莊子." 胠篋 " : 言:「 竊鉤者誅,竊國者侯。」 賣國是大生意,中國沒幾個人夠資格被稱為「漢奸」的;能賣國者,須有「 竊國 」之才也。

對於胡蘭成,現成的判斷,是認為他出仕汪精衛的南京政府,主張中日之間的「和平運動 」,是漢奸無疑。白居易 " 放言" 詩云:


2. 在滿清覆亡,經濟疲弊而列強環伺之際,當政者或革命者都要勾結外國,李鴻章如是,孫文如是,毛澤東如是。辦洋務的漢官李鴻章要在滿清立足,必須挾洋自重。. . .

3. 胡蘭成致書梁漱溟,曾預言 :「 中國今後將有秦興,抑或可免此一劫而直接就開出新的漢朝,此則尚有天意存於其間。」

他原期望解放軍以繼承中華民國的大志和 中國民間起兵的機運,重建中國,可是共軍席捲中國之後,他目睹到處是鬥地主,逼公債,「其後更三反五反,****,則是共產黨要把民間起兵的餘勢 及其再燃的可能,轉換方向,消耗至永絕。」

Shanzhaiism ( 山寨主義 )in China : The Fake-One Road!m3yjq.KQGRu5wWDGLuhCpQ--/article?mid=989&prev=990&next=976

薄扶林金毛強 vs 阿叔林尚義@古惑仔3隻手遮天

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The sole aim of philosophical enquiry is to eliminate the contingent.

Contingency is the same as external necessity, that is , a necessity which originates in causes which are themselves no more than external circumstances. p.28

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問陳雲怎為之好的評論文章?他說:「 能帶到一些新見解,另外要有社會公義,啟發民智。」

今年 (2010 )年初,他就社運人士被告襲警寫出的《 如何毀滅一隊警隊》堪稱經典,他寫到:「 毀滅一隊警察,不須人民起義,不須槍炮刀劍,只須政府以不義之名,唆使警察陷害忠良,警察就濫權營私,不成為警察,而成為家僕與鬼卒了。」

文章被瘋狂轉載,有前警員馬上撰文回應,黃毓民更拿此文章,在立法會質問李少光,「 但李少光也不敢說我錯,他只是說文章偏激,哈哈。這文章其實幫了政府,我想警方不會再用嚴厲法例控告社運人士了,他們不敢了。」


你寧願社會谷到爆?「 對,所有文明都是源於此的。」但有人谷到爆就會去幼椎園殺小朋友,「他們殺完小朋友就會殺警察了,嘿嘿。」

我不服,評論不是有教化作用嗎?「 本來是可以的,如果社會裏有反對黨、商界聽了會改,這是有作用的。有時,評論也能取代社會運動。」陳雲決絕的說,今後他也不寫政論了,「因為我知道沒有用,我情願看它谷爆。」