Samstag, 3. März 2012

PR#222 : But if I have a right, it must at the same time be a right posited in law.


In court the specific character which rightness acquires is that it must be demonstrable. When parties go to law, they are put in the position of having to make good their evidence and their claims and to make the judge acquainted with the facts. These steps in a legal process are themselves rights, and their course must therefore be fixed by law. They also constitute an essential part of jurisprudence.

Vor den Gerichten erhält das Recht die Bestimmung, ein erweisbares sein zu müssen. Der Rechtsgang setzt die Parteien in den Stand, ihre Beweismittel und Rechtsgründe geltend zu machen, und den Richter, sich in die Kenntnis der Sache zu setzen. Diese Schritte sind selbst Rechte; ihr Gang muß somit gesetzlich bestimmt sein, und sie machen auch einen wesentlichen Teil der theoretischen Rechtswissenschaft aus.

Addition: A man may be indignant ( 憤慨的 ) if a right which he knows he has is refused him because he cannot prove it. But if I have a right, it must at the same time be a right posited in law. I must be able to explain and prove it, and its validity can only be recognised in society if its rightness in principle is also made a posited rightness in law.

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