Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

[BBC] 港人登廣告要求政府限制內地孕婦


香港一個民間組織星期三( 2月1日 )在暢銷報紙《 蘋果日報 》上刊登廣告,要求當局限制內地孕婦「 入侵 」香港。

這個佔據整版的廣告質問港人:「 你願意香港每18分鐘花 $1,000,000 養育「 雙非 」兒童嗎? 」


廣告還聲稱:「 香港人,忍夠了! 」

廣告提出:「 強烈要求政府修訂 基本法24條!限制大陸雙非孕婦無限量入侵香港!」

「 請尊重本地文化 」

廣告寫道:「 因為明白你們受毒奶粉所害,所以容忍你們來搶購奶粉;因為明白你們沒有自由,所以招待你們來港「 自由行 」;因為明白你們教育落後,所以分享了教育資源給你們;因為了解你們看不懂正體字,所以下面用了殘體字:「 來香港請尊重本地文化,要不是香港你們全完蛋了」 」。

這個廣告由「 反對內地孕婦來港產子!10萬人Like俾政府睇!Facebook活動群組 」集資購買。


意大利奢侈時裝品牌 D&G 在香港尖沙咀店鋪保安阻止港人拍照 卻允許內地人拍照的做法引發大批港人到該店門前拍照示威,最終以 D&G 發表道歉聲明告終。





中國中央人民政府駐香港聯絡辦公室主任彭清華星期二發表講話說孔慶東的言論是「 不當言論 」。

他說:「 這些言論不僅引起了許多香港市民的不滿,也受到了許多內地民眾的批評。」

彭清華對孔慶東的言論「 深表遺憾 」。

他說:「 我們充分肯定香港同胞對國家現代化建設和改革開放作出的不可替代的重要貢獻,充分信賴香港同胞與內地同胞血濃於水的深厚感情。」


Hong Kongers call mainland Chinese " locusts " in newspaper ad

Ad calling mainland Chinese ' locusts ' runs in Hong Kong

港人反陸回敬孔慶東 登廣告促限制孕婦與「 雙非 」兒童-TW


[BBC] Hong Kong advert calls Chinese mainlanders 'locusts'

A group of Hong Kong residents have placed an advertisement in a popular tabloid calling people from mainland China ''locusts''.

The full-page advertisement in Apple Daily was funded by donations from a web-based group.

The term is an insult commonly used on the web by some of the city's residents to refer to mainlanders.

It comes as tensions escalate in Hong Kong over China's increasing influence and the influx of mainland visitors.

The advert, which warned of possible social conflict, contained lines such as " Hong Kongers have had enough ! " and " This city is dying, you know? ".

The donors, who raised more than HK$100,000 ( $13,000, £8,200 ) for the advertisement in less than a week, also called for the government to stop the ''unlimited infiltration'' of mainlanders.

"Why are mainland mothers flooding in to take up resources in public hospitals, getting our benefits and social welfare?'' one of the organisers of the campaign told the South China Morning Post newspaper.

''Why do mainlanders... refuse to follow our rules and order? We can't accept that," said the man, who used the alias ''Yung Jhon''.
'Battle for resources'

Tensions erupted last month when Dolce and Gabbana allegedly banned locals from taking photographs outside its Hong Kong flagship store, seeming to show a preference for wealthy mainland shoppers.

The Italian fashion label later apologised but the incident sparked off a flurry of furious reactions from Hong Kong residents.

An influx of mothers travelling from the mainland to Hong Kong to give birth to obtain rights for their children to live and work there has also irked the city's residents.

The issue is a battle for resources, says the BBC's Juliana Liu in Hong Kong. In part because of its British colonial legacy, Hong Kong is believed to have some of the best healthcare and education in China.

Hong Kong was returned to Chinese rule in 1997.

The '' locusts '' advertisement follows recent controversial remarks made by Peking University professor Kong Qingdong.

He called Hong Kongers " bastards " and "running dogs of the British government" when commenting on an earlier incident in which a mainland Chinese girl was reportedly told off by locals for eating on a Hong Kong train.

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