Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2016



荷蘭人向中國人講明來意之後( 「你還要不要買奶粉?」),將奶粉撒向中國人洩憤!


Come on, let us watch how did the Dutch deal with those Chinese who ransacked the local supply of baby milk powder.

These Dutch people first stated their intention (“Do you still want to buy milk powder?”) to the Chinese, then showered them with milk powder to vent their anger!

Baby milk powder is produced based on the projected local need, which is classified as a national resource. It is acceptable for foreign visitors to buy a small quantity, but to ransack a local supply will adversely affect the security of local livelihood.

For example, local babies would be forced to be fed with other types or brands of milk powder. This reasoning explained by me in 2012 have successfully pressured the SAR government to enforce the “Regulation on Export of Powdered Formula” in Hong Kong.

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只要看過 《毛澤東語錄》,都知道「世界上沒有無緣無故的愛,也沒有無緣無故的恨。」


網民在帖子下留言稱,兩人名為「Romme Terbeek」  和 「Kenzo Hanter」。稍早的時候,在  「Kenzo Hanter」的Facebook主頁上看到了這段兩人自製的視頻,不過目前該帳號上­的視頻已經被刪除。

四處問華人「要不要買奶粉」 當頭潑粉

Source : DBC Select / 香港經濟日報

2016-01-26 内地陸客瘋搶奶粉惹的禍 荷蘭青年當街向華人潑奶粉(惡作劇)


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