Mittwoch, 3. August 2011

Kant : Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan aim ( 世界觀點下的普遍歷史觀念 )

Kant : Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan aim (世界觀點下的普遍歷史觀念

李明輝: 康德歷史哲學論文集--世界觀點下的普遍歷史觀念

1. Here there is no other way out for the philosopher -- who, regarding human beings and their play in the large, CANNOT at all presuppose any rational aim of theirs --

than to try whether he can discover an aim of nature in this nonsensical course of things human;

from which aim a history in accordance with a determinate plan of nature might nevertheless be possible even of creatures who do not behave in accordance with their OWN plan.


康德的知識論與形上學《純粹理性批判》導讀 / 梁瑞明 2007.

道德體驗與道德哲學 : 康德《 道德形上學探本》《 實踐理性批判》導讀 / 梁瑞明 2009.

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