Freitag, 8. Mai 2009

The Little Philosophy Book(3)

《 The Little Philosophy Book 》
by Robert C. Solomon

《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :

notes : page 99

1 ...We want to do something with our lives. We should miss our friends. We'd like to get married someday ", the response is that that is exactly what you will do, and you will have all of the relevant experiences, the joys, the frustrations, the hard work, and the rest of it.

2. But they are still unsettled because they want to REALLY do something with their lives and REALLY spend time with their friends and REALLY meet someone and get married.

3. That seems to show that most of us insist on REALLY living in the world, as fraught with ( 伴隨...的 ) uncertainty and dangers as that might be.

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