EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
#33 that we deceive ourselves only when we form judgments about
anything insufficiently known to us.
#9 because the consideration of an object unlimited in its
perfections fills with satisfaction and assurance.
#discrete-time signal and aliasing. For all created understanding
is finite, all it is of the nature of finite understanding not to
embrace all things. Therefore, we need to use interpolation to "
fill-in" the values between nTs.
Freitag, 30. April 2010
Donnerstag, 29. April 2010
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
日本大肆報導 上海世博 混亂情況
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 56-57
The relationship between point operation and histograms
1. increasing the brightness of an image by a constant value shifys the entrire histogram to the right;
2. raising the contrast widens the histogram;
3. inverting the image flips the histogram.
4.Histogram entries map to sets of pixels of the same value. If a histogram line is moved as a result of some point operations, then all pixels in the corresponding set are equally modified.
5 If, due to this operation, two histogram lines h(a1) and h(a2) coincide on the SAME index, the two corresponding pixel set joins the contained pixels become undiscernable. It is irreversible.
今次真係醜死怪了 :-( :-( :-(
成日搞埋d 面子工程,以為上太空, 搞奧運人地就會睇得起你
點之真係連最基本既禮貌, 秩序都無,
搞埋咩世博, 只會比世界更多人睇到, 咩叫 " 醜陋的中國人 "
日本大肆報導 上海世博 混亂情況
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 56-57
The relationship between point operation and histograms
1. increasing the brightness of an image by a constant value shifys the entrire histogram to the right;
2. raising the contrast widens the histogram;
3. inverting the image flips the histogram.
4.Histogram entries map to sets of pixels of the same value. If a histogram line is moved as a result of some point operations, then all pixels in the corresponding set are equally modified.
5 If, due to this operation, two histogram lines h(a1) and h(a2) coincide on the SAME index, the two corresponding pixel set joins the contained pixels become undiscernable. It is irreversible.
今次真係醜死怪了 :-( :-( :-(
成日搞埋d 面子工程,以為上太空, 搞奧運人地就會睇得起你
點之真係連最基本既禮貌, 秩序都無,
搞埋咩世博, 只會比世界更多人睇到, 咩叫 " 醜陋的中國人 "
Mittwoch, 28. April 2010
EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
Sampling Theorem
依家既, 2010 世博, 試運測試又搞到一穫泡, 你D 秩序搞又搞唔好 但又放咁撚多煙花
Quoted from : Signal Processing First by McClellan, Schafer and Yoder (2003), page 71
The sampling Theorem states that when the sampling rate is GREATER THAN TWICE the highest frequency contained in the spectrum of the analog signal, the original signal can be reconstructed exactly from the samples.
Gibbs phenomenon, Pheno crack...
Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals by Horatio Scott Carslaw
西元 2010年 03月28日 — ( 蘋果日報 ) 剛從羅馬回港的天主教 香港教區榮休主教 陳日君樞機,怒轟由中國天主教主教團 及中國天主教愛國會舉辦的天主教代表大會,指大會企圖繼續以官方勢力控制教會,教會妥協已到底線。
Sampling Theorem
依家既, 2010 世博, 試運測試又搞到一穫泡, 你D 秩序搞又搞唔好 但又放咁撚多煙花
Quoted from : Signal Processing First by McClellan, Schafer and Yoder (2003), page 71
The sampling Theorem states that when the sampling rate is GREATER THAN TWICE the highest frequency contained in the spectrum of the analog signal, the original signal can be reconstructed exactly from the samples.
Gibbs phenomenon, Pheno crack...
Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals by Horatio Scott Carslaw
西元 2010年 03月28日 — ( 蘋果日報 ) 剛從羅馬回港的天主教 香港教區榮休主教 陳日君樞機,怒轟由中國天主教主教團 及中國天主教愛國會舉辦的天主教代表大會,指大會企圖繼續以官方勢力控制教會,教會妥協已到底線。
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
Point Operations 強烈譴責中共六四屠殺
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 53-55
Point operations perform a mapping of the pixel values without changing the size, geometry or local structure of the image.
Each new pixel value a'=I'(u,v) depends exclusively on the previous value a = I(u,v) at the SAME position and is thus independent from any other value, in particular from any of its neighboring pixels.
2. If the function f() is independent of the image coordinates (ie, the same through the image), the operation is called "homogeneous".
3. Inverting Images : Inverting an intensity image is that reverses the ordering of pixel values ( by multiplying with -1 ) and adds a constant value to map the result to the admissible range again.
4. Threshold operation : Thresholding an image is a special type of quantization that separates the pixel values in TWO classes, depending upon a given threshold value a-th. To binarize an intensity image with the values a0=0 and a1=1.
Point Operations 強烈譴責中共六四屠殺
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 53-55
Point operations perform a mapping of the pixel values without changing the size, geometry or local structure of the image.
Each new pixel value a'=I'(u,v) depends exclusively on the previous value a = I(u,v) at the SAME position and is thus independent from any other value, in particular from any of its neighboring pixels.
2. If the function f() is independent of the image coordinates (ie, the same through the image), the operation is called "homogeneous".
3. Inverting Images : Inverting an intensity image is that reverses the ordering of pixel values ( by multiplying with -1 ) and adds a constant value to map the result to the admissible range again.
4. Threshold operation : Thresholding an image is a special type of quantization that separates the pixel values in TWO classes, depending upon a given threshold value a-th. To binarize an intensity image with the values a0=0 and a1=1.
Dienstag, 27. April 2010
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
histogram : binning
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 46
histogram : binning
1. Since it is not possible to represent each intensity value with its own entry in the histogram, we will instead let a single entry in the histogram represent a range of intensity values.
2. This technique is often referred to as " binning " since you can visualize it as collecting a range of pixel values in a container such as a bin or bucket.
histogram : binning
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 46
histogram : binning
1. Since it is not possible to represent each intensity value with its own entry in the histogram, we will instead let a single entry in the histogram represent a range of intensity values.
2. This technique is often referred to as " binning " since you can visualize it as collecting a range of pixel values in a container such as a bin or bucket.
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
Color Image Histograms
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 47-49
When referring to histograms of color images, typically what is meant is a histogram of the image intensity ( liminance) or of the individual color channels.
Luminance histograms and component histograms both provide useful information about the lighting, contrast, dynamic range, and saturation effects relative to the individual components.'
quoted from :
Color Image Histograms
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 47-49
When referring to histograms of color images, typically what is meant is a histogram of the image intensity ( liminance) or of the individual color channels.
Luminance histograms and component histograms both provide useful information about the lighting, contrast, dynamic range, and saturation effects relative to the individual components.'
quoted from :
Montag, 26. April 2010
EE4206/EE5806 Computing Histograms
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
香港 1997 ~ 2007 (特區十年史)
Computing Histograms
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction using java by Burger and Burge (2008)
page. 44
1.Computing the histogram of an 8-bit grayscale image containing instensity values between 0 and 255 is a simple task.
2. All we need is a set of 256 counters, one for each possible intensity value. First, all counters are initialized to zero.
3. Then we iterate through the image I(u,v), determining the pixel value p at each location, and incrementing its corresponding counter by one.
4. At the end, each counter will contain the number of pixels in the image that have corresponding intensity value.
香港 1997 ~ 2007 (特區十年史)
Computing Histograms
quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction using java by Burger and Burge (2008)
page. 44
1.Computing the histogram of an 8-bit grayscale image containing instensity values between 0 and 255 is a simple task.
2. All we need is a set of 256 counters, one for each possible intensity value. First, all counters are initialized to zero.
3. Then we iterate through the image I(u,v), determining the pixel value p at each location, and incrementing its corresponding counter by one.
4. At the end, each counter will contain the number of pixels in the image that have corresponding intensity value.
Sonntag, 25. April 2010
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
Independent JPEG Group
libjpeg 是一個完全用 C語言 編寫的庫,包含了被廣泛使用的JPEG解碼、JPEG編碼 和其他的 JPEG 功能的實現。這個庫由獨立JPEG工作組維護。最新版本號是 6b,於1998年發布。
* cjpeg and djpeg,用於JPEG 和一些其他流行圖形文件格式之間的轉換。
* rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom,用於在JFIF 文件中插入和提取文字信息。
* jpegtran – 一個用於在不同的JPEG格式 之間進行無損轉換的工具。
jpegtran 命令行程序用於:
* 優化JPEG 文件的霍夫曼編碼層來提高壓縮率,
* 在漸進和非漸進JPEG 格式之間轉換,
* 通過一些圖形程序, 消除非標準應用程序插入的數據,或者
* 執行文件中確定的變形操作,例如:
o 灰度漸變,
o 旋轉和翻轉(有某些限制),和
o 裁減
等所有「無損」(例如:不會因為解壓和 重壓縮數據,導致圖像質量的降低,即所謂的代丟失
...all done "losslessly"(i.e. without decompressing and recompressing the data, and so causing a reduction of image quality due to generation loss).
有一個相關的Windows應用程序,Jpegcrop,為「 jpegtran」提供了一個用戶界面。
轉載 from ﹕
《鍾祖康語錄》 :
13. 不僅是被統治的沒有興趣當家作主,中國統治當局也不想民眾當家作主,對一切倡議人民當家作主的言?行趕盡殺絕。
19.中國目前的文化,是徹頭徹尾的「為求富貴無所不為」的文化……我依然深信中國這樣是走邪門,最終並不能提升中國人的精神文明水平,甚至連物質生活水平也只能在一小 撮「人民」裏面有實質提升。
20. 整個民族,或當中大部份人都不腳踏實地,不拿出誠意和一點人溺己溺的人道精神來正視人生,而只一味以強淩弱收拾弱者,或虛應故事,或萬般狡辯,則這樣的民族,從常理推之,從人類歷史觀之,不可能有光明前途。
30. 統治者的奴役、壓榨、閹割和鎮壓,中國人每多臉容扭曲,簡直是折騰得不似人形。
35. 只要中國人的苦悶頹廢精神狀態不改變過來,只要中國人那種不擇手段草菅人命的陰險心態不改變過來,中國人還是要靠鴉片過日子的。
37. 中國不但極其腐化、骯髒,中國人甚至可能已沖出亞洲,不再是「東亞病夫」,而是「世界病夫」了。
54. 中國人只有小聰明和大權謀,沒有智慧,究其因可能是數千年代代相沿的鉛中毒而造成智力低下。
62. 我去中國時儘量自攜乾糧,寧願捱餓也不吃貴國食品,但即使不顧死活的吃飽了,上廁所又是頭痛問題。不論是吃飯權還是排泄權,中國人都沒有辦法解決。但他們的監獄卻做得挺堅固的。
69.說中國人「重和諧」是非常誤導的﹐因為中國人一直追求的只是「表面和諧」(superficial harmony)﹐而不是文明社會所重視的實質和諧。
72. 為甚?面對俄羅斯時﹐神聖領土卻是「可以分割」的呢?是中國領導收了俄羅斯政府甚?好處費嗎?中國統治者敢說「寧願臺灣不長草,也要解放臺灣島」﹐何以不敢說要解放符拉迪沃斯托克或庫頁島呢?
74. 中國人都很擅於將異族異地殖民,也對以他們看來是高人一等的漢文明取代異族的文明甚感自豪,甚至以提升野蠻人的文明為天職。但當中國遇到在自己之上的文明時,卻極端抗拒被人教化、提升。中國拒絕教化、提升的後果,只是傷害了自己。
80.中國長期在良好制度上交白卷﹐就制度而言中國是非常匱乏的社會﹐ 它沒有資格不假外求﹐而是必須假外求﹐必須從外國輸入良好制度﹐以補中國的不足。
Independent JPEG Group
libjpeg 是一個完全用 C語言 編寫的庫,包含了被廣泛使用的JPEG解碼、JPEG編碼 和其他的 JPEG 功能的實現。這個庫由獨立JPEG工作組維護。最新版本號是 6b,於1998年發布。
* cjpeg and djpeg,用於JPEG 和一些其他流行圖形文件格式之間的轉換。
* rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom,用於在JFIF 文件中插入和提取文字信息。
* jpegtran – 一個用於在不同的JPEG格式 之間進行無損轉換的工具。
jpegtran 命令行程序用於:
* 優化JPEG 文件的霍夫曼編碼層來提高壓縮率,
* 在漸進和非漸進JPEG 格式之間轉換,
* 通過一些圖形程序, 消除非標準應用程序插入的數據,或者
* 執行文件中確定的變形操作,例如:
o 灰度漸變,
o 旋轉和翻轉(有某些限制),和
o 裁減
等所有「無損」(例如:不會因為解壓和 重壓縮數據,導致圖像質量的降低,即所謂的代丟失
...all done "losslessly"(i.e. without decompressing and recompressing the data, and so causing a reduction of image quality due to generation loss).
有一個相關的Windows應用程序,Jpegcrop,為「 jpegtran」提供了一個用戶界面。
轉載 from ﹕
《鍾祖康語錄》 :
13. 不僅是被統治的沒有興趣當家作主,中國統治當局也不想民眾當家作主,對一切倡議人民當家作主的言?行趕盡殺絕。
19.中國目前的文化,是徹頭徹尾的「為求富貴無所不為」的文化……我依然深信中國這樣是走邪門,最終並不能提升中國人的精神文明水平,甚至連物質生活水平也只能在一小 撮「人民」裏面有實質提升。
20. 整個民族,或當中大部份人都不腳踏實地,不拿出誠意和一點人溺己溺的人道精神來正視人生,而只一味以強淩弱收拾弱者,或虛應故事,或萬般狡辯,則這樣的民族,從常理推之,從人類歷史觀之,不可能有光明前途。
30. 統治者的奴役、壓榨、閹割和鎮壓,中國人每多臉容扭曲,簡直是折騰得不似人形。
35. 只要中國人的苦悶頹廢精神狀態不改變過來,只要中國人那種不擇手段草菅人命的陰險心態不改變過來,中國人還是要靠鴉片過日子的。
37. 中國不但極其腐化、骯髒,中國人甚至可能已沖出亞洲,不再是「東亞病夫」,而是「世界病夫」了。
54. 中國人只有小聰明和大權謀,沒有智慧,究其因可能是數千年代代相沿的鉛中毒而造成智力低下。
62. 我去中國時儘量自攜乾糧,寧願捱餓也不吃貴國食品,但即使不顧死活的吃飽了,上廁所又是頭痛問題。不論是吃飯權還是排泄權,中國人都沒有辦法解決。但他們的監獄卻做得挺堅固的。
69.說中國人「重和諧」是非常誤導的﹐因為中國人一直追求的只是「表面和諧」(superficial harmony)﹐而不是文明社會所重視的實質和諧。
72. 為甚?面對俄羅斯時﹐神聖領土卻是「可以分割」的呢?是中國領導收了俄羅斯政府甚?好處費嗎?中國統治者敢說「寧願臺灣不長草,也要解放臺灣島」﹐何以不敢說要解放符拉迪沃斯托克或庫頁島呢?
74. 中國人都很擅於將異族異地殖民,也對以他們看來是高人一等的漢文明取代異族的文明甚感自豪,甚至以提升野蠻人的文明為天職。但當中國遇到在自己之上的文明時,卻極端抗拒被人教化、提升。中國拒絕教化、提升的後果,只是傷害了自己。
80.中國長期在良好制度上交白卷﹐就制度而言中國是非常匱乏的社會﹐ 它沒有資格不假外求﹐而是必須假外求﹐必須從外國輸入良好制度﹐以補中國的不足。
Donnerstag, 22. April 2010
EE4209 Digital Audio Technology decibel
EE4209 Digital Audio Technology
from the science of digital media by Jennifer Burg , page 200 :
1. Sampling rate relates directly to the frequency of a wave.
2. Quantization relates more closely to the amplitude of a sound wave.
3. Amplitude measures the intensity of the sound and is related to its perceived loudness.
4. A decibels is not an absolute unit of measurement. A decibel is always based upon some agreed-upon reference point.
For sound, the reference point is the air pressure amplitude for the threshold of hearing. A decibel in the context of sound pressure level is called decibels-sound-pressure-level (dB_SPL)
超時空要塞 Macross 《可曾記得有愛》
from the science of digital media by Jennifer Burg , page 200 :
1. Sampling rate relates directly to the frequency of a wave.
2. Quantization relates more closely to the amplitude of a sound wave.
3. Amplitude measures the intensity of the sound and is related to its perceived loudness.
4. A decibels is not an absolute unit of measurement. A decibel is always based upon some agreed-upon reference point.
For sound, the reference point is the air pressure amplitude for the threshold of hearing. A decibel in the context of sound pressure level is called decibels-sound-pressure-level (dB_SPL)
超時空要塞 Macross 《可曾記得有愛》
EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
Pulse Code Modulation
from the science of digital media by Jennifer Burg page193 :
that signals be sampled and encoded in binary, and the bits be transmitted as pulses representing 0s and 1s.
DPCM (Differential pulse code modulation ) --Because the amplitudes of sounds in human speech do not change dramatically from one moment to the next,
it is possible to reduce the bit depth by recording only the difference between one sample and the succeeding one.
ADPCM -- fine-tuned so that the quantization level varies in accordance with the dynamically changing characteristics of the speech pattern.
山寨版超時空要塞-- ASTRO PLAN
Macross ???? ED: Runner (Duet Version: Singing by ArlickS & SeSeHorie)
Pulse Code Modulation
from the science of digital media by Jennifer Burg page193 :
that signals be sampled and encoded in binary, and the bits be transmitted as pulses representing 0s and 1s.
DPCM (Differential pulse code modulation ) --Because the amplitudes of sounds in human speech do not change dramatically from one moment to the next,
it is possible to reduce the bit depth by recording only the difference between one sample and the succeeding one.
ADPCM -- fine-tuned so that the quantization level varies in accordance with the dynamically changing characteristics of the speech pattern.
山寨版超時空要塞-- ASTRO PLAN
Macross ???? ED: Runner (Duet Version: Singing by ArlickS & SeSeHorie)
Samstag, 17. April 2010
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks ATM v.3
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks ATM v.3
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇無意把購買贖罪券,在任何情況下與善功相提並論。
# 必須訓示基督徒,向窮人布施,或借錢給急需者,都比購買贖罪券好。
# 因為愛產生了善舉,人會變得更好;而贖罪券的手段並不能使人洗心革面,僅僅使其擺脫懲罰而已。
# 必須訓示基督徒,看見一個窮苦有難的人而棄之不理,而把錢花在購買贖罪券上,那麼他買到的絕不是教皇的赦免,而是 神的懲罰。
# 必須訓示基督徒,如果沒有多餘的錢,就應當留足家庭的用度,不要把錢浪費在購買贖罪券上。
# 必須訓示基督徒,購買贖罪券是自覺自願的行為,沒有人強制他這樣做。
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇赦免信眾,更需要和期望的是他們的虔誠祈禱,而不是其錢財。
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇的贖罪券,只有當他們不依賴它時,方才有用。如果因購買贖罪券而失去對 神的畏懼,那麼贖罪便成了最有害的東西。
# 必須訓示基督徒,假若教皇得知贖罪券兜售者的勒索行為,他寧肯將聖彼得教堂焚為灰燼,也不願用其牧群的皮、肉、骨來建造它。
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇會甘願拿出自己的錢來,甚至不惜賣掉聖彼得教堂,來賑濟那些受到贖罪券販子榨取的人們。
# 相信贖罪券的拯救功能是徒勞無益的,即使其兜售者,甚至教皇本人以其靈魂作為擔保,也沒有用。
# 為鼓吹贖罪券而禁止其他教堂宣揚 神之道的人,便是基督和教皇的仇敵。
# 在怖道中鼓吹贖罪券的時間同宣揚聖道的時間一樣多或更多,便是對 神之道的褻瀆。
# 教皇必然有這樣的看法:如果對鼓吹贖罪券這樣的小事值得敲鐘、遊行和舉行儀式,那麼對宣揚福音這樣的大事,就更值得百倍地敲鐘、遊行和舉行儀式。
# 教皇宣稱他所賜予的赦罪恩惠是取自教會的「寶藏」,基督信徒對此「寶藏」既未充分討論,也不了解。
# 顯而易見,贖罪券並不是世俗的寶藏,因為兜售者不是免費發放,而是一味地囤積。
# 贖罪券也不是基督和聖徒們的功德,因為即使沒有教皇,聖徒們也施恩於人的靈魂,把十字架、死亡和地獄加於人的肉體。
# 聖勞倫斯說過,教會的貧窮便是教會的寶藏,不過,他這樣說是沿襲了他那個時代的詞意。
# 細加考慮我們便會說,那種寶藏便是基督恩典所賜與教人的鑰匙。
# 因為顯而易見,教皇的權力足夠自行赦免為他保留的懲罰和案件。
# 教會的真正寶藏應是充滿 神榮耀和恩典的至聖福音。
# 但這種寶藏自然最使人厭憎,因為它使那在前的將要在後。(馬太20:16)
# 另一方面,贖罪券的寶藏自然最召人喜歡,因為它使那在後的將要在前。
# 所以,福音的寶藏如同羅網,從前有人用其網羅富人。
# 贖罪券的寶藏卻是這樣的網,有人現在用來掠取人的財富。
# 煽動者竭力鼓吹為最大恩典的贖罪券,實際上隻是使某些人借此撈到了好處。
# 然而,和 神的恩典及十字架的虔誠相比,贖罪券實際上是最微不足道的。
# 主教和神父們一定要畢恭畢敬地接納教皇的赦罪特使。
# 但他們更要使自己的眼睛和耳朵十分警覺,以防這些人販賣自己的私貨而忽視教皇的囑托。
# 那些攻擊教皇贖罪券真相的人應受詛咒和譴責。
# 但那些反對贖罪券兜售者的貪婪和放肆的人卻應得到祝福。
# 如同教皇有理由對那些千方百計阻撓贖罪券發售的人大發雷霆一樣。
# 他對那些用贖罪券作為托詞來損害聖愛及真道的人,更應該口誅筆伐。
# 如果認為教皇的贖罪券有如此大的功效;甚至連做了不可想象的、污辱聖母的也能赦免,這一定是瘋話。
# 相反,我們認為,涉及到罪孽的時候,即使是最微不足道的,教皇的贖罪券也難以免除。
# 如果說,即使聖彼得今天當了教皇,他也不可能賜予更大的恩典。這不僅褻瀆了聖彼得,也褻瀆了教皇。
# 相反,我們主張,不管現任教皇,還是其他教皇,都擁有供個人支配的更大的恩典,那就是福音、宗教權力、醫治權等,如經上(林前 12:28)所說。
# 有人說,教皇紋章上的十字架,以及贖罪券兜售者樹起的那種十字架,與基督的十字架具有同等效力,那是褻瀆。
# 允許這種謬說流傳於民間的主教、神父和神學家們,應對此負責。
# 對贖罪券的肆意鼓吹,使有學問的人也難以在乎信徒的攻擊和敏感的質問下維護教皇的威望。
# 譬如有人問:「既然教皇為了籌集修建聖彼得教堂的那筆可憐的款項而解救煉獄中的無數靈魂,那他為何不因聖愛的緣故和煉獄中靈魂的迫切需要,將他們統統釋放呢?而前者的理由微不足道,後者則正大光明。」
# 又如:「既然不當為煉獄中已被解脫的靈魂祈禱,那麼為何還要繼續為亡靈舉行葬禮彌撒或周年彌撒祭呢?為何不允許將為此目的所交納的款項退回或停止交納呢?」
# 又如:「為了金錢的緣故允許不虔誠者和敵對者購贖煉獄中愛戴 神者的虔誠之靈,反而不願為那被愛戴的靈魂和至愛的緣故將其赦免,這是 神和教皇的何種新恩典?」
# 又如:「為什麼長期以來事實上已被廢止不用的懺悔法規,現在又因發放贖罪券而再次實施,好像它們仍然存在和生效似的?」
# 又如:「教皇是當今的富中之富,他的錢比古時最大的富豪克裡沙士還多,那他為什麼要花費可憐的信徒們的錢,而不掏自己的腰包來建造聖彼得教堂呢?」
# 又如:「那些通過至誠悔罪已經獲得了全面赦免和蒙福的人,還能從教皇那裡得到什麼樣的赦免和恩典呢?」
# 又如:「假若教皇不是像今天這樣每天一次,而是每天百次地將赦免和祝福賜與每位信徒,那麼教會的賜福豈不是更大?」
# 「既然說教皇發售贖罪券是為了拯救靈魂,而不是為了金錢,那麼,他又為何廢止了從前允諾的具有同等效力的赦免和寬宥?」
# 不用理性來消除信徒的疑慮和爭端,而僅憑武力壓制,那就只能使教會和教皇成為敵人的笑柄,而使廣大基督徒感到痛心。
# 如果按照教皇的精神和意願來宣揚贖罪券,那麼所有的疑慮都會很快消除,甚至不再存在。
# 是要離開這樣的先知:他們向基督信徒鼓吹「平安,平安」,實際上並沒有平安。
# 向基督信徒宣揚「十字架、十字架」,而實際上沒有十字架的先知們應當蒙福。
# 應當告誡基督徒通過苦行、死亡和地獄,忠心追隨其主基督。
# 唯有經歷各種苦難,而不是虛假的平安擔保(徒14:22),才能有把握進入天國。
[ Ref2_Atm.doc ][Garcia]
15. Consider a sequence of ATM cells carrying PCM voice from a single speaker.
a. What are the appropriate traffic descriptors for this sequence of cells and what is an appropriate leaky bucket for policing this stream?
Since the PCM voice traffic arrives at a constant rate, only the PCR needs to be specified. In the case of voice traffic, the PCR = 64 kbps. To police this stream, one could use a leaky bucket algorithm with a depth of 1 cell and a drain rate equal to the PCR.
18. Explain why each specific set of traffic descriptors and QoS parameters were selected for each of the ATM service categories.
note: PCR – peak cell rate; SCR – sustainable cell rate; MBR – Max. burst size; MCR- min cell rate
CTD – cell transfer delay; CDV – cell delay variation; CLR – cell loss ratio
Service Traffic QoS Explanation
Category Descriptor(s) Parameter(s)
CBR PCR CTD, CDV, QoS parameters; Provides service to applica-
CLR tions that require provides a virtual leased line.
Delay, jitter and loss must be controlled.
Traffic Descriptors; The bit rate is constant, so
only PCR needs be specified.
rt-VBR PCR, SCR, CTD, CLR, QoS parameters: Provides service to applica-
MBS CDV tions that require real-time delivery and low
loss. Thus, delay, jitter and loss must be controlled.
Traffic Descriptors: Bit rate can be variable.
Thus, need PCR, SCR, and MBS specified.
nrt-VBR PCR, SCR, CLR QoS parameters: Provides service to applica-
MBS tions that require low loss. Thus, only loss
must be controlled (no timing requirements).
Traffic Parameters: as described above.
ABR PCR, MCR Maybe CLR QoS parameters: No timing requirements.
Low loss is preferable but is dependent on how
well the source responds to feedback flow- control.
Traffic Parameters: Can specify maximums based on the application, but otherwise rate is completely adaptive so no specified MBS, SCR.
UBR Maybe PCR None QoS parameters: Lowest priority traffic.
No guarantee and not even an attempt to
accommodate traffic until traffic from all other
classes is accommodated.
Traffic Parameters: PCR may be limited, but generally source may transmit at whatever rate can be supported in the network.
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇無意把購買贖罪券,在任何情況下與善功相提並論。
# 必須訓示基督徒,向窮人布施,或借錢給急需者,都比購買贖罪券好。
# 因為愛產生了善舉,人會變得更好;而贖罪券的手段並不能使人洗心革面,僅僅使其擺脫懲罰而已。
# 必須訓示基督徒,看見一個窮苦有難的人而棄之不理,而把錢花在購買贖罪券上,那麼他買到的絕不是教皇的赦免,而是 神的懲罰。
# 必須訓示基督徒,如果沒有多餘的錢,就應當留足家庭的用度,不要把錢浪費在購買贖罪券上。
# 必須訓示基督徒,購買贖罪券是自覺自願的行為,沒有人強制他這樣做。
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇赦免信眾,更需要和期望的是他們的虔誠祈禱,而不是其錢財。
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇的贖罪券,只有當他們不依賴它時,方才有用。如果因購買贖罪券而失去對 神的畏懼,那麼贖罪便成了最有害的東西。
# 必須訓示基督徒,假若教皇得知贖罪券兜售者的勒索行為,他寧肯將聖彼得教堂焚為灰燼,也不願用其牧群的皮、肉、骨來建造它。
# 必須訓示基督徒,教皇會甘願拿出自己的錢來,甚至不惜賣掉聖彼得教堂,來賑濟那些受到贖罪券販子榨取的人們。
# 相信贖罪券的拯救功能是徒勞無益的,即使其兜售者,甚至教皇本人以其靈魂作為擔保,也沒有用。
# 為鼓吹贖罪券而禁止其他教堂宣揚 神之道的人,便是基督和教皇的仇敵。
# 在怖道中鼓吹贖罪券的時間同宣揚聖道的時間一樣多或更多,便是對 神之道的褻瀆。
# 教皇必然有這樣的看法:如果對鼓吹贖罪券這樣的小事值得敲鐘、遊行和舉行儀式,那麼對宣揚福音這樣的大事,就更值得百倍地敲鐘、遊行和舉行儀式。
# 教皇宣稱他所賜予的赦罪恩惠是取自教會的「寶藏」,基督信徒對此「寶藏」既未充分討論,也不了解。
# 顯而易見,贖罪券並不是世俗的寶藏,因為兜售者不是免費發放,而是一味地囤積。
# 贖罪券也不是基督和聖徒們的功德,因為即使沒有教皇,聖徒們也施恩於人的靈魂,把十字架、死亡和地獄加於人的肉體。
# 聖勞倫斯說過,教會的貧窮便是教會的寶藏,不過,他這樣說是沿襲了他那個時代的詞意。
# 細加考慮我們便會說,那種寶藏便是基督恩典所賜與教人的鑰匙。
# 因為顯而易見,教皇的權力足夠自行赦免為他保留的懲罰和案件。
# 教會的真正寶藏應是充滿 神榮耀和恩典的至聖福音。
# 但這種寶藏自然最使人厭憎,因為它使那在前的將要在後。(馬太20:16)
# 另一方面,贖罪券的寶藏自然最召人喜歡,因為它使那在後的將要在前。
# 所以,福音的寶藏如同羅網,從前有人用其網羅富人。
# 贖罪券的寶藏卻是這樣的網,有人現在用來掠取人的財富。
# 煽動者竭力鼓吹為最大恩典的贖罪券,實際上隻是使某些人借此撈到了好處。
# 然而,和 神的恩典及十字架的虔誠相比,贖罪券實際上是最微不足道的。
# 主教和神父們一定要畢恭畢敬地接納教皇的赦罪特使。
# 但他們更要使自己的眼睛和耳朵十分警覺,以防這些人販賣自己的私貨而忽視教皇的囑托。
# 那些攻擊教皇贖罪券真相的人應受詛咒和譴責。
# 但那些反對贖罪券兜售者的貪婪和放肆的人卻應得到祝福。
# 如同教皇有理由對那些千方百計阻撓贖罪券發售的人大發雷霆一樣。
# 他對那些用贖罪券作為托詞來損害聖愛及真道的人,更應該口誅筆伐。
# 如果認為教皇的贖罪券有如此大的功效;甚至連做了不可想象的、污辱聖母的也能赦免,這一定是瘋話。
# 相反,我們認為,涉及到罪孽的時候,即使是最微不足道的,教皇的贖罪券也難以免除。
# 如果說,即使聖彼得今天當了教皇,他也不可能賜予更大的恩典。這不僅褻瀆了聖彼得,也褻瀆了教皇。
# 相反,我們主張,不管現任教皇,還是其他教皇,都擁有供個人支配的更大的恩典,那就是福音、宗教權力、醫治權等,如經上(林前 12:28)所說。
# 有人說,教皇紋章上的十字架,以及贖罪券兜售者樹起的那種十字架,與基督的十字架具有同等效力,那是褻瀆。
# 允許這種謬說流傳於民間的主教、神父和神學家們,應對此負責。
# 對贖罪券的肆意鼓吹,使有學問的人也難以在乎信徒的攻擊和敏感的質問下維護教皇的威望。
# 譬如有人問:「既然教皇為了籌集修建聖彼得教堂的那筆可憐的款項而解救煉獄中的無數靈魂,那他為何不因聖愛的緣故和煉獄中靈魂的迫切需要,將他們統統釋放呢?而前者的理由微不足道,後者則正大光明。」
# 又如:「既然不當為煉獄中已被解脫的靈魂祈禱,那麼為何還要繼續為亡靈舉行葬禮彌撒或周年彌撒祭呢?為何不允許將為此目的所交納的款項退回或停止交納呢?」
# 又如:「為了金錢的緣故允許不虔誠者和敵對者購贖煉獄中愛戴 神者的虔誠之靈,反而不願為那被愛戴的靈魂和至愛的緣故將其赦免,這是 神和教皇的何種新恩典?」
# 又如:「為什麼長期以來事實上已被廢止不用的懺悔法規,現在又因發放贖罪券而再次實施,好像它們仍然存在和生效似的?」
# 又如:「教皇是當今的富中之富,他的錢比古時最大的富豪克裡沙士還多,那他為什麼要花費可憐的信徒們的錢,而不掏自己的腰包來建造聖彼得教堂呢?」
# 又如:「那些通過至誠悔罪已經獲得了全面赦免和蒙福的人,還能從教皇那裡得到什麼樣的赦免和恩典呢?」
# 又如:「假若教皇不是像今天這樣每天一次,而是每天百次地將赦免和祝福賜與每位信徒,那麼教會的賜福豈不是更大?」
# 「既然說教皇發售贖罪券是為了拯救靈魂,而不是為了金錢,那麼,他又為何廢止了從前允諾的具有同等效力的赦免和寬宥?」
# 不用理性來消除信徒的疑慮和爭端,而僅憑武力壓制,那就只能使教會和教皇成為敵人的笑柄,而使廣大基督徒感到痛心。
# 如果按照教皇的精神和意願來宣揚贖罪券,那麼所有的疑慮都會很快消除,甚至不再存在。
# 是要離開這樣的先知:他們向基督信徒鼓吹「平安,平安」,實際上並沒有平安。
# 向基督信徒宣揚「十字架、十字架」,而實際上沒有十字架的先知們應當蒙福。
# 應當告誡基督徒通過苦行、死亡和地獄,忠心追隨其主基督。
# 唯有經歷各種苦難,而不是虛假的平安擔保(徒14:22),才能有把握進入天國。
[ Ref2_Atm.doc ][Garcia]
15. Consider a sequence of ATM cells carrying PCM voice from a single speaker.
a. What are the appropriate traffic descriptors for this sequence of cells and what is an appropriate leaky bucket for policing this stream?
Since the PCM voice traffic arrives at a constant rate, only the PCR needs to be specified. In the case of voice traffic, the PCR = 64 kbps. To police this stream, one could use a leaky bucket algorithm with a depth of 1 cell and a drain rate equal to the PCR.
18. Explain why each specific set of traffic descriptors and QoS parameters were selected for each of the ATM service categories.
note: PCR – peak cell rate; SCR – sustainable cell rate; MBR – Max. burst size; MCR- min cell rate
CTD – cell transfer delay; CDV – cell delay variation; CLR – cell loss ratio
Service Traffic QoS Explanation
Category Descriptor(s) Parameter(s)
CBR PCR CTD, CDV, QoS parameters; Provides service to applica-
CLR tions that require provides a virtual leased line.
Delay, jitter and loss must be controlled.
Traffic Descriptors; The bit rate is constant, so
only PCR needs be specified.
rt-VBR PCR, SCR, CTD, CLR, QoS parameters: Provides service to applica-
MBS CDV tions that require real-time delivery and low
loss. Thus, delay, jitter and loss must be controlled.
Traffic Descriptors: Bit rate can be variable.
Thus, need PCR, SCR, and MBS specified.
nrt-VBR PCR, SCR, CLR QoS parameters: Provides service to applica-
MBS tions that require low loss. Thus, only loss
must be controlled (no timing requirements).
Traffic Parameters: as described above.
ABR PCR, MCR Maybe CLR QoS parameters: No timing requirements.
Low loss is preferable but is dependent on how
well the source responds to feedback flow- control.
Traffic Parameters: Can specify maximums based on the application, but otherwise rate is completely adaptive so no specified MBS, SCR.
UBR Maybe PCR None QoS parameters: Lowest priority traffic.
No guarantee and not even an attempt to
accommodate traffic until traffic from all other
classes is accommodated.
Traffic Parameters: PCR may be limited, but generally source may transmit at whatever rate can be supported in the network.
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks -ATM rev.2
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks -ATM rev.2
Click HERE for English Version
1. 當我主耶穌基督說「你們應當悔改」(馬太4:17)時,衪的意願是希望信徒們畢生致力於悔改。
2. 不應當將「悔改」一詞理解為懺悔儀式,即教士主持下的告解和補贖。
3. 但它也並非僅僅意味著內心懺悔,若無各種外部的苦行,亦無效能。
4. 贖罪罰應與自恨、即真正的內心懺悔同步進行,直到進入天國。
5. 教皇沒有免除任何罪孽的意志和權力,他隻能赦免憑自己的權力或教會法加於人們的懲罰。
6. 教皇除宣告或証明罪孽已由 神赦免外,他本人不能赦免任何罪過。至多僅僅有權在為自己保留裁決的案件中為人赦罪。即使如此,如果他的權力遭到否認,這種罪仍然未得赦免。
7. 神為人赦罪,還要同時使他凡事謙恭,順服於他的代表---神父。
8. 根據教會法規,悔罪條例僅適用於活人,而不能加於任何死者身上。
9. 如果教皇在其赦令中始終把死亡期和必要時刻視為例外,那麼,通過他的聖靈對我們來說便是仁慈的。
10. 那些在人臨終時愚蠢、惡意行事的神父們,卻把教會法的懲罰擴及煉獄之中。
11. 將教會法的處罰改成煉獄處罰的那些稗子,顯然是在主教們熟睡時由魔鬼撒下的。(馬太13:25)
12. 從前,作為真誠懺悔的考驗,教會法的處罰是在赦罪之前,而不是在其後。
13. 臨終之人因其死亡而擺脫了一切懲罰,對教會法已失去感覺,故有權免除其懲罰。
14. 不充分的虔誠和愛必然使臨終之人感到無比恐懼,而且愛愈少,恐懼愈大。
15. 這種驚懼或恐怖,足以構成煉獄的懲罰,因為這是瀕臨絕望的恐懼。
16. 地獄、煉獄和天堂的區別似乎就是絕望、恐懼和得救的信念。
17. 對煉獄中的靈魂來說,恐懼似乎會必然減少,愛心則相應地增長。
18. 此時,理性或聖經似乎都未証明,煉獄中的靈魂已超脫於功罪之外,不能滋長愛心。
19. 同時也沒有証明,煉獄中的靈魂,至少不是全部,確信自己已經得救,即使我們自己可能對此確信無疑。
20. 所以,當教皇說赦免一切懲罰時,並不真的指所有的懲罰,而僅僅是指他本人所施於人的懲罰。
21. 因此,推銷贖罪券的教士們鼓吹,教皇的贖罪券能使人免除一切懲罰,並且得救,便陷入了謬誤。
22. 因此,教皇事實上並沒有赦免煉獄中靈魂的任何處罰,因為按照教會法的規定,人應在生前接受這些處罰。
23. 如果說有某些人能接受全部免罰的話,那也只有完美無暇的人才能得到,僅有極少數而已。
24. 因此,不分青紅皂白地大肆鼓吹赦罪,不可避免地使大多數人受騙上當。
25. 教皇對煉獄一般擁有的這種權力,同每個主教在自己的轄區和每個神父在本教區所擁有的權力相當。
26. 教皇可以出色地批準赦免煉獄中的靈魂,但並非利用他沒有擁有的鑰匙權,而是為其代禱。
27. 他們鼓吹的僅僅是人的主張,說什麼當錢櫃中的銀幣叮當作響,煉獄中的靈魂即會應聲飛入天堂。
28. 顯然,當錢幣在錢櫃中叮當作響,增加的只是貪婪和利己之心。至於教會代禱的功效,僅由 神主宰。
29. 誰能知道煉獄中的靈魂都期望得到赦免呢?因為關於聖賽維林和聖帕斯夏的傳說中就有例外的情形。
30. 既然沒有人確知自己的悔悟是否達到至誠,那麼就更難探曉其罪孽是否得到全赦。
31. 真誠購買贖罪券的人,如同真誠悔罪的人一樣稀少。的確,這種人極為罕見。
32. 那些因購買贖罪券而確信自己得救的人,將同他們的教唆者一起受到永罰。
33. 那些鼓吹教皇的赦宥即是 神的最高恩典、人們由此可與 神復歸和好的人,應引起人們的特別警惕。
34. 因為贖罪券的功效,僅同人為的禮儀式苦行贖罪的懲罰有關。
35. 凡鼓吹說,購買靈魂免受煉獄之苦或購買懺悔特免權者便無悔過之必要,均不符合基督之教諭。
36. 真誠悔過的基督徒,就是不購買贖罪券,也能夠獲得全面免除罪罰的權利 。
37. 真誠悔過的基督徒,或生或死,就是沒有贖罪券,也能分享 神和教會的賜福和恩典。
38. 然而,教皇的赦免和賜福也不容輕視,因為正如我(在第六條中)說過的,它們也是神聖赦免的宣言。
39. 最博學的神學家也很難自圓其說,如果他同時向信眾鼓吹贖罪券的特效,又宣揚真誠悔罪的必要性。
40. 真誠悔過的基督徒甘願為其罪孽受罰,贖罪券的特權卻免除了罪罰,並且使人憎惡罪罰,或者說,它至少提供了這樣的機會。
41. 應謹慎宣揚教皇的贖罪券,否則,人們便會誤以為他們是在選擇另一些愛的善功。
Tutorial - ATM Flow Control Ref1_ATM_Flow.doc
What is Congestion?
Packet through the network is approaching the packet handling capacity of the network
How it happens?
Source violate traffic contract
Simultaneous Traffic burst from most users
Network outrage [eg. equipment breakdown]
Reason for traditional congestion control scheme does not work for ATM network-
1. real time traffic is not amenable to flow control, eg voice
2. Delay in feed back signal makes it not much use for flow control in high speed ATM network
Parameters negotiated on requesting connection -
Traffic Contract involves
1. Traffic descriptor from Source – Specify the traffic characteristics of a connection
2. QOS class from network - cell loss ratio, cell transfer delay, cell delay variation
Traffic descriptor -
Peak cell rate, Cell delay variation tolerance, Sustainable cell rate, Minimum cell rate, Maximum burst size
Traffic Contract with the network and the subscriber means -
The network agrees to support the performance at a certain level and the subscriber agrees not to exceed traffic limits
Meaning of “Usage parameter control” in ATM.
Ans – Ensure users do not violate traffic contract.
Taffic crontrol problem caused by delay in feed back network parameters –
Cells may be discarded even though the traffic satisfy the parameters
Cells may be accepted even through it violates setup parameters
System oscillate
Difference between the leaky bucket traffic shaper and the token bucket traffic shaper. [Garcia 51/7]
In the leaky bucket the packet output rate is always constant. In the token bucket, the output rate can be variable and is controlled at one packet per token. If there are tokens in the bucket, the packets are sent out as soon as they arrive. The depth of the token bucket limits the traffic burstiness.
If there are no tokens in the bucket, the packet has to wait for the arrival of a token, and the token arrival rate becomes the packet output rate. In the case of empty token bucket and the tokens arrive at a constant rate, the token bucket essentially becomes a leaky bucket.
Fast Resource Management
Network responds to a request from a user to send a burst
If the network determines that resources exist along the route for this VCC or VPC for such a burst, then the network reserve those resource and grants permission
Following the burst, normal traffic control is enforced
Click HERE for English Version
1. 當我主耶穌基督說「你們應當悔改」(馬太4:17)時,衪的意願是希望信徒們畢生致力於悔改。
2. 不應當將「悔改」一詞理解為懺悔儀式,即教士主持下的告解和補贖。
3. 但它也並非僅僅意味著內心懺悔,若無各種外部的苦行,亦無效能。
4. 贖罪罰應與自恨、即真正的內心懺悔同步進行,直到進入天國。
5. 教皇沒有免除任何罪孽的意志和權力,他隻能赦免憑自己的權力或教會法加於人們的懲罰。
6. 教皇除宣告或証明罪孽已由 神赦免外,他本人不能赦免任何罪過。至多僅僅有權在為自己保留裁決的案件中為人赦罪。即使如此,如果他的權力遭到否認,這種罪仍然未得赦免。
7. 神為人赦罪,還要同時使他凡事謙恭,順服於他的代表---神父。
8. 根據教會法規,悔罪條例僅適用於活人,而不能加於任何死者身上。
9. 如果教皇在其赦令中始終把死亡期和必要時刻視為例外,那麼,通過他的聖靈對我們來說便是仁慈的。
10. 那些在人臨終時愚蠢、惡意行事的神父們,卻把教會法的懲罰擴及煉獄之中。
11. 將教會法的處罰改成煉獄處罰的那些稗子,顯然是在主教們熟睡時由魔鬼撒下的。(馬太13:25)
12. 從前,作為真誠懺悔的考驗,教會法的處罰是在赦罪之前,而不是在其後。
13. 臨終之人因其死亡而擺脫了一切懲罰,對教會法已失去感覺,故有權免除其懲罰。
14. 不充分的虔誠和愛必然使臨終之人感到無比恐懼,而且愛愈少,恐懼愈大。
15. 這種驚懼或恐怖,足以構成煉獄的懲罰,因為這是瀕臨絕望的恐懼。
16. 地獄、煉獄和天堂的區別似乎就是絕望、恐懼和得救的信念。
17. 對煉獄中的靈魂來說,恐懼似乎會必然減少,愛心則相應地增長。
18. 此時,理性或聖經似乎都未証明,煉獄中的靈魂已超脫於功罪之外,不能滋長愛心。
19. 同時也沒有証明,煉獄中的靈魂,至少不是全部,確信自己已經得救,即使我們自己可能對此確信無疑。
20. 所以,當教皇說赦免一切懲罰時,並不真的指所有的懲罰,而僅僅是指他本人所施於人的懲罰。
21. 因此,推銷贖罪券的教士們鼓吹,教皇的贖罪券能使人免除一切懲罰,並且得救,便陷入了謬誤。
22. 因此,教皇事實上並沒有赦免煉獄中靈魂的任何處罰,因為按照教會法的規定,人應在生前接受這些處罰。
23. 如果說有某些人能接受全部免罰的話,那也只有完美無暇的人才能得到,僅有極少數而已。
24. 因此,不分青紅皂白地大肆鼓吹赦罪,不可避免地使大多數人受騙上當。
25. 教皇對煉獄一般擁有的這種權力,同每個主教在自己的轄區和每個神父在本教區所擁有的權力相當。
26. 教皇可以出色地批準赦免煉獄中的靈魂,但並非利用他沒有擁有的鑰匙權,而是為其代禱。
27. 他們鼓吹的僅僅是人的主張,說什麼當錢櫃中的銀幣叮當作響,煉獄中的靈魂即會應聲飛入天堂。
28. 顯然,當錢幣在錢櫃中叮當作響,增加的只是貪婪和利己之心。至於教會代禱的功效,僅由 神主宰。
29. 誰能知道煉獄中的靈魂都期望得到赦免呢?因為關於聖賽維林和聖帕斯夏的傳說中就有例外的情形。
30. 既然沒有人確知自己的悔悟是否達到至誠,那麼就更難探曉其罪孽是否得到全赦。
31. 真誠購買贖罪券的人,如同真誠悔罪的人一樣稀少。的確,這種人極為罕見。
32. 那些因購買贖罪券而確信自己得救的人,將同他們的教唆者一起受到永罰。
33. 那些鼓吹教皇的赦宥即是 神的最高恩典、人們由此可與 神復歸和好的人,應引起人們的特別警惕。
34. 因為贖罪券的功效,僅同人為的禮儀式苦行贖罪的懲罰有關。
35. 凡鼓吹說,購買靈魂免受煉獄之苦或購買懺悔特免權者便無悔過之必要,均不符合基督之教諭。
36. 真誠悔過的基督徒,就是不購買贖罪券,也能夠獲得全面免除罪罰的權利 。
37. 真誠悔過的基督徒,或生或死,就是沒有贖罪券,也能分享 神和教會的賜福和恩典。
38. 然而,教皇的赦免和賜福也不容輕視,因為正如我(在第六條中)說過的,它們也是神聖赦免的宣言。
39. 最博學的神學家也很難自圓其說,如果他同時向信眾鼓吹贖罪券的特效,又宣揚真誠悔罪的必要性。
40. 真誠悔過的基督徒甘願為其罪孽受罰,贖罪券的特權卻免除了罪罰,並且使人憎惡罪罰,或者說,它至少提供了這樣的機會。
41. 應謹慎宣揚教皇的贖罪券,否則,人們便會誤以為他們是在選擇另一些愛的善功。
Tutorial - ATM Flow Control Ref1_ATM_Flow.doc
What is Congestion?
Packet through the network is approaching the packet handling capacity of the network
How it happens?
Source violate traffic contract
Simultaneous Traffic burst from most users
Network outrage [eg. equipment breakdown]
Reason for traditional congestion control scheme does not work for ATM network-
1. real time traffic is not amenable to flow control, eg voice
2. Delay in feed back signal makes it not much use for flow control in high speed ATM network
Parameters negotiated on requesting connection -
Traffic Contract involves
1. Traffic descriptor from Source – Specify the traffic characteristics of a connection
2. QOS class from network - cell loss ratio, cell transfer delay, cell delay variation
Traffic descriptor -
Peak cell rate, Cell delay variation tolerance, Sustainable cell rate, Minimum cell rate, Maximum burst size
Traffic Contract with the network and the subscriber means -
The network agrees to support the performance at a certain level and the subscriber agrees not to exceed traffic limits
Meaning of “Usage parameter control” in ATM.
Ans – Ensure users do not violate traffic contract.
Taffic crontrol problem caused by delay in feed back network parameters –
Cells may be discarded even though the traffic satisfy the parameters
Cells may be accepted even through it violates setup parameters
System oscillate
Difference between the leaky bucket traffic shaper and the token bucket traffic shaper. [Garcia 51/7]
In the leaky bucket the packet output rate is always constant. In the token bucket, the output rate can be variable and is controlled at one packet per token. If there are tokens in the bucket, the packets are sent out as soon as they arrive. The depth of the token bucket limits the traffic burstiness.
If there are no tokens in the bucket, the packet has to wait for the arrival of a token, and the token arrival rate becomes the packet output rate. In the case of empty token bucket and the tokens arrive at a constant rate, the token bucket essentially becomes a leaky bucket.
Fast Resource Management
Network responds to a request from a user to send a burst
If the network determines that resources exist along the route for this VCC or VPC for such a burst, then the network reserve those resource and grants permission
Following the burst, normal traffic control is enforced
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks--ATM rev1
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks--ATM rev1
立場明確的「 改教運動論文 」。
第一篇是《訴諸平信徒》(Appeal to the Laity),他要求德國諸侯起來改革教會,並且拒絕納貢給羅馬,廢掉教士守獨身、為死人舉行彌撒、朝聖和天主教其他的建制和做法。
第二篇是《教會被巴比倫俘擄》(On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church)。從積極一面,他提出了新約的聖禮(Sacrament)神學,和兩種團契;從消極一面,他反對變質說(Transubstantiation),和彌撒中的獻祭觀,以及一切與之有關的邪惡(參聖餐,Eucharist)。
第三篇是《基督徒的自由》(The Freedom of a Christian Man),這是一篇不牽涉任何辯論、上乘的靈修作品,解釋靠恩稱義和藉行為稱義的分別。
1520年 六月十五日,教宗發表一道教諭(Exsurge, Domine),把路德所有的著作判為異端,又下命令要焚毀他的作品;教宗給他六十天時間收回自己的作品。
路德公然把這教諭和一些過時的教會律例(Canon Law)焚燒,羅馬教廷立刻把路德開除教籍(Decet Romanum,1521年 一月三日)。
Tutorial - ATM Ref0_ATM.doc
1. What is ATM?
ATM is the switching and multiplexing technique chosen by CCITT for the broadband access to ISDN.
User network interface offers one physical channel over which connections are multiplexed using short, fixed length packets called cells.
Cells are switched in the network based on the routing information contained in their headers.
In B-ISDN, ATM layer is in charge of transporting cells to their destinations. The cells are carried by the physical layer transmission system. ATM is intended to transport all services with the same format. Switching fabrics need not be aware of the services being transported.
2. What is the advantages of using ATM in providing various services such as speech and video?
Characteristic of ATM –
Ans; Bandwidth on demand; variable bit rate; better bandwidth utilization; same interface and transport system for all services; QOS guaranteed.
3. In ATM, small fixed cell size is used.
What is the purpose of using fixed size cell?
What is the purpose of using small cell size?
Ans : Fast hardware switching.
Reduce node delay.
4. ATM service is classified into four different categories and is classified as “service access point 1” to “service access point 4” to the adaptation layer. How are the services classified? Give an example to each class of service.
Ans: Service class – constant bit rate – eg. Fixed access, voice circuit
Variable bit rate – eg. Video
Connection oriented data – dg. X.25
Connection-less data – eg. Virtual LAN, close user group
The above 4 services are classified as SAP1 to SAP4 (service access point) to the adaptation layer.
5. The ATM cell header consists of a few bytes which is obviously not able to carry full destination information.
How routing can be done in the switches?
Give an example with a few switching nodes.
Ans: Label switching technique is used.
Label carries the routing information and is not an explicit address.
Explicit Address is not possible because of the short fixed cell size.
Switch keeps routing table
Routing table set up in advance
Cell label used for switching and will be modified by switch on routing to its destination
Label consists of VPI, virtual path identifier and VCI, virtual channel identifier.
6. Cell loss is one of the problems with ATM switching. What is cell loss and how it happens?
Ans : Dropping of cells due to system buffer overflow.
The role of AAL layer in ATM network
AAL is responsible to provide mapping between the ATM layer and the next higher layer.
Service dependent, supports information transfer protocols not based on ATM
Maps high-layer information into ATM cells
Collects information from ATM cells for delivery to higher layers
ATM gives better bandwidth utilization in a multi-rate environment. What does multi-rate means?
Ans – Multi-rate is to group different class of services together into families.
立場明確的「 改教運動論文 」。
第一篇是《訴諸平信徒》(Appeal to the Laity),他要求德國諸侯起來改革教會,並且拒絕納貢給羅馬,廢掉教士守獨身、為死人舉行彌撒、朝聖和天主教其他的建制和做法。
第二篇是《教會被巴比倫俘擄》(On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church)。從積極一面,他提出了新約的聖禮(Sacrament)神學,和兩種團契;從消極一面,他反對變質說(Transubstantiation),和彌撒中的獻祭觀,以及一切與之有關的邪惡(參聖餐,Eucharist)。
第三篇是《基督徒的自由》(The Freedom of a Christian Man),這是一篇不牽涉任何辯論、上乘的靈修作品,解釋靠恩稱義和藉行為稱義的分別。
1520年 六月十五日,教宗發表一道教諭(Exsurge, Domine),把路德所有的著作判為異端,又下命令要焚毀他的作品;教宗給他六十天時間收回自己的作品。
路德公然把這教諭和一些過時的教會律例(Canon Law)焚燒,羅馬教廷立刻把路德開除教籍(Decet Romanum,1521年 一月三日)。
Tutorial - ATM Ref0_ATM.doc
1. What is ATM?
ATM is the switching and multiplexing technique chosen by CCITT for the broadband access to ISDN.
User network interface offers one physical channel over which connections are multiplexed using short, fixed length packets called cells.
Cells are switched in the network based on the routing information contained in their headers.
In B-ISDN, ATM layer is in charge of transporting cells to their destinations. The cells are carried by the physical layer transmission system. ATM is intended to transport all services with the same format. Switching fabrics need not be aware of the services being transported.
2. What is the advantages of using ATM in providing various services such as speech and video?
Characteristic of ATM –
Ans; Bandwidth on demand; variable bit rate; better bandwidth utilization; same interface and transport system for all services; QOS guaranteed.
3. In ATM, small fixed cell size is used.
What is the purpose of using fixed size cell?
What is the purpose of using small cell size?
Ans : Fast hardware switching.
Reduce node delay.
4. ATM service is classified into four different categories and is classified as “service access point 1” to “service access point 4” to the adaptation layer. How are the services classified? Give an example to each class of service.
Ans: Service class – constant bit rate – eg. Fixed access, voice circuit
Variable bit rate – eg. Video
Connection oriented data – dg. X.25
Connection-less data – eg. Virtual LAN, close user group
The above 4 services are classified as SAP1 to SAP4 (service access point) to the adaptation layer.
5. The ATM cell header consists of a few bytes which is obviously not able to carry full destination information.
How routing can be done in the switches?
Give an example with a few switching nodes.
Ans: Label switching technique is used.
Label carries the routing information and is not an explicit address.
Explicit Address is not possible because of the short fixed cell size.
Switch keeps routing table
Routing table set up in advance
Cell label used for switching and will be modified by switch on routing to its destination
Label consists of VPI, virtual path identifier and VCI, virtual channel identifier.
6. Cell loss is one of the problems with ATM switching. What is cell loss and how it happens?
Ans : Dropping of cells due to system buffer overflow.
The role of AAL layer in ATM network
AAL is responsible to provide mapping between the ATM layer and the next higher layer.
Service dependent, supports information transfer protocols not based on ATM
Maps high-layer information into ATM cells
Collects information from ATM cells for delivery to higher layers
ATM gives better bandwidth utilization in a multi-rate environment. What does multi-rate means?
Ans – Multi-rate is to group different class of services together into families.
Donnerstag, 15. April 2010
Arduino sm2258
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適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件.
地點 : (B)鴨寮街 195-201號舖
網址 : AND
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適用貨品 : 二手電腦配件, 各類電腦插頭, 少量電容及磁環等.
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適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材, 價錢較平
地點 : (R) 鴨寮街, 近南昌街口 鐵皮檔
適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件, 逐粒逐粒執 5% 1/4W, 唔使買 1%咁貴
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適用貨品 : 好多你找不到的"古董"零件/儀器
[CACHE 科技電腦]
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地點 : (T) Shop 29, 黃金上半層
適用貨品 : gLCD, cLCD, 8031, Z80, Single Board Computer, 編程器, adapter....
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適用貨品 : IC, CPU, Kitsrus 套件
地點 : (V) 新高登地下
適用貨品 : cLCD, gLCD, Single Board Computer, 電子叢書, Remote...
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適用貨品 : 乜都有, ASIC都有, 比 RS High-Tech(nology)
地點 : (A)鴨寮街 190號街檔
適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件.
地點 : (B)鴨寮街 195-201號舖
網址 : AND
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材.
地點 : (C)鴨寮街 246號舖
適用貨品 : 二手電腦配件, 各類電腦插頭, 少量電容及磁環等.
地點 : (D)桂林街 123號舖
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材, 價錢較平
地點 : (R) 鴨寮街, 近南昌街口 鐵皮檔
適用貨品 : 各種電容, 電阻, LED等電子零件, 逐粒逐粒執 5% 1/4W, 唔使買 1%咁貴
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適用貨品 : 好多你找不到的"古董"零件/儀器
[CACHE 科技電腦]
網址 :
地點 : (T) Shop 29, 黃金上半層
適用貨品 : gLCD, cLCD, 8031, Z80, Single Board Computer, 編程器, adapter....
地點 : (U) 鴨寮街 174 號
適用貨品 : IC, CPU, Kitsrus 套件
地點 : (V) 新高登地下
適用貨品 : cLCD, gLCD, Single Board Computer, 電子叢書, Remote...
地點 : 九龍旺角通菜街2A-2P 鴻光商場1樓 近登打士街
適用貨品 : 有幾間大的電子零件鋪.....
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旺角店 : 九龍旺角通菜街2A-2P 鴻光商場1 樓22 號 ( 地下鐵旺角站E2 出口 )
官塘店 : 九龍官塘官塘道436-446號 官塘工業中心第四期地庫A 室 ( 地下鐵官塘站D4 出口 )
灣仔店 : 香港謝斐道146 號 地下 ( 地下鐵灣仔站A1出口 )
中環店 : 香港中環眧隆街3號 余道生行地下 ( 地下鐵中環站D2 出口 )
葵涌店 : 新界葵富路7~11號 葵涌廣場1樓B23A*新都會廣場側 ( 地下鐵葵芳站D 出口 )
適用貨品 : 各類型電子零件, 器材, 逐粒逐粒執 5% 1/4W, 唔使買 1%咁貴
★★★ 深水埗桂林街123號舖 (近鴨寮街) 和興 =/= 和興 Radio Company Ltd ★★★
[RS Components Limited]
網址 :
地點 : 香港新界葵涌大連排道200號 偉倫中心第二期第一座3樓
適用貨品 : 乜都有, 鴨寮街&鴻光商場無既佢都有, 但較市價貴, 有送貨.
網址 :
地點 : 13/F, Benson Tower, 74 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
適用貨品 : 乜都有, ASIC都有, 比 RS High-Tech(nology)
Mittwoch, 7. April 2010
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks BlueTooth - IEEE 802.15
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks
BlueTooth - IEEE802.15 [Bluetooth.doc]
Ref : Wireless and Cellullar Netwprks, Steve Wisniewski, Prentice Hall,2005
Principles of Wireless Networks, Pahlavan Krishnamurthy, Prentice Hall,2002
[note – only general concept is required, details of protocol is for your reference only, not required for assessment, refer to power point file for the scope required for assessment]
Open specification for short range integrated wireless voice and data communication.
Standard base on three applications – replacing cables, data and voice access point and personal ad hoc networks
Figure shows typical applications.
Topology – scattered ad hoc topology. A number of small networks support a few terminals to co-exist or interoperate with one another.
The network should be self-configurable providing an easy mechanism to form a new small network and a procedure for participation in an existing one.
The terminals have options to associate with multiple networks at the same time.
Piconet – Only one master in the network
Scatternet – several scattered pico network
Terminal states – M, master; S, slave; SB, standby; P, park/hold
S terminal can participate in more than one piconet.
M terminal can handle 7 S
Terminal can enter the SB mode waiting to join the piconet
In P mode, the terminal release its MAC address while in SB mode terminal keep its MAC address
Up to 10 piconet can operate in one area.
Bluetooth operate at 2.4G ISM band.
Protocol Architecture
Allow different applications to communicate over a variety of devices.
Layered protocol architecture
As illustrated in figure, it consists of core protocols, cable replacement and telephony control protocols and adopted protocols.
Core protocols form a five-layer stack consisting of the following
Radio – Specifies details of the air interface, including frequency the use of frequency hopping, modulation scheme and transmit power ie RF layer – radio modem for transmission and reception
Baseband – concerned with connection establishment within a piconet, addressing, packet format, timing and power control.
LMP, link management protocol – Responsible for link setup between Bluetooth devices and on going link management. This includes security aspects such as authentication and encryption, and the control and negotiation of baseband packet size.
L2CAP, Link control and adaptation protocol – Adapts upper layer protocols to the baseband layer. L2CAP provides both connectionless and connection-oriented services.
SDP, Service discovery protocol – finds the characteristics of services and connects two or more Bluetooth devices.
Cable replacement -
RFCOMM, Radio frequency communication – cable replacement, emulate a RS232 serial port over the Bluetooth baseband.
Telephone Control protocol -
TCS, Telephone control service - Specify signaling for establishing and ending a call.
Note that only call establishment is carried out using TCS-BIN protocol and the L2CAP layer. The audio protocol is used to transfer data. This protocol directly accesses an SCO link in the baseband.
Stack for Telephony FTP stack vCard
The Adopted protocols
PPP – The point to point protocol is an internet standard protocol for transporting IP datagrams over a point to point link.
TCP/IP/UDP – from TCP/IP suite
OBEX, Object exchange protocol- adopted from IrDA standard for infra red connection, used to handle vCard protocol for virtue business card exchange
WAP, wireless access protocol
WAE, wireless application environment protocol
Usage Models – set of protocols implementing bluetooth based applications
Piconets and Scatternets
Piconet – Basic unit in Bluetooth. It consists of a master device and from one to seven active slave. Master determines the channel (frequency hopping FH sequence) and phase (timing offset to transmit) for the slaves according to its own device address. Slave must tune to the same channel and phase. A slave may only communicate with the master and may only communicate when granted permission by the master.
Scatternet - A device in one piconet may also exist as part of another piconet and may function as either a slave or master in each piconet. This form of overlapping is called scatternet.
Bluetooth use FH with a carrier spacing of 1 Mhz. Up to eight different carrier frequencies are used in a total bandwidth of 80 Mhz.
With frequency hopping, a logical channel is defined by the hopping sequence. At any given time, the available channel bandwidth is 1 Mhz with a maximum of eight devices sharing the same channel.
Different logical channels with different hopping sequence can share the same 80 Mhz bandwidth. Collision will occur when devices in different piconets on different logical channels happen to use the same hop frequency at the same time.
Radio Specification
Output power -
Class 1 – max 100 mw (+20dbm) with a min of 1 mw (0db); power control is mandatory [100meter]
Class 2 – max 2.4 mw (+4dbm) with a min of 0.25mw (-6dbm); power control is optional
Class 3 – nominal output 1 mw [10 meter]
Spectrum – 2.4G ISM band; 79 x 1Mhz physical channels total 80 Mhz bandwidth
Modulation – GFSK with one represented by positive frequency deviation and zero represented by negative frequency deviation. The minimum deviation is 115 khz.
Baseband Specification
Bandwidth - The total bandwidth of 80Mhz is divided into 79 physical channels of 1 Mhz bandwidth each.
FHSS - Frequency hops follows a pseudorandom sequence.
All the devices on a single piconet follow the same sequence or the FH channel.
The hop rate is 1600 hops per sec and correspond to a slot time of 625 us. [ 2.5 hops per sec 9400 ms dwell time in 802.11].
The time slots are numbered from 0 to 226 [ie 227 slots = 3 x 79 hops ]
TDD link - Master and slave communicate via TDD [time division duplex] link. TDD is a link transmission technique in which data are transmitted in one direction at a time and transmission alternate between two directions.
Transmission starts at the beginning of a timeslot. Frequency hop is made at the start of each new time slot.
Single-Secondary Communication
Time id divided into slots of 625 usec. The primary uses even numbered slots and the secondary uses odd-numbered slots.
Multi-slot packets –
Packet lengths requiring 1, 3 or 5 slots are allowed. When a packet containing three or five time slots is transmitted, the same frequency is used until the entire packet has been transmitted.
In the next slot after the multi-slot packet, the radio returns to the frequency required for its hopping sequence, so that during transmission two or four hop frequencies have been skipped.
In fig., k denote the slot number and f(k) = physical channel selected in slot k
Multiple-Secondary Communication
Primary use even-numbered slots . Secondary sends in the next odd-numbered slot if the packet is the previous slot was addressed to it. All secondary listen on even-numbered slots but only one secondary sends in any odd-numbered slot.
The access method is similar to a poll/select operation with reservations. When the primary selects a secondary, it also polls it. The next time slot is reserved for the polled station to response. If the polled secondary has no frame to send, the channel is silent.
MAC mechanism
Bluetooth is a fast FHSS/TDD system that employs polling to establish the link. The access method is TDMA/TDD.
FH sequence – determined by master in a piconet.
The pseudo-random number sequence is a function of the master’s Bluetooth address.
Different master will have different hopping sequence. Hence most of the time, transmission on two devices on different piconet in the same area will be on different physical channels. Occasionally, collision and lost of data may occur.
Physical Links – two types of links
Bluetooth supports two kinds of links, ACL for data transmission and SCO for audio transmission. The gross Bluetooth data rate is 1 Mbps while the effective rate on an asymmetric ACL link is 721 Kbps in either direction and 57.6 Kbps in the return direction. A symmetric ACL link allows data rates of 432.6 Kbps.
SCO, synchronous connection-oriented –
Allocate a fixed bandwidth between a point-to-point connection involving the master and a single slave. The master maintains the SCO link by using reserved slots at regular intervals. The master can support up to three simultaneous SCO links [64kbps]. Slave can support two or three SCO links. SCO packets are never retransmitted.
ACL, asynchronous connectionless –
Point to multipoint link between the master and all the slaves in the piconet. In slots not reserved for SCO links, the master can exchange packets with any slave. Only a single ACL link can exist.
SCO links used for guaranteed data rate but without guaranteed delivery such as audio data.
ACL links provide packet-switched style of connection. No bandwidth reservation. Delivery may be guaranteed through error detection and retransmission. Data can be sent either unprotected or protected with forward error correction code.
Packet format
Access code – used for timing synchronization, offset compensation, paging and inquiry
The assess code field consists of a four-bit preamble, a four-bit trailer and a 64 bit synchronization PN sequence. The 48 bit MAC address unique to every Bluetooth device is used as the seed to derive the PN-sequence for hopping frequencies of the device.
There are four different types of access codes.
The first type identifies a M terminal and its piconet address.
The second type of access code specifies an S identity that is used to page a specific S.
The third type is a fixed access code reserved for the inquiry process.
The fourth type is the dedicated access code that is reserved to identify specific set of devices such as fax, printers or cellular phones.
DAC – device access code, for paging and its subsequent response
IAC - inquiry access code, for inquiry
CAC – channel access code, identify a piconet
Header – used to identify packet type and to carry protocol control
The header field has 18 bits that are repeated three times with FEC code. The 18 bit starts with a 3 bit S address, 4 bit packet type, 3 bit status and 8 bit error check. The 3 bit S add is the temporary address assigned to slave in the piconet. A transmission from master to slave or slave to master contains that address. ) is reserved for broadcast from master to slaves.
Type – identify packet types allowing 16 choices for different grade of voice services, data services at different rates and four control packets.
3 bit status - - used to flag overflow, acknowledgment and sequencing to differentiate the sent and resent packets. Transmitted packets are alternately labeled with 0 and 1.
F – flow control, 1 indicates buffer full
A – Ack [ Bluetooth uses Stop-and-wait]
S – Sequence number [ 1 bit is sufficient for stop and wait]
HEC – 8 bit header error correction
The header has three identical 18 bit sections. [ie. Repeat 3 times]. The receiver compares these three sections bit by bit and uses the majority opinion rules. This forward error correction is for header only.
For some packet types, the baseband spec defines a format for the payload field. For voice payload, no header is defined.
Payload header – 8 bit header defined for single slot packet and 16 bits for multi-slot packets
Payload body – user info
CRC – 16 bit
L_CH – logical channel ID
Flow – flow control
Length – number of data bytes excluding header and CRC.
Error correction schemes - 1/3 rate (forward error correction) FEC, 2/3 rate FEC and ARQ
Logical Channels –
Link control (LC), link management(LM), user asynchronous data (UA) and user isochronous data (UI) channels.
Connection Management
The link manager layer and L2CAP layer perform the link setup, authentication and link configuration.
In the beginning, all devices are in SB mode. One of the device starts with an Inquiry and becomes the M. During the Inquiry process, the M register all SB terminals and then becomes S terminals.
After the Inquiry process, identification and timing of all S terminals is sent to the M. Connection starts with a PAGE from the M sending its timing and identification to the S. When connection is established, communication session takes place. At the end, the terminal can be sent back to the SB, Hold, Park or Sniff states.
Hold mode- In this mode, device idle at reduced power or possibly participate in another piconet.
Sniff mode – slave listen to the piconet at reduced interval according to application need.
Park mode – device give up its MAC address but remain synchronized to the piconet. A park device does not participate in traffic but occasionally listens to the traffic of the M terminal to synchronise and check on broadcast message.
Standby – low power, default state
Connected - connected to piconet as a master or slave
Figure shows a state diagram.
Channel control
Page – used by master to activate and connect to a slave.
Page scan – device listening for a page
Master response – master receives a page response from a slave and can either enter connection state or page state to page for other slave.
Slave response – slave response to a page from master. If connection setup succeeds, the device enters the connection state. Otherwise, it returns to the page scan state.
Inquiry – to find the identity of devices within range.
Inquiry scan – device listening for an inquiry
Inquiry response – respond to Inquiry
Inquiry Procedure
The first step when establishing a piconet is for a potential master to identify devices within range. Triggered by user application, a master begins an inquiry procedure. The inquiry procedure begins when the potential master transmits an ID packet with an IAC, which is a code common to all Bluetooth devices.
Of the 79 carriers, 32 are considered wake up carriers.
In the Inquiry state, the master broadcasts the IAC over each of the 32 wakeup carriers in turn. Device in SB periodically enter the inquiry scan state to search for IAC on the wake up carriers. When a device receives the inquiry, it enters the inquiry response state and returns a FHS packet with its device address and timing information, which is required by the master to initiate a connection. The master does not respond the FHS packet and may remain in the inquiry state until it is satisfied that all radios have been found.
Once a device has responded to an inquiry, it moves to the page scan state to wait for a page from the master in order to establish a connection. However, if a collision occurred in the inquiry response phase, no page will be received. The device may need to return to the inquiry scan state.
Note - FHS packet – control packet to reveal device address and clock of sender
Page Procedure
For each device to be paged, the master use the device’s address to calculate a page frequency-hopping sequence to contact the device during paging. The master pages by using an ID packet with the slave’s DAC[device access code]. The slave responds by returning the same DAC to the master in the same hopping sequence known as the page mode hopping sequence used by the master.
The master responds with it’s own device address and it’s own real time bluetooth clock value. The slave responds to confirm and transit to connection state and begin to use the connection hopping sequence defined in the master’s FHS packet. The master continues to page until it has connected to all the desired slaves and then transits to connection state.
Physical connection
PHY layer is embedded in the RF and Base band layers.
Use FHSS modem with a nominal antenna power of 0dbm (10 m coverage), option to operate at 20 dbm (100 meter coverage).
Use a two-level GFSK modem with a transmission rate of 1 Mbps that hops over 79 channels in the ISM bands starting at 2.402G and stop at 2.480G. The hopping rate is 1600 hops per sec
A second mode with 23 hopping frequencies for Japan, France and Spain.
A specific frequency-hopping pattern is assigned for each piconet.
The frequency sequence is determined by the master and follows a pseudo random number sequence which is calculated from the master’s device address. It is therefore unique to each pico network. The overall hopping pattern is divided into 32 hop segments. Each 32-hop sequence starts at a point in the spectrum and hops over the pattern that covers 64 Mhz.
The 79 frequency hops are arranged in odd and even classes. It hops either on odd or even frequencies. After completion of each segment, the sequence is altered and the segment is shifted 16 frequencies to the forward direction. The segment slide through the carrier list to maintain the average time each frequency is used at an equal probability.
MAC mechanism
The nominal hop rate is 1600 hops per sec. To set this up, the master assigns all slaves in the pico network time slot with a length of 625 us [625 bits at 1 Mbps]. Slave can only start to transmit at the start of a times slot. The time slots are numbered from 0 to 226 [ie 227 slots = 3 x 79 hops ]
Frame Format
Base on one packet per hop[625 us]. Frame can be extended to three slot [ 1875 us] and five slot [3125 us].
This allows different data rate.
什麼叫做交逼法界?譬如我們登山臨水,所見所聞,至遠至廣。舉凡所見所聞,皆是我人眼識、耳識、意識( 此處指五俱意識 )之所在。
不可以十百千萬里計。是故其量必同虛空而無極,因此稱識的功用交遍法界( 此係就種子
而言,至于識的現行,則隨量之大小而有局限 )。
能的發生作用( 即現行 )。而識之起現行,必待四緣俱備。四緣者,因緣、等無間緣、所緣
一切變現, 皆是功能之力。所以所謂功能,即是種子異名。
再者,種子與現行之間,種子是因,現行是果, 因是因,果是果,所以非一;但因是此果之因,果是此因之果,所以非異。這體用因果的道理,「理應故爾」。于此,進一步詮釋種子如下。
BlueTooth - IEEE802.15 [Bluetooth.doc]
Ref : Wireless and Cellullar Netwprks, Steve Wisniewski, Prentice Hall,2005
Principles of Wireless Networks, Pahlavan Krishnamurthy, Prentice Hall,2002
[note – only general concept is required, details of protocol is for your reference only, not required for assessment, refer to power point file for the scope required for assessment]
Open specification for short range integrated wireless voice and data communication.
Standard base on three applications – replacing cables, data and voice access point and personal ad hoc networks
Figure shows typical applications.
Topology – scattered ad hoc topology. A number of small networks support a few terminals to co-exist or interoperate with one another.
The network should be self-configurable providing an easy mechanism to form a new small network and a procedure for participation in an existing one.
The terminals have options to associate with multiple networks at the same time.
Piconet – Only one master in the network
Scatternet – several scattered pico network
Terminal states – M, master; S, slave; SB, standby; P, park/hold
S terminal can participate in more than one piconet.
M terminal can handle 7 S
Terminal can enter the SB mode waiting to join the piconet
In P mode, the terminal release its MAC address while in SB mode terminal keep its MAC address
Up to 10 piconet can operate in one area.
Bluetooth operate at 2.4G ISM band.
Protocol Architecture
Allow different applications to communicate over a variety of devices.
Layered protocol architecture
As illustrated in figure, it consists of core protocols, cable replacement and telephony control protocols and adopted protocols.
Core protocols form a five-layer stack consisting of the following
Radio – Specifies details of the air interface, including frequency the use of frequency hopping, modulation scheme and transmit power ie RF layer – radio modem for transmission and reception
Baseband – concerned with connection establishment within a piconet, addressing, packet format, timing and power control.
LMP, link management protocol – Responsible for link setup between Bluetooth devices and on going link management. This includes security aspects such as authentication and encryption, and the control and negotiation of baseband packet size.
L2CAP, Link control and adaptation protocol – Adapts upper layer protocols to the baseband layer. L2CAP provides both connectionless and connection-oriented services.
SDP, Service discovery protocol – finds the characteristics of services and connects two or more Bluetooth devices.
Cable replacement -
RFCOMM, Radio frequency communication – cable replacement, emulate a RS232 serial port over the Bluetooth baseband.
Telephone Control protocol -
TCS, Telephone control service - Specify signaling for establishing and ending a call.
Note that only call establishment is carried out using TCS-BIN protocol and the L2CAP layer. The audio protocol is used to transfer data. This protocol directly accesses an SCO link in the baseband.
Stack for Telephony FTP stack vCard
The Adopted protocols
PPP – The point to point protocol is an internet standard protocol for transporting IP datagrams over a point to point link.
TCP/IP/UDP – from TCP/IP suite
OBEX, Object exchange protocol- adopted from IrDA standard for infra red connection, used to handle vCard protocol for virtue business card exchange
WAP, wireless access protocol
WAE, wireless application environment protocol
Usage Models – set of protocols implementing bluetooth based applications
Piconets and Scatternets
Piconet – Basic unit in Bluetooth. It consists of a master device and from one to seven active slave. Master determines the channel (frequency hopping FH sequence) and phase (timing offset to transmit) for the slaves according to its own device address. Slave must tune to the same channel and phase. A slave may only communicate with the master and may only communicate when granted permission by the master.
Scatternet - A device in one piconet may also exist as part of another piconet and may function as either a slave or master in each piconet. This form of overlapping is called scatternet.
Bluetooth use FH with a carrier spacing of 1 Mhz. Up to eight different carrier frequencies are used in a total bandwidth of 80 Mhz.
With frequency hopping, a logical channel is defined by the hopping sequence. At any given time, the available channel bandwidth is 1 Mhz with a maximum of eight devices sharing the same channel.
Different logical channels with different hopping sequence can share the same 80 Mhz bandwidth. Collision will occur when devices in different piconets on different logical channels happen to use the same hop frequency at the same time.
Radio Specification
Output power -
Class 1 – max 100 mw (+20dbm) with a min of 1 mw (0db); power control is mandatory [100meter]
Class 2 – max 2.4 mw (+4dbm) with a min of 0.25mw (-6dbm); power control is optional
Class 3 – nominal output 1 mw [10 meter]
Spectrum – 2.4G ISM band; 79 x 1Mhz physical channels total 80 Mhz bandwidth
Modulation – GFSK with one represented by positive frequency deviation and zero represented by negative frequency deviation. The minimum deviation is 115 khz.
Baseband Specification
Bandwidth - The total bandwidth of 80Mhz is divided into 79 physical channels of 1 Mhz bandwidth each.
FHSS - Frequency hops follows a pseudorandom sequence.
All the devices on a single piconet follow the same sequence or the FH channel.
The hop rate is 1600 hops per sec and correspond to a slot time of 625 us. [ 2.5 hops per sec 9400 ms dwell time in 802.11].
The time slots are numbered from 0 to 226 [ie 227 slots = 3 x 79 hops ]
TDD link - Master and slave communicate via TDD [time division duplex] link. TDD is a link transmission technique in which data are transmitted in one direction at a time and transmission alternate between two directions.
Transmission starts at the beginning of a timeslot. Frequency hop is made at the start of each new time slot.
Single-Secondary Communication
Time id divided into slots of 625 usec. The primary uses even numbered slots and the secondary uses odd-numbered slots.
Multi-slot packets –
Packet lengths requiring 1, 3 or 5 slots are allowed. When a packet containing three or five time slots is transmitted, the same frequency is used until the entire packet has been transmitted.
In the next slot after the multi-slot packet, the radio returns to the frequency required for its hopping sequence, so that during transmission two or four hop frequencies have been skipped.
In fig., k denote the slot number and f(k) = physical channel selected in slot k
Multiple-Secondary Communication
Primary use even-numbered slots . Secondary sends in the next odd-numbered slot if the packet is the previous slot was addressed to it. All secondary listen on even-numbered slots but only one secondary sends in any odd-numbered slot.
The access method is similar to a poll/select operation with reservations. When the primary selects a secondary, it also polls it. The next time slot is reserved for the polled station to response. If the polled secondary has no frame to send, the channel is silent.
MAC mechanism
Bluetooth is a fast FHSS/TDD system that employs polling to establish the link. The access method is TDMA/TDD.
FH sequence – determined by master in a piconet.
The pseudo-random number sequence is a function of the master’s Bluetooth address.
Different master will have different hopping sequence. Hence most of the time, transmission on two devices on different piconet in the same area will be on different physical channels. Occasionally, collision and lost of data may occur.
Physical Links – two types of links
Bluetooth supports two kinds of links, ACL for data transmission and SCO for audio transmission. The gross Bluetooth data rate is 1 Mbps while the effective rate on an asymmetric ACL link is 721 Kbps in either direction and 57.6 Kbps in the return direction. A symmetric ACL link allows data rates of 432.6 Kbps.
SCO, synchronous connection-oriented –
Allocate a fixed bandwidth between a point-to-point connection involving the master and a single slave. The master maintains the SCO link by using reserved slots at regular intervals. The master can support up to three simultaneous SCO links [64kbps]. Slave can support two or three SCO links. SCO packets are never retransmitted.
ACL, asynchronous connectionless –
Point to multipoint link between the master and all the slaves in the piconet. In slots not reserved for SCO links, the master can exchange packets with any slave. Only a single ACL link can exist.
SCO links used for guaranteed data rate but without guaranteed delivery such as audio data.
ACL links provide packet-switched style of connection. No bandwidth reservation. Delivery may be guaranteed through error detection and retransmission. Data can be sent either unprotected or protected with forward error correction code.
Packet format
Access code – used for timing synchronization, offset compensation, paging and inquiry
The assess code field consists of a four-bit preamble, a four-bit trailer and a 64 bit synchronization PN sequence. The 48 bit MAC address unique to every Bluetooth device is used as the seed to derive the PN-sequence for hopping frequencies of the device.
There are four different types of access codes.
The first type identifies a M terminal and its piconet address.
The second type of access code specifies an S identity that is used to page a specific S.
The third type is a fixed access code reserved for the inquiry process.
The fourth type is the dedicated access code that is reserved to identify specific set of devices such as fax, printers or cellular phones.
DAC – device access code, for paging and its subsequent response
IAC - inquiry access code, for inquiry
CAC – channel access code, identify a piconet
Header – used to identify packet type and to carry protocol control
The header field has 18 bits that are repeated three times with FEC code. The 18 bit starts with a 3 bit S address, 4 bit packet type, 3 bit status and 8 bit error check. The 3 bit S add is the temporary address assigned to slave in the piconet. A transmission from master to slave or slave to master contains that address. ) is reserved for broadcast from master to slaves.
Type – identify packet types allowing 16 choices for different grade of voice services, data services at different rates and four control packets.
3 bit status - - used to flag overflow, acknowledgment and sequencing to differentiate the sent and resent packets. Transmitted packets are alternately labeled with 0 and 1.
F – flow control, 1 indicates buffer full
A – Ack [ Bluetooth uses Stop-and-wait]
S – Sequence number [ 1 bit is sufficient for stop and wait]
HEC – 8 bit header error correction
The header has three identical 18 bit sections. [ie. Repeat 3 times]. The receiver compares these three sections bit by bit and uses the majority opinion rules. This forward error correction is for header only.
For some packet types, the baseband spec defines a format for the payload field. For voice payload, no header is defined.
Payload header – 8 bit header defined for single slot packet and 16 bits for multi-slot packets
Payload body – user info
CRC – 16 bit
L_CH – logical channel ID
Flow – flow control
Length – number of data bytes excluding header and CRC.
Error correction schemes - 1/3 rate (forward error correction) FEC, 2/3 rate FEC and ARQ
Logical Channels –
Link control (LC), link management(LM), user asynchronous data (UA) and user isochronous data (UI) channels.
Connection Management
The link manager layer and L2CAP layer perform the link setup, authentication and link configuration.
In the beginning, all devices are in SB mode. One of the device starts with an Inquiry and becomes the M. During the Inquiry process, the M register all SB terminals and then becomes S terminals.
After the Inquiry process, identification and timing of all S terminals is sent to the M. Connection starts with a PAGE from the M sending its timing and identification to the S. When connection is established, communication session takes place. At the end, the terminal can be sent back to the SB, Hold, Park or Sniff states.
Hold mode- In this mode, device idle at reduced power or possibly participate in another piconet.
Sniff mode – slave listen to the piconet at reduced interval according to application need.
Park mode – device give up its MAC address but remain synchronized to the piconet. A park device does not participate in traffic but occasionally listens to the traffic of the M terminal to synchronise and check on broadcast message.
Standby – low power, default state
Connected - connected to piconet as a master or slave
Figure shows a state diagram.
Channel control
Page – used by master to activate and connect to a slave.
Page scan – device listening for a page
Master response – master receives a page response from a slave and can either enter connection state or page state to page for other slave.
Slave response – slave response to a page from master. If connection setup succeeds, the device enters the connection state. Otherwise, it returns to the page scan state.
Inquiry – to find the identity of devices within range.
Inquiry scan – device listening for an inquiry
Inquiry response – respond to Inquiry
Inquiry Procedure
The first step when establishing a piconet is for a potential master to identify devices within range. Triggered by user application, a master begins an inquiry procedure. The inquiry procedure begins when the potential master transmits an ID packet with an IAC, which is a code common to all Bluetooth devices.
Of the 79 carriers, 32 are considered wake up carriers.
In the Inquiry state, the master broadcasts the IAC over each of the 32 wakeup carriers in turn. Device in SB periodically enter the inquiry scan state to search for IAC on the wake up carriers. When a device receives the inquiry, it enters the inquiry response state and returns a FHS packet with its device address and timing information, which is required by the master to initiate a connection. The master does not respond the FHS packet and may remain in the inquiry state until it is satisfied that all radios have been found.
Once a device has responded to an inquiry, it moves to the page scan state to wait for a page from the master in order to establish a connection. However, if a collision occurred in the inquiry response phase, no page will be received. The device may need to return to the inquiry scan state.
Note - FHS packet – control packet to reveal device address and clock of sender
Page Procedure
For each device to be paged, the master use the device’s address to calculate a page frequency-hopping sequence to contact the device during paging. The master pages by using an ID packet with the slave’s DAC[device access code]. The slave responds by returning the same DAC to the master in the same hopping sequence known as the page mode hopping sequence used by the master.
The master responds with it’s own device address and it’s own real time bluetooth clock value. The slave responds to confirm and transit to connection state and begin to use the connection hopping sequence defined in the master’s FHS packet. The master continues to page until it has connected to all the desired slaves and then transits to connection state.
Physical connection
PHY layer is embedded in the RF and Base band layers.
Use FHSS modem with a nominal antenna power of 0dbm (10 m coverage), option to operate at 20 dbm (100 meter coverage).
Use a two-level GFSK modem with a transmission rate of 1 Mbps that hops over 79 channels in the ISM bands starting at 2.402G and stop at 2.480G. The hopping rate is 1600 hops per sec
A second mode with 23 hopping frequencies for Japan, France and Spain.
A specific frequency-hopping pattern is assigned for each piconet.
The frequency sequence is determined by the master and follows a pseudo random number sequence which is calculated from the master’s device address. It is therefore unique to each pico network. The overall hopping pattern is divided into 32 hop segments. Each 32-hop sequence starts at a point in the spectrum and hops over the pattern that covers 64 Mhz.
The 79 frequency hops are arranged in odd and even classes. It hops either on odd or even frequencies. After completion of each segment, the sequence is altered and the segment is shifted 16 frequencies to the forward direction. The segment slide through the carrier list to maintain the average time each frequency is used at an equal probability.
MAC mechanism
The nominal hop rate is 1600 hops per sec. To set this up, the master assigns all slaves in the pico network time slot with a length of 625 us [625 bits at 1 Mbps]. Slave can only start to transmit at the start of a times slot. The time slots are numbered from 0 to 226 [ie 227 slots = 3 x 79 hops ]
Frame Format
Base on one packet per hop[625 us]. Frame can be extended to three slot [ 1875 us] and five slot [3125 us].
This allows different data rate.
什麼叫做交逼法界?譬如我們登山臨水,所見所聞,至遠至廣。舉凡所見所聞,皆是我人眼識、耳識、意識( 此處指五俱意識 )之所在。
不可以十百千萬里計。是故其量必同虛空而無極,因此稱識的功用交遍法界( 此係就種子
而言,至于識的現行,則隨量之大小而有局限 )。
能的發生作用( 即現行 )。而識之起現行,必待四緣俱備。四緣者,因緣、等無間緣、所緣
一切變現, 皆是功能之力。所以所謂功能,即是種子異名。
再者,種子與現行之間,種子是因,現行是果, 因是因,果是果,所以非一;但因是此果之因,果是此因之果,所以非異。這體用因果的道理,「理應故爾」。于此,進一步詮釋種子如下。
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks
Bluetooth Overview [Bluetooth_Overview.doc]
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks
Open Specification for wireless communication of data and voice
Based on a low-cost short-range radio link
For ad hoc connections in stationary and mobile communication environments
Replacement of proprietary cables
Universal bridge to existing data networks and peripherals
Mechanism to form small private ad hoc groupings of connected devices
Designed to operate in a noisy radio frequency environment
Use fast Ack and frequency hopping scheme
Avoid interference by hopping to a new freq after transmitting or receiving a packet
Relatively hops faster and use shorter packets
Each packet transmit in a different hop frequency
Use Forward Error Correction on long distance links
Operates in unlicensed ISM band at 2.4G hz
Use binary FM modulation and time division multiplexing
Gross data rate 1 Mbps
Base band is a combination of packet and circuit switching
Slots reserved for synchronous packets
Single packet extent from single to five slots
Can support an ASyn channel and 3 synchronous voice channel or
a channel with Asyn data and Syn voice
Each voice channel support 64 kbps syn voice
Asyn channel support asymmetric link of max 721 kbps in either direction while permit 57.6 kbps return or 432.6 kbps symmetric link
先了解什麼是「 識 」。
人腦殼中的大腦,而是一種功能——能力與功用。「 功能 」二字,係無著菩薩于《攝大乘論》
者,都是指一種無質礙性的功能。唯識學解釋謂:積集義是心,思量義是意,了別義是識( 如
EE5412 Telecommunication Networks
Open Specification for wireless communication of data and voice
Based on a low-cost short-range radio link
For ad hoc connections in stationary and mobile communication environments
Replacement of proprietary cables
Universal bridge to existing data networks and peripherals
Mechanism to form small private ad hoc groupings of connected devices
Designed to operate in a noisy radio frequency environment
Use fast Ack and frequency hopping scheme
Avoid interference by hopping to a new freq after transmitting or receiving a packet
Relatively hops faster and use shorter packets
Each packet transmit in a different hop frequency
Use Forward Error Correction on long distance links
Operates in unlicensed ISM band at 2.4G hz
Use binary FM modulation and time division multiplexing
Gross data rate 1 Mbps
Base band is a combination of packet and circuit switching
Slots reserved for synchronous packets
Single packet extent from single to five slots
Can support an ASyn channel and 3 synchronous voice channel or
a channel with Asyn data and Syn voice
Each voice channel support 64 kbps syn voice
Asyn channel support asymmetric link of max 721 kbps in either direction while permit 57.6 kbps return or 432.6 kbps symmetric link
先了解什麼是「 識 」。
人腦殼中的大腦,而是一種功能——能力與功用。「 功能 」二字,係無著菩薩于《攝大乘論》
者,都是指一種無質礙性的功能。唯識學解釋謂:積集義是心,思量義是意,了別義是識( 如
EE5412 assignment
EE5412 assignments : v1.3 7 April 2010 Antigone
Discuss the difference between Bluetooth and ZigBee network in terms of objective, topology, protocol architecture etc.
Bluetooth and ZigBee are two widely used wireless communication standards. This paper will compare the difference in terms of objective, topology and architechture.
Bluetooth is an open specification for short range integrated wireless voice and data communication. It can provide a universal short-range wireless capability. Bluetooth uses the 2.4-GMHz band, with two Bluetooth devices within 10m ofeach other, each can share up to 720 kbs of capacity.
According to the ZigBee allicance , Zigbee is a very low-cost, very low-power-consumption, two-way, and wireless communications standard. It is easy and inexpensive to deploy and the unlicensed IMS radio bands. It aims to build a sel-organizing mesh network that address the unique needs of most remote monitoring and control sensory network applications.
Topology : Bluetooth has a scattered ad hoc topology, that is, a number of small networks support a few terminals to co-exist or interoperate with one another.
A Bluetooth network is self-configurable. It provides an easy way to form a new small network and a procedure for participation in an existing one.
The terminals have options to associate with multiple Bluetooth networks at the same time.
In Bluetooth, the basic unit of networking in Bluetooth is a piconet. It consists of one master and up to seven active slave devices. The radio designated as the master makes the determination of the channel (frequency-hopping sequence) and phase (timing offset, ie, when to transmit) that shall be used by all devices this piconet.
A slave may only communicate with the master and may only communicate when granted permission by the master. A device in one piconet may also exist as part of another piconet and may function as either a slave or master in each piconet.
This is the concept of scatternet. the advantage of the piconet/scatternet scheme is that it allows many devices to share the same physical area and make efficient use of the bandwidth. A Bluetooth system uses a frequency-hopping scheme with a carrier spacing of 1 MHz. In general, there can be up to 80 different frequencies are used for a total bandwidth of 80 MHZ.
Insead of a scatternet, the ZigBee network layer supports star, tree and mesh topologies.
In a star topology, the network is contolled by the ZigBee coordinator. The ZigBee coordinator is responsible for initiating and maintaining the device on the network. all other devices are known as end devices. In mesh and tree topologies, the network is extended by the ZigBee router. Mesh network allow full peer-to-peer communication. A mesh network contains a single coordinator, and multiple routers and end devices.
protocol architecture :
Bluetooth has a layered protocol architecture. It consists of core protocols, cable replacement and telephony control protocols, and adpoted protocols. The core protocolcomprises five layers, namely Raido, Baseband, Link manager protocol (LMP), Logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) nad the service discovery protocol (SDP).
The radio layer specifies details of the air interface, including frequency, the use of frequency hopping, modulation scheme, and transmit power. The baseband layer states the connection establishment within a pconet, addressing, packet format timing and power control. The link manager protocol (LMP) is responsible for link setup between Bluetooth devices and ongoing link management. This inclues security aspects such as authentation and encryption, plus the control and negotiation of baseband packet sizes.
The logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) laver adapts upper-layer protocols to the basseband layer. L2CAP provides both connectionless and connection-oriented services. The srvice discovery protocol (SDP) specifies device information, services, and the characteristics of the services can be queried to enable the establishment of a connection between tow or more Bluetooth devices.
For the cable replacement protocal layer, radio frequency communication RFCOMM is used. RFCOMM presents a vitual serial port designed to replace cable technologies. It provides binary data transport and emulates EIA-232 control signals over the Bluetooth baseband layer.
Bluetooth specifies a telephony control protocol. TCS BIN (telephony control specification--binary) is a bit-oriented protocol that defines the call control signal for the establishment of speech and data calls between Bluetoth devices. Also, it defines mobility management procedures for handling groups of Bluetooth TCS devices.
The adpoted protocols are defined in specifications issued by other organization and icluded in the overall Bluetooth architecture. There are four protocols being adopted, namely PPP (point-to-point protocol), TCP/UDP/IP, OBEX(Object exchange protocol), and the WAE/WAP protocol.
As to ZigBee, it builds on top of the physical (PHY) and medim access control (MAC) sub-layer as specified by the IEEE802.15.4 standard. ZigBee provides the network (NWK) layer and the framework for the appliation layer. The application layer framework consists of the application support sub-layer (APS) and the ZigBee device object (ZDO).
The network layer handles network address and routing by invoking actions in the MAC layer. Its task include starting th network (coordinator), assigning network address, adding and removing network devices, routing messages, applying security and implementing route discovery.
The ZigBee security sevice Provider (SSP) provides security mechanism for layers that use encryption. Also, application support (APS) sublayer is responsible for providing a data service to the application and ZigBee device profile. In addition, the ZDO management plane facilitates communication between the APS and the NWK layers with the ZDO.
The ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) defines the role of a device within the framework (coordinator, router or end device). It also initiates and responds to binding and discovery request.
ZigBee Application objects are software at an endpoint that controls the ZigBee device. A single ZigBee node supports up to 240 application objects.
The application framework describes how to build a profile onto a ZigBee tack. Finally, the top layer is the application layer (APL)
Discuss the difference between Bluetooth and ZigBee network in terms of objective, topology, protocol architecture etc.
Bluetooth and ZigBee are two widely used wireless communication standards. This paper will compare the difference in terms of objective, topology and architechture.
Bluetooth is an open specification for short range integrated wireless voice and data communication. It can provide a universal short-range wireless capability. Bluetooth uses the 2.4-GMHz band, with two Bluetooth devices within 10m ofeach other, each can share up to 720 kbs of capacity.
According to the ZigBee allicance , Zigbee is a very low-cost, very low-power-consumption, two-way, and wireless communications standard. It is easy and inexpensive to deploy and the unlicensed IMS radio bands. It aims to build a sel-organizing mesh network that address the unique needs of most remote monitoring and control sensory network applications.
Topology : Bluetooth has a scattered ad hoc topology, that is, a number of small networks support a few terminals to co-exist or interoperate with one another.
A Bluetooth network is self-configurable. It provides an easy way to form a new small network and a procedure for participation in an existing one.
The terminals have options to associate with multiple Bluetooth networks at the same time.
In Bluetooth, the basic unit of networking in Bluetooth is a piconet. It consists of one master and up to seven active slave devices. The radio designated as the master makes the determination of the channel (frequency-hopping sequence) and phase (timing offset, ie, when to transmit) that shall be used by all devices this piconet.
A slave may only communicate with the master and may only communicate when granted permission by the master. A device in one piconet may also exist as part of another piconet and may function as either a slave or master in each piconet.
This is the concept of scatternet. the advantage of the piconet/scatternet scheme is that it allows many devices to share the same physical area and make efficient use of the bandwidth. A Bluetooth system uses a frequency-hopping scheme with a carrier spacing of 1 MHz. In general, there can be up to 80 different frequencies are used for a total bandwidth of 80 MHZ.
Insead of a scatternet, the ZigBee network layer supports star, tree and mesh topologies.
In a star topology, the network is contolled by the ZigBee coordinator. The ZigBee coordinator is responsible for initiating and maintaining the device on the network. all other devices are known as end devices. In mesh and tree topologies, the network is extended by the ZigBee router. Mesh network allow full peer-to-peer communication. A mesh network contains a single coordinator, and multiple routers and end devices.
protocol architecture :
Bluetooth has a layered protocol architecture. It consists of core protocols, cable replacement and telephony control protocols, and adpoted protocols. The core protocolcomprises five layers, namely Raido, Baseband, Link manager protocol (LMP), Logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) nad the service discovery protocol (SDP).
The radio layer specifies details of the air interface, including frequency, the use of frequency hopping, modulation scheme, and transmit power. The baseband layer states the connection establishment within a pconet, addressing, packet format timing and power control. The link manager protocol (LMP) is responsible for link setup between Bluetooth devices and ongoing link management. This inclues security aspects such as authentation and encryption, plus the control and negotiation of baseband packet sizes.
The logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) laver adapts upper-layer protocols to the basseband layer. L2CAP provides both connectionless and connection-oriented services. The srvice discovery protocol (SDP) specifies device information, services, and the characteristics of the services can be queried to enable the establishment of a connection between tow or more Bluetooth devices.
For the cable replacement protocal layer, radio frequency communication RFCOMM is used. RFCOMM presents a vitual serial port designed to replace cable technologies. It provides binary data transport and emulates EIA-232 control signals over the Bluetooth baseband layer.
Bluetooth specifies a telephony control protocol. TCS BIN (telephony control specification--binary) is a bit-oriented protocol that defines the call control signal for the establishment of speech and data calls between Bluetoth devices. Also, it defines mobility management procedures for handling groups of Bluetooth TCS devices.
The adpoted protocols are defined in specifications issued by other organization and icluded in the overall Bluetooth architecture. There are four protocols being adopted, namely PPP (point-to-point protocol), TCP/UDP/IP, OBEX(Object exchange protocol), and the WAE/WAP protocol.
As to ZigBee, it builds on top of the physical (PHY) and medim access control (MAC) sub-layer as specified by the IEEE802.15.4 standard. ZigBee provides the network (NWK) layer and the framework for the appliation layer. The application layer framework consists of the application support sub-layer (APS) and the ZigBee device object (ZDO).
The network layer handles network address and routing by invoking actions in the MAC layer. Its task include starting th network (coordinator), assigning network address, adding and removing network devices, routing messages, applying security and implementing route discovery.
The ZigBee security sevice Provider (SSP) provides security mechanism for layers that use encryption. Also, application support (APS) sublayer is responsible for providing a data service to the application and ZigBee device profile. In addition, the ZDO management plane facilitates communication between the APS and the NWK layers with the ZDO.
The ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) defines the role of a device within the framework (coordinator, router or end device). It also initiates and responds to binding and discovery request.
ZigBee Application objects are software at an endpoint that controls the ZigBee device. A single ZigBee node supports up to 240 application objects.
The application framework describes how to build a profile onto a ZigBee tack. Finally, the top layer is the application layer (APL)
Montag, 5. April 2010
The Arduino Philosophy
The Arduino Philosophy
quoted from "Getting Started with Arduino" by Massimo Bazi, p.5
The Arduino philosophy is based on making designs rather than talking about them. It is a constant search for faster and more powerful ways to build prototype.
1. Classical engineering relies on a strict process for getting from A to B; the Arduino Way delights in the possibility ogf getting lost on the way and find C instead.
2. This is the tinkering process that we are so fond of -- playing with the medium in an OPEN-MINDED way and finding the unexpected.
3.In this search for ways to build better prototypes, we also selected a number of software packages that enable the process of constant manipulation of the software and hardware medium.
0. drift
4.Circuit Bending
5.Keyboard Hacks
6.We love junk!
7.Hacking Toys
妥協已到底線 「教宗家出咗聲喇」
Arduino: Robotics for beginners (Spanish with English subtitles)
quoted from "Getting Started with Arduino" by Massimo Bazi, p.5
The Arduino philosophy is based on making designs rather than talking about them. It is a constant search for faster and more powerful ways to build prototype.
1. Classical engineering relies on a strict process for getting from A to B; the Arduino Way delights in the possibility ogf getting lost on the way and find C instead.
2. This is the tinkering process that we are so fond of -- playing with the medium in an OPEN-MINDED way and finding the unexpected.
3.In this search for ways to build better prototypes, we also selected a number of software packages that enable the process of constant manipulation of the software and hardware medium.
0. drift
4.Circuit Bending
5.Keyboard Hacks
6.We love junk!
7.Hacking Toys
妥協已到底線 「教宗家出咗聲喇」
Arduino: Robotics for beginners (Spanish with English subtitles)
Sonntag, 4. April 2010
EE3206 中國快變神獸統治的世界
Overlay Weaver--An Overlay Construction Toolkit
Overlay Weaver--An Overlay Construction Toolkit
Samstag, 3. April 2010 cannot open shared object file cannot open shared object file
problem : build avr-gcc from source to play Arduino
[configure-target-libgcc] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/obj-avr'
make: *** [all] Error 2
1. set LD_LIBRARY_PATH : in the .bashrc file in root directory...
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_10/bin
export AVR_HOME=/usr/local/avr/bin
export MPFR_HOME=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/lib
2. ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/avr --target=avr --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nls --disable-libssp --with-dwarf2 --with-gmp=/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/gmp-5.0.1/obj-gmp --with-mpfr-include=/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/include --with-mpfr-lib=/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/lib
3. finally, a set the PATH in your own login environment in the .bashrc file :
use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=pathname of
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_18/bin
export AVR_HOME=/usr/local/avr/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/lib
4. it takes me 6 nights so as to build avr-gcc from source!. Next i can buy stuff to play Arduino ! !
see also
Building your own avr-gcc environment with atmega328p capabilities, Linux
就北京市大興區人民檢察院 “京大檢 刑訴 [2010]0043號 起訴書” 指控我涉嫌尋釁滋事罪的起訴,我將做一些必要的說明及辯護。
首先,我不認同起訴書指控我以社會 熱點問題,煽動糾集他人在多個公共場所呼喊口號,非法聚集起哄鬧事等事情。下面我就指控內容作必要的簡要說明。
起訴書指控所謂社會熱點問題的事情 主要有二個,一是有關 2008年9月11日被正式曝光的三聚氰胺有毒乳製品事件,此事件泛稱 “三聚氰胺毒奶(粉)事件” 。此事件與我密切相關, 我的孩子就是受三聚氰胺有毒乳製品侵害的幼童之一,我也是此事件維權帶頭人。
第二個事情是有關 2009年8月4日安徽上訪女青年李蕊蕊來京上訪被外地政府駐京辦截訪人員非法關押並被強姦的事情,我在當天協同李蕊蕊及事件證人去北京市公安局報案。
先說三聚氰胺毒奶事件維權:起訴書 指控我 “於 2008年9月至 2009年9月間,利用社會熱點問題,煽動糾集多人先後在河北省石 家莊市及北京市大興區、豐台區等地公共場所採用呼喊口號、非法聚集等方式起哄鬧事,嚴重擾亂上述地區的社會秩序。”就這些指控我要提出反對意見,首先我們 要簡要說明起訴書所說的這個 “社會熱點問題” 就是 2008年9月11日被正式曝光的舉世震驚並令眾多受害家庭痛苦至極 的三聚氰胺毒奶事件。
我年幼的孩子即是受三聚氰胺有毒乳製品侵害的腎結石寶寶。我的孩子從小母乳餵養,在一歲多後開始消費各種乳製品,截止到他被確診為腎 結石患兒之前,已累計消費了長達二年多大量的含三聚氰胺的有毒乳製品,涉及的種類幾乎涵蓋了所有的含乳製品。
孩子在被確診後,我們身為孩子的父母想到孩子 曾消費的乳製品數量之多,時間之長我們的心情是極其痛苦並擔憂的,想必每個有血肉的人都會理解我們的痛苦與擔心,那些痛苦的經歷現在想起來仍歷歷在目,痛 苦及擔心焦慮程度在此暫不多述。
悲劇在我們尚小的孩子身上發生後, 身為受害患兒家長的我及眾多受害家庭自然想到為我們尚小的孩子維權並為孩子們一生的健康保障呼籲。我們眾多受害家庭由此因孩子自發的走到了一起,組建我們 的維權團體,但沒有想到的是,我們的孩子被無情的殘害,我們在維權的過程中也經歷了太多的艱辛、壓力與阻撓,讓我們眾多家庭經歷了更多新的傷害與痛苦。
但 我們在即便非常痛苦的維權過程中依然做到了理智。我本人也作為結石寶寶維權帶頭人與相關部門進行了多次的積極溝通及回饋,但我們提出的太多積極的合理性建 議都石沉大海沒有任何回應,即便如此,我們眾多家長依然克制著我們痛苦委屈的情緒,繼續理智的與相關部門溝通呼籲,期望相關部門能正視我們受害群體的痛苦 心聲。我們眾多家庭相互安慰、相互幫助,也極力勸撫幫助那些被傷害更嚴重的家庭憤怒不理性的情緒,避免發生其他更不想看到的悲劇。
我們理性、積極的方式讓 有些例如死亡、手術等嚴重情況更痛苦的家庭感受到很多安慰,及時避免了多例危險事件的發生。說到此,應肯定我們的維權團體起到的積極有益的作用。
2008年12月 中旬,我們眾多家長得知政府即將出臺賠償方案(並且我們也認為那個賠償方案是打發人的、不公平、不合理的賠償方案,是沒有與眾多受害家庭協商溝通、且不尊 重受害家庭的方案)。
我們眾多受害家庭得知這些情況後自然想到結石寶寶事件也將會隨之淡落的處理下去,我們太多家長想到我們孩子後續定期檢查、繼續治療、 永久健康保障以及三聚氰胺深度危害等等實際問題依然沒有得到完善的解決,我們的心情是焦慮不安的。
在這樣的心情下,我們與相關部門溝通的願望更加強烈,我 們期望能與相關部門及企業進行彼此坦誠的溝通對話,我們也期望我們真誠的態度能讓相關部門及企業重視依然存在眾多問題及聽取我們對事件解決的建議。
我們曾努力與中國乳製品工業協會等 部門積極溝通但都被無情拒絕。我們的心情是非常痛苦無奈的,我們期待相關部門能在尊重我們做為受害家庭的前提下,更合理、更公平、更公正的能與眾多受害家 庭協商來解決出現的各種問題,把孩子們的生命健康放在最重要的高度來重視。
當時的情況大致是:有很多需要住院甚至手術的孩子都被拒絕免費治療,致使一些孩 子的治療被嚴重人為的拖延,讓孩子們的生命健康受到嚴重的威脅,還有例如有的孩子由於漏報等情況根本就沒有列入國家承認的結石寶寶名單,導致各種治療費用 都由受害家庭自己來承擔,而有的孩子更是在事件被曝光前就已治療或手術多次,家庭已為此不堪重負而債臺高築,而孩子依然面臨繼續治療而需要的高昂費用,很 多前期或後期治療費用都不給予解決,而最讓人無法理解的是在三聚氰胺事件曝光後繼續死亡的結石寶寶患兒除了不被承認死因與三聚氰胺有關,並且在死亡患兒家 長就死因提出質疑後申請屍體檢驗來確定死因竟被拒絕。
例如:2008年 12月4日死亡的湖北麻城的馬雪菲小朋友( 女孩,死亡時僅1歲,她的相關資料在我被警方扣押的電腦裏有 )。馬雪 菲在12月4日死亡前就已被承認是三聚氰胺毒奶粉侵害的結石寶 寶,但相關部門在她死亡後否認她的死亡與三聚氰胺有關。馬雪菲在死亡之前就已因腎結石導致腎積水無法排尿在醫院進行過置管、排尿排石手術,也曾有國內媒體 對當時在醫院治療的馬雪菲作過報導。
馬雪菲死亡後,我們眾多家庭及相關專業人士懷疑是腎小管裏依然有三聚氰胺顆粒導致腎臟或其他器官嚴重受損導致生命出現 危險,故都想到只有通過嚴謹的屍體解剖檢驗才能確定最終死因,但相關部門在否認馬雪菲的死因與三聚氰胺有關之後卻拒絕推諉家屬提出的屍檢申請(稍後在09 年1月6日 死亡的山東青州候海淇小朋友也是被如此對待,候海淇家長將孩子屍體在醫院停 屍房冷凍多日找過多個相關部門提出屍檢申請都被拒絕)。
馬雪菲死亡後對她及其他新死亡患兒 進行嚴謹的醫學檢驗的重要性不僅僅在於對死因有更明確的判定標準牽扯到對其家庭的賠償等級,更重要的意義在於通過嚴謹的醫學檢驗、病理學研究、通過屍檢對 腎臟、肝臟、心血管系統等重要內臟器官進行切片等專業的病理學研究來更深入瞭解被三聚氰胺侵害的結石寶寶的腎臟等重要器官到底造成了如何傷害,傷害到何種 程度、長遠潛在危害到什麼程度等等。
這樣的研究重要且必要,也將對至少官方公佈的30萬結石寶寶的後續治療、長期監控防治有重要價值,但這樣難得的實體研究竟然在家屬的積 極申請下被浪費甚至推諉拒絕,讓我們實在不能理解並心痛,看到 2008年東北因三聚氰胺飼料死亡的動物貉子在解剖後腎臟被嚴重侵害的照片(我被扣押的電腦裏有照片及相關資料),讓我們更加想瞭解三聚氰 胺乳製品到底對我們的孩子們的腎臟等器官具體造成了什麼樣的傷害。
2008年 12月 中下旬,我們在種種疑慮,擔憂及與中國乳製品工業協會等相關部門溝通被徹底拒絕或置之不理後自然想到通過媒體反映我們關心的問題及建議,並期望我們的呼籲 能得到相關部門及社會的高度重視。在我們眾多家長自發的商議下,最終決定於 2009年1月2日 下午在豐台區的一家停業的酒店中餐廳與媒體記者見 面反映我們的呼籲及發現的問題。擔心這個見面會被干擾,我們選擇的這個酒店地處非常僻靜。在與該酒店中餐廳負責人事先商談後,他們也非常樂意於將中餐廳租 用給我們使用並徹底約定下來。
1月2日 的這個事情本可以進行的非常順利,但我在 1月1日 晚即被警方在豐台區強制控制,與我同時被控制的還有其他4個家長代表( 他們都是孩子受傷害很嚴重且都動過手術患兒的家長 )。我們在 1月1日晚被警方強制關押在大興區團河農場會議中心內,在我們提出意見後,警方告訴我們第二天上午將有領導與我們談話溝通,並承諾我們第 二天上午11點前無論談話是 什麼結果都肯定會釋放我們。
當天晚上我們晚飯也沒吃,我們幾個 人就在多名員警看押下在團河會議中心一個會議室的椅子上又餓、又困、又累的坐了一夜,即便這樣我們還是滿懷期待第二天上午的談話能有好的進展,期望領導們 能傾聽我們的建議。
第二天上午,我作為代表與到來的領導們進行了談話,我談了很多我們面臨的實際困難、問題及建議,並明確表達了期望政府能協調相關部門及 企業與我們進行溝通的誠意。但當天上午現場的領導們不僅不理解我們的合理訴求及建議,反而以一種居高臨下的姿態一味的強加我們他們的意見,一上午的對話明 顯在被壓制的狀態下進行,並且在時至11點後也不按他們曾經的承諾釋放我們。
時至下午,我們依然被強制看押在團 河會議中心內,位於豐台區那個酒店的記者見面會如期但被嚴重干擾的在進行,其他幾個沒有被控制的家長代表和一些媒體記者趕到了那裏,但到後才得知該酒店及 中餐廳不能再繼續租用給我們使用,酒店外也有警車及警方人員在現場( 事後證實當天警方介入要求該中餐廳停止給我們租用 ),那些家長與到達的記者由於無法進 入中餐廳,只好在酒店的大廳及酒店門口的便道上進行了簡短的訪談,後由於擔心我們幾個被關押在團河會議中心,幾個家長隨即趕到了團河會議中心來關注並詢問 為什麼關押我們。
當天下午在團河會議中心的警官找到我說有家長在會議中心外要求釋放我們或進來見我們,讓我勸勸他們,情緒不要激動。我當即非常配合的與在 會議中心外的家長們通了電話,讓他們都冷靜,不要衝動,在我與會議中心內警官們的請求下,最終讓在外面的家長們進來避冷。
在當天最後,政府官員又與我們進行 了談話,同意我們只要不在 1月4日至 1月15日 推行賠償方案期間不公開反對賠償方案即協調我們與相關部門及企業的溝通, 展開對話機制解決遺留問題,至此才將我們釋放並請我們在大興區的一家餐廳的一個包間吃了一頓飯並在第二天陸續都回到了各自的家中。
簡述當天在豐台區及大興區的情況即 是:我們沒有進行起訴書內所指控的我煸動糾集多人在北京市大興區、豐台區採用呼喊口號,非法聚集方式起哄鬧事,更不承認我們嚴重擾亂上述地區的社會秩序, 我要說的是:如果沒有警方的強行介入阻止,1月2日 的事情會進行的更好,在當天因此而造成的任何不良影響都應由警方負責。並且我們每個家長在當天也都極力配合了現場警方的協調或指揮,並且當天也有眾多媒體 記者在現場可以作證,如法庭不認同我的辯解,我將請求法庭允許當天去現場的家長及媒體記者出庭作證。
綜上簡述,我完全不認同起訴書對我 的指控內容,我不認同指控我煽動糾集多人在北京豐台區、大興區的犯罪指控,我也不認同我們是非法聚會,更不存在呼喊口號、起哄鬧事的情況。上面是2009 年1月2日在北京豐台區及大興區的大致情況。
再次在大興區的聚會就是 2009年9月11日,三聚氰胺毒奶事件被正式曝光一周年當天,我們幾個受害家長代表在北京大 興區的一家餐廳的包間內進行了一個小型的回顧性座談會及傍晚後進行了一個短暫的燭光紀念活動。我們選擇的這個地點也是年初1月2日官方請我們吃飯的那個飯店、那個包間,我們也期望借此提醒官方年初對我們的 承諾。我們以此來悼念因三聚氰胺毒奶死亡的孩子,並祈禱祝福所有手術及被侵害倖存的孩子們能一生健康幸福的成長。
這次結石寶寶周年聚會得到北京市公 安局的批准,並且當天現場的秩序也不存在任何問題,如有質疑,請參見我們當天拍攝記錄的全程錄影,該《結實寶寶周年紀念》錄影在我被扣押的電腦裏或網路上 也可下載到,我也期望我們當天凝重悲慟的氣氛能打動每位觀賞者並有所深思。我們作為成年人到底該為我們的後代為所有天真無邪的孩子們營造一個什麼樣的社會 環境。
《結石寶寶周年紀念》座談會錄影在我此次被強制關押前正準備 隨同另一份剛剛完稿的致衛生部的問題匯總回饋函一併提交給相關部門以期得到重視( 該問題匯總回饋函也在我被扣押的電腦內 ),在此再次提醒相關部門依然要重 視並解決三聚氰胺事件遺留的所有問題,尤其最重點的是三聚氰胺對人體尤其是對孩子們長期的潛在傷害及威脅。
其他一年期間內的多次致衛生部信訪辦,國 家質檢總局信訪辦,國家信訪局中國消費者協會,中國乳製品工業協會,最高人民法院等部門上訪反映問題的地點都不屬於起訴書所說的豐台區、大興區、也不存在 任何起訴書指控的內容,故不必敍述。
我在2008年 三聚氰胺事件後一共去過4次石家莊分別是 2009年1月16日,1月22日,3月4日及 6月24日。下面開始簡述。
先說第一次 1月 16日去石家莊,1月16日前2天, 在網路上有傳言說16日上午 在石家莊中級人民法院將開庭審理宣判田文華,我們一些家長在得知這個消息後商議我們作為受害孩子家長應該到現場去關注庭審結果並接觸到現場的媒體反映我們 的問題,期望引起重視。但16日 早上我與另外兩個家長到達石家莊中法後才得知那是一個假消息,當天去了,三五家媒體與我們簡短談了一會兒就各自回家了,這是 1月16日的情況,不存在任何起訴書內指控的情況。
再說第二次 1月22日,這次審判田文華是真實的,我們共有7個家長代表自發的到了石家莊中法,下面說說這天情況。
當天我們到達中法後,中法已實行全面戒嚴 狀態,眾多防暴員警及治安警察在中法周邊拉起了警戒線並組成嚴實的人牆阻止無特殊通行證的人員進入。我們當天在現場是非常理智的,與維護警戒線的員警們溝 通得知我們不可以穿過警戒線的情況下我們沒有任何過激行為,我們也理智的按警方的要求在指定地點待著。我們在警方指定的地點與媒體記者談我們亟待解決並急 需重視的重要問題,我們最關心的還主要是孩子們的身體健康。期間,記者拍攝了我們手拿寫有“關愛孩子健康”等字樣的A4紙,但我不認為此行為構成犯罪。
當天,我們在那裏是非常理智的,沒有起訴 書指控的任何行為發生,並且也一切聽從了現場警方的指揮與協調,讓我們在哪待著,我們就在哪待著,更沒有所謂呼喊口號,起哄鬧事等行為發生。並且在審判田 文華結束後也各自儘快的離開了石家莊。
當天現場情況也有眾多媒體記者可以作證。 如法庭不認同我的辯解,我請求法庭允許當天在現場的眾多記者到庭為我作證。
上面是 1月22日在石家莊的情況,不存在任何起訴書指控的行為。
再說第三次 3月4日,這天是曾經的國家免檢產品,中國名牌產品等眾多榮譽於一身的三鹿集團剩餘 資產被拍賣的日子。我們作為結實寶寶的家長們,理應來關注這次拍賣,我們也期望能表達我們合理的意見:即將拍賣的剩餘資產優先用於受害家庭尤其是很多被拒 絕免費治療的孩子們。
當天情況是:我們4個家長開乘一輛車前往石家莊中法拍賣現場,但我們的 車輛被石家莊警方刻意的阻撓下本能10分鐘的車程就趕到中法,但卻千辛萬苦的經過幾個小時後才到達。
我們到達中法後拍賣會已經結束,後有記者給我們打電話告知我們正在三鹿 集團進行拍賣後的新聞發佈會,我們隨即趕了過去,但三鹿集團當天組織了大量人員阻攔我們,我們在請求進入未同意的情況下也沒有強行進入等過激行為發生,並 且在當天大量三鹿人員將我們圍堵在角落裏甚至將一位死亡患兒的奶奶拉扯在地上的情況下我們依然保持了極強的克制力。最後我們在極度委屈的心情下離開了。當 天也有石家莊警方在現場,也沒有指出我們有任何構成犯罪的行為。我們也認為我們的行為沒有構成犯罪,更不存在起訴書指控的內容。
第四次去石家莊是 6月24日,當天我與另外3名家長代表去向石家莊新華區人民法院,石家莊中級人民 法院,河北省高級人民法院遞交我們受害家庭致全國各級法院系統的公開信,期望能公平、公正進行三聚氰胺民事訴訟案,當天遞交過程非常順利,更不存在起訴書 內所指控的任何行為。
以上是四次去石家莊的大致情況,綜上所 述,我不認為我這4次在石家 莊的行為構成犯罪,並且我還要重點強調,我的每次出行都有警方人員在現場或隨從,也沒有任何警方人員提示說我們的行為構成犯罪,故此,我更認為我上述事情 都沒有構成犯罪。
自2008年9月11日三聚氰胺事件發生以來,我作為維權帶頭人被警方多次談話,但從未提及我曾 經的事情構成犯罪,另在 2009年7月 後因準備進行結石寶寶周年紀念,與警方再多次頻繁解除溝通,在7月至 9月11日 結石寶寶周年長達兩個月與警方多次接觸的時間 裏,也多次談及曾經的這些事情也從未指出我這些事情構成犯罪,並一再好意的勸告我千萬別有什麼衝動的事情發生構成犯罪。這些情況也證實我曾經的這些事情並 沒有被警方認為是犯罪,我也沒有因這些事情收到過警告或提示說我構成犯罪,讓我不能理解並痛心的是事後竟指控我那些在警方嚴密監控下的事情構成犯罪。
我們身為被傷害的孩子們的父母們,我們是 希望切實解決發生在我們孩子們身上的傷害以及有效保障我們孩子們一生的健康。迄今為止,不僅僅中國甚至全世界也沒有任何一個權威機構敢斷言三聚氰胺對孩子 們的傷害僅僅是腎結石,而已有的研究和相關報導都是讓我們緊張並焦慮的,我們至今擔心一些隱性的傷害將會影響孩子們一生的健康。
世衛組織發佈的通報明確提到了通過動物實 驗發現三聚氰胺是可以導致動物有膀胱癌等病變發生( 請參見世衛組織中文網站內有關三聚氰胺病理學方面的研究通報 ),而我們在國內也通過南方都市報 08年底有關三聚氰胺的專題系列報導瞭解到東北餵養三 聚氰胺飼料而亡的動物貉子的屍體解剖後發現腎臟都有明顯的嚴重破壞,其被破壞殘蝕的腎臟實物照片讓我們每個給孩子消費過三聚氰胺產品的孩子家長都不得不心 有餘悸,恐懼萬分,並且這種擔憂並未隨著孩子結石的消失而停止。我們迄今仍強烈呼籲相關部門重視這個問題,儘快出臺公示相關的專業研究及進展情況,防患于 未然。
我們身為孩子的家長最關心孩子們生命健康 及一生有效地保障,我們的維權也一直是合理合法且理性文明的,我們也從沒有指控的所謂“非法聚集,呼喊口號,起哄鬧事”等這些無中生有的事情。
這天起因是因為我的一個朋友被關押在外地 政府駐京辦私自設置非法關押訪民的一個黑監獄中,在當天竟駭人聽聞的發生了一起性質及其惡劣的黑監獄看押人員當眾強姦安徽上訪女青年李蕊蕊的事件。我在當 天得到求救的消息後去營救她們,在前往的路上得知她們自己闖出被關押的黑監獄後前往北京市公安局報案的路上又被截訪人員攔截的情況下,只能更加義無反顧的 趕過去營救,擔心剛剛逃出魔窟的她們再陷入惡境,並最終協助了李蕊蕊她們成功報了案。對於這次極其正常並屬於見義勇為的報案,竟被指控為煽動糾集多人起哄 鬧事,對於這樣的指控不能不令我心痛,我們正確並帶有正直的行為談何犯罪呢?
對於本指控我完全不認同,我們在當天不僅 沒有任何過激的行為發生,並且在警方強行抓人導致嚇跑一些訪民的情況下,將一切害怕且跑開的當事人及證人勸說留了下來,我不僅不認為我當天的行為構成犯 罪,反倒更認為當天在我的堅持及推動下能得以最終報案、立案成功,得以最終有效地打擊了罪犯,在我及多名訪民證人被東交民巷派出所強行扣留關押一天后,8 月5日中午警方多名領導找我談話說馬上釋放我們,但要求我 們走後不要再對記者多提這個事情了,然後就讓我們就離開了。
從8月4日被強行關押直至8月5日離開,警方自始至終也未說我們的行為構成了犯罪,故此,我不認為我在8月4日的行為有任何犯罪成分。如果法庭認為我的行為構成犯罪,那我認為是對真正犯罪分子無形的庇護,是對正確行為的打擊,由此會導致的 不良後果不堪設想,正義、正直被壓制的情況下只能讓真正的犯罪分子更加囂張,也將會錯誤引導正確的是非判斷觀。故此,請法庭慎重考慮,並作出正確的判定。
我在8月4日當天的所作所為,可由多位當天現場的當事人作證,如法庭不認同我的辯解,我 將請求相關證人出庭為我作證。
以上是我就起訴書指控的內容做的必要說 明。
我身為一名結石寶寶的父親及社會的一員, 我堅信我自三聚氰胺事件以來所做的事情沒有犯罪,我反而要自豪驕傲於我所做的所有努力,我在盡力盡職我應肩負的責任,我也期望自己曾經的所有努力與付出能 對我們社會的進步有所推動,並且我堅信我所做的一切無愧於我自己的良心、無愧於我們身處的這個時代,我認為我所做的都是正確的,反而我倒認為如果我不去做 這些事情,我將認為是一個罪人有愧于自己的良知與靈魂,也有愧有罪於我身處的時代及我們的後代,我們努力讓我們的思想與行為更加高尚,堅定我們正確的做人 信念,並期待能對社會進步有積極有益的作用。我們身處這個時代,有責任堅持正確的事情並讓人為的錯誤儘量減少。我們作為社會的一員,有不可推卸的責任甚至 使命為我們的後代努力營造一個更有道德、更公正、更公平、更美好的社會環境。
我因為維權及協助別人報案被冠以莫須有的 罪名而失去自由,在此我期忘這樣的傷害與委屈儘快結束,並期望是非被顛倒的事情不要再發生。
在此,我要說:如果維權有罪,那勢必會助 長利慾薰心的奸商繼續喪盡天良、肆無忌憚的將自己的利益建立在殘害他人的基礎上,我們本已日漸淪喪的社會將會變成何等扭曲的樣子。
今天的我,由於錯誤的指控被強行關押失去了自由,我所能期待的也只有祈盼法律應有的公平公正來為我主 持正義還我于清白。在此也真誠期望我們的政府相關部門能正視已犯下的錯誤,不要一錯再錯。
我堅信,正義與真理的光芒必將照耀我們這 個國度的每個角落,而我所能做的也只能是倔強的堅持,不為別的,僅僅為了我自己良心與靈魂的安穩,以及為了我們的後代們能生活在一個具有優良品質的社會 裏,更為了我們這個民族,我們這個國度能以健康的體魄繼續存在於世界。
我堅信我所做的一切都沒有犯罪,也 期望擁有權力的人能擁有高尚的人格與美德,想想所有被三聚氰胺毒奶殘害的孩子們,秉持懲惡揚善的準則,做出無愧於這個國度、無愧於良知與靈魂及無愧於子孫 後代的決定。這樣,我們才無愧於我們做為一個生命在這個世界、在這個國度的意義。
最後,我要再重申,我沒有進行起訴 書內指控的犯罪行為,我堅信我所做的一切都是身為一名公民應擔當的一份責任,我堅信自己所做的事情都是文明且沒有錯誤的,我也祈盼自己的努力能讓社會有所 進步。
為了將正直、良知的品德保留在我們 的生命及靈魂中,我們只能堅定正確的信念和準則,否則將動搖我們正直的心靈並錯誤的影響我們的後代,那樣,我們才將是罪人。
problem : build avr-gcc from source to play Arduino
[configure-target-libgcc] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/obj-avr'
make: *** [all] Error 2
1. set LD_LIBRARY_PATH : in the .bashrc file in root directory...
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_10/bin
export AVR_HOME=/usr/local/avr/bin
export MPFR_HOME=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/lib
2. ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/avr --target=avr --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nls --disable-libssp --with-dwarf2 --with-gmp=/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/gmp-5.0.1/obj-gmp --with-mpfr-include=/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/include --with-mpfr-lib=/root/Desktop/gcc-4.4.3/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/lib
3. finally, a set the PATH in your own login environment in the .bashrc file :
use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=pathname of
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_18/bin
export AVR_HOME=/usr/local/avr/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mpfr-2.4.2-obj/lib
4. it takes me 6 nights so as to build avr-gcc from source!. Next i can buy stuff to play Arduino ! !
see also
Building your own avr-gcc environment with atmega328p capabilities, Linux
就北京市大興區人民檢察院 “京大檢 刑訴 [2010]0043號 起訴書” 指控我涉嫌尋釁滋事罪的起訴,我將做一些必要的說明及辯護。
首先,我不認同起訴書指控我以社會 熱點問題,煽動糾集他人在多個公共場所呼喊口號,非法聚集起哄鬧事等事情。下面我就指控內容作必要的簡要說明。
起訴書指控所謂社會熱點問題的事情 主要有二個,一是有關 2008年9月11日被正式曝光的三聚氰胺有毒乳製品事件,此事件泛稱 “三聚氰胺毒奶(粉)事件” 。此事件與我密切相關, 我的孩子就是受三聚氰胺有毒乳製品侵害的幼童之一,我也是此事件維權帶頭人。
第二個事情是有關 2009年8月4日安徽上訪女青年李蕊蕊來京上訪被外地政府駐京辦截訪人員非法關押並被強姦的事情,我在當天協同李蕊蕊及事件證人去北京市公安局報案。
先說三聚氰胺毒奶事件維權:起訴書 指控我 “於 2008年9月至 2009年9月間,利用社會熱點問題,煽動糾集多人先後在河北省石 家莊市及北京市大興區、豐台區等地公共場所採用呼喊口號、非法聚集等方式起哄鬧事,嚴重擾亂上述地區的社會秩序。”就這些指控我要提出反對意見,首先我們 要簡要說明起訴書所說的這個 “社會熱點問題” 就是 2008年9月11日被正式曝光的舉世震驚並令眾多受害家庭痛苦至極 的三聚氰胺毒奶事件。
我年幼的孩子即是受三聚氰胺有毒乳製品侵害的腎結石寶寶。我的孩子從小母乳餵養,在一歲多後開始消費各種乳製品,截止到他被確診為腎 結石患兒之前,已累計消費了長達二年多大量的含三聚氰胺的有毒乳製品,涉及的種類幾乎涵蓋了所有的含乳製品。
孩子在被確診後,我們身為孩子的父母想到孩子 曾消費的乳製品數量之多,時間之長我們的心情是極其痛苦並擔憂的,想必每個有血肉的人都會理解我們的痛苦與擔心,那些痛苦的經歷現在想起來仍歷歷在目,痛 苦及擔心焦慮程度在此暫不多述。
悲劇在我們尚小的孩子身上發生後, 身為受害患兒家長的我及眾多受害家庭自然想到為我們尚小的孩子維權並為孩子們一生的健康保障呼籲。我們眾多受害家庭由此因孩子自發的走到了一起,組建我們 的維權團體,但沒有想到的是,我們的孩子被無情的殘害,我們在維權的過程中也經歷了太多的艱辛、壓力與阻撓,讓我們眾多家庭經歷了更多新的傷害與痛苦。
但 我們在即便非常痛苦的維權過程中依然做到了理智。我本人也作為結石寶寶維權帶頭人與相關部門進行了多次的積極溝通及回饋,但我們提出的太多積極的合理性建 議都石沉大海沒有任何回應,即便如此,我們眾多家長依然克制著我們痛苦委屈的情緒,繼續理智的與相關部門溝通呼籲,期望相關部門能正視我們受害群體的痛苦 心聲。我們眾多家庭相互安慰、相互幫助,也極力勸撫幫助那些被傷害更嚴重的家庭憤怒不理性的情緒,避免發生其他更不想看到的悲劇。
我們理性、積極的方式讓 有些例如死亡、手術等嚴重情況更痛苦的家庭感受到很多安慰,及時避免了多例危險事件的發生。說到此,應肯定我們的維權團體起到的積極有益的作用。
2008年12月 中旬,我們眾多家長得知政府即將出臺賠償方案(並且我們也認為那個賠償方案是打發人的、不公平、不合理的賠償方案,是沒有與眾多受害家庭協商溝通、且不尊 重受害家庭的方案)。
我們眾多受害家庭得知這些情況後自然想到結石寶寶事件也將會隨之淡落的處理下去,我們太多家長想到我們孩子後續定期檢查、繼續治療、 永久健康保障以及三聚氰胺深度危害等等實際問題依然沒有得到完善的解決,我們的心情是焦慮不安的。
在這樣的心情下,我們與相關部門溝通的願望更加強烈,我 們期望能與相關部門及企業進行彼此坦誠的溝通對話,我們也期望我們真誠的態度能讓相關部門及企業重視依然存在眾多問題及聽取我們對事件解決的建議。
我們曾努力與中國乳製品工業協會等 部門積極溝通但都被無情拒絕。我們的心情是非常痛苦無奈的,我們期待相關部門能在尊重我們做為受害家庭的前提下,更合理、更公平、更公正的能與眾多受害家 庭協商來解決出現的各種問題,把孩子們的生命健康放在最重要的高度來重視。
當時的情況大致是:有很多需要住院甚至手術的孩子都被拒絕免費治療,致使一些孩 子的治療被嚴重人為的拖延,讓孩子們的生命健康受到嚴重的威脅,還有例如有的孩子由於漏報等情況根本就沒有列入國家承認的結石寶寶名單,導致各種治療費用 都由受害家庭自己來承擔,而有的孩子更是在事件被曝光前就已治療或手術多次,家庭已為此不堪重負而債臺高築,而孩子依然面臨繼續治療而需要的高昂費用,很 多前期或後期治療費用都不給予解決,而最讓人無法理解的是在三聚氰胺事件曝光後繼續死亡的結石寶寶患兒除了不被承認死因與三聚氰胺有關,並且在死亡患兒家 長就死因提出質疑後申請屍體檢驗來確定死因竟被拒絕。
例如:2008年 12月4日死亡的湖北麻城的馬雪菲小朋友( 女孩,死亡時僅1歲,她的相關資料在我被警方扣押的電腦裏有 )。馬雪 菲在12月4日死亡前就已被承認是三聚氰胺毒奶粉侵害的結石寶 寶,但相關部門在她死亡後否認她的死亡與三聚氰胺有關。馬雪菲在死亡之前就已因腎結石導致腎積水無法排尿在醫院進行過置管、排尿排石手術,也曾有國內媒體 對當時在醫院治療的馬雪菲作過報導。
馬雪菲死亡後,我們眾多家庭及相關專業人士懷疑是腎小管裏依然有三聚氰胺顆粒導致腎臟或其他器官嚴重受損導致生命出現 危險,故都想到只有通過嚴謹的屍體解剖檢驗才能確定最終死因,但相關部門在否認馬雪菲的死因與三聚氰胺有關之後卻拒絕推諉家屬提出的屍檢申請(稍後在09 年1月6日 死亡的山東青州候海淇小朋友也是被如此對待,候海淇家長將孩子屍體在醫院停 屍房冷凍多日找過多個相關部門提出屍檢申請都被拒絕)。
馬雪菲死亡後對她及其他新死亡患兒 進行嚴謹的醫學檢驗的重要性不僅僅在於對死因有更明確的判定標準牽扯到對其家庭的賠償等級,更重要的意義在於通過嚴謹的醫學檢驗、病理學研究、通過屍檢對 腎臟、肝臟、心血管系統等重要內臟器官進行切片等專業的病理學研究來更深入瞭解被三聚氰胺侵害的結石寶寶的腎臟等重要器官到底造成了如何傷害,傷害到何種 程度、長遠潛在危害到什麼程度等等。
這樣的研究重要且必要,也將對至少官方公佈的30萬結石寶寶的後續治療、長期監控防治有重要價值,但這樣難得的實體研究竟然在家屬的積 極申請下被浪費甚至推諉拒絕,讓我們實在不能理解並心痛,看到 2008年東北因三聚氰胺飼料死亡的動物貉子在解剖後腎臟被嚴重侵害的照片(我被扣押的電腦裏有照片及相關資料),讓我們更加想瞭解三聚氰 胺乳製品到底對我們的孩子們的腎臟等器官具體造成了什麼樣的傷害。
2008年 12月 中下旬,我們在種種疑慮,擔憂及與中國乳製品工業協會等相關部門溝通被徹底拒絕或置之不理後自然想到通過媒體反映我們關心的問題及建議,並期望我們的呼籲 能得到相關部門及社會的高度重視。在我們眾多家長自發的商議下,最終決定於 2009年1月2日 下午在豐台區的一家停業的酒店中餐廳與媒體記者見 面反映我們的呼籲及發現的問題。擔心這個見面會被干擾,我們選擇的這個酒店地處非常僻靜。在與該酒店中餐廳負責人事先商談後,他們也非常樂意於將中餐廳租 用給我們使用並徹底約定下來。
1月2日 的這個事情本可以進行的非常順利,但我在 1月1日 晚即被警方在豐台區強制控制,與我同時被控制的還有其他4個家長代表( 他們都是孩子受傷害很嚴重且都動過手術患兒的家長 )。我們在 1月1日晚被警方強制關押在大興區團河農場會議中心內,在我們提出意見後,警方告訴我們第二天上午將有領導與我們談話溝通,並承諾我們第 二天上午11點前無論談話是 什麼結果都肯定會釋放我們。
當天晚上我們晚飯也沒吃,我們幾個 人就在多名員警看押下在團河會議中心一個會議室的椅子上又餓、又困、又累的坐了一夜,即便這樣我們還是滿懷期待第二天上午的談話能有好的進展,期望領導們 能傾聽我們的建議。
第二天上午,我作為代表與到來的領導們進行了談話,我談了很多我們面臨的實際困難、問題及建議,並明確表達了期望政府能協調相關部門及 企業與我們進行溝通的誠意。但當天上午現場的領導們不僅不理解我們的合理訴求及建議,反而以一種居高臨下的姿態一味的強加我們他們的意見,一上午的對話明 顯在被壓制的狀態下進行,並且在時至11點後也不按他們曾經的承諾釋放我們。
時至下午,我們依然被強制看押在團 河會議中心內,位於豐台區那個酒店的記者見面會如期但被嚴重干擾的在進行,其他幾個沒有被控制的家長代表和一些媒體記者趕到了那裏,但到後才得知該酒店及 中餐廳不能再繼續租用給我們使用,酒店外也有警車及警方人員在現場( 事後證實當天警方介入要求該中餐廳停止給我們租用 ),那些家長與到達的記者由於無法進 入中餐廳,只好在酒店的大廳及酒店門口的便道上進行了簡短的訪談,後由於擔心我們幾個被關押在團河會議中心,幾個家長隨即趕到了團河會議中心來關注並詢問 為什麼關押我們。
當天下午在團河會議中心的警官找到我說有家長在會議中心外要求釋放我們或進來見我們,讓我勸勸他們,情緒不要激動。我當即非常配合的與在 會議中心外的家長們通了電話,讓他們都冷靜,不要衝動,在我與會議中心內警官們的請求下,最終讓在外面的家長們進來避冷。
在當天最後,政府官員又與我們進行 了談話,同意我們只要不在 1月4日至 1月15日 推行賠償方案期間不公開反對賠償方案即協調我們與相關部門及企業的溝通, 展開對話機制解決遺留問題,至此才將我們釋放並請我們在大興區的一家餐廳的一個包間吃了一頓飯並在第二天陸續都回到了各自的家中。
簡述當天在豐台區及大興區的情況即 是:我們沒有進行起訴書內所指控的我煸動糾集多人在北京市大興區、豐台區採用呼喊口號,非法聚集方式起哄鬧事,更不承認我們嚴重擾亂上述地區的社會秩序, 我要說的是:如果沒有警方的強行介入阻止,1月2日 的事情會進行的更好,在當天因此而造成的任何不良影響都應由警方負責。並且我們每個家長在當天也都極力配合了現場警方的協調或指揮,並且當天也有眾多媒體 記者在現場可以作證,如法庭不認同我的辯解,我將請求法庭允許當天去現場的家長及媒體記者出庭作證。
綜上簡述,我完全不認同起訴書對我 的指控內容,我不認同指控我煽動糾集多人在北京豐台區、大興區的犯罪指控,我也不認同我們是非法聚會,更不存在呼喊口號、起哄鬧事的情況。上面是2009 年1月2日在北京豐台區及大興區的大致情況。
再次在大興區的聚會就是 2009年9月11日,三聚氰胺毒奶事件被正式曝光一周年當天,我們幾個受害家長代表在北京大 興區的一家餐廳的包間內進行了一個小型的回顧性座談會及傍晚後進行了一個短暫的燭光紀念活動。我們選擇的這個地點也是年初1月2日官方請我們吃飯的那個飯店、那個包間,我們也期望借此提醒官方年初對我們的 承諾。我們以此來悼念因三聚氰胺毒奶死亡的孩子,並祈禱祝福所有手術及被侵害倖存的孩子們能一生健康幸福的成長。
這次結石寶寶周年聚會得到北京市公 安局的批准,並且當天現場的秩序也不存在任何問題,如有質疑,請參見我們當天拍攝記錄的全程錄影,該《結實寶寶周年紀念》錄影在我被扣押的電腦裏或網路上 也可下載到,我也期望我們當天凝重悲慟的氣氛能打動每位觀賞者並有所深思。我們作為成年人到底該為我們的後代為所有天真無邪的孩子們營造一個什麼樣的社會 環境。
《結石寶寶周年紀念》座談會錄影在我此次被強制關押前正準備 隨同另一份剛剛完稿的致衛生部的問題匯總回饋函一併提交給相關部門以期得到重視( 該問題匯總回饋函也在我被扣押的電腦內 ),在此再次提醒相關部門依然要重 視並解決三聚氰胺事件遺留的所有問題,尤其最重點的是三聚氰胺對人體尤其是對孩子們長期的潛在傷害及威脅。
其他一年期間內的多次致衛生部信訪辦,國 家質檢總局信訪辦,國家信訪局中國消費者協會,中國乳製品工業協會,最高人民法院等部門上訪反映問題的地點都不屬於起訴書所說的豐台區、大興區、也不存在 任何起訴書指控的內容,故不必敍述。
我在2008年 三聚氰胺事件後一共去過4次石家莊分別是 2009年1月16日,1月22日,3月4日及 6月24日。下面開始簡述。
先說第一次 1月 16日去石家莊,1月16日前2天, 在網路上有傳言說16日上午 在石家莊中級人民法院將開庭審理宣判田文華,我們一些家長在得知這個消息後商議我們作為受害孩子家長應該到現場去關注庭審結果並接觸到現場的媒體反映我們 的問題,期望引起重視。但16日 早上我與另外兩個家長到達石家莊中法後才得知那是一個假消息,當天去了,三五家媒體與我們簡短談了一會兒就各自回家了,這是 1月16日的情況,不存在任何起訴書內指控的情況。
再說第二次 1月22日,這次審判田文華是真實的,我們共有7個家長代表自發的到了石家莊中法,下面說說這天情況。
當天我們到達中法後,中法已實行全面戒嚴 狀態,眾多防暴員警及治安警察在中法周邊拉起了警戒線並組成嚴實的人牆阻止無特殊通行證的人員進入。我們當天在現場是非常理智的,與維護警戒線的員警們溝 通得知我們不可以穿過警戒線的情況下我們沒有任何過激行為,我們也理智的按警方的要求在指定地點待著。我們在警方指定的地點與媒體記者談我們亟待解決並急 需重視的重要問題,我們最關心的還主要是孩子們的身體健康。期間,記者拍攝了我們手拿寫有“關愛孩子健康”等字樣的A4紙,但我不認為此行為構成犯罪。
當天,我們在那裏是非常理智的,沒有起訴 書指控的任何行為發生,並且也一切聽從了現場警方的指揮與協調,讓我們在哪待著,我們就在哪待著,更沒有所謂呼喊口號,起哄鬧事等行為發生。並且在審判田 文華結束後也各自儘快的離開了石家莊。
當天現場情況也有眾多媒體記者可以作證。 如法庭不認同我的辯解,我請求法庭允許當天在現場的眾多記者到庭為我作證。
上面是 1月22日在石家莊的情況,不存在任何起訴書指控的行為。
再說第三次 3月4日,這天是曾經的國家免檢產品,中國名牌產品等眾多榮譽於一身的三鹿集團剩餘 資產被拍賣的日子。我們作為結實寶寶的家長們,理應來關注這次拍賣,我們也期望能表達我們合理的意見:即將拍賣的剩餘資產優先用於受害家庭尤其是很多被拒 絕免費治療的孩子們。
當天情況是:我們4個家長開乘一輛車前往石家莊中法拍賣現場,但我們的 車輛被石家莊警方刻意的阻撓下本能10分鐘的車程就趕到中法,但卻千辛萬苦的經過幾個小時後才到達。
我們到達中法後拍賣會已經結束,後有記者給我們打電話告知我們正在三鹿 集團進行拍賣後的新聞發佈會,我們隨即趕了過去,但三鹿集團當天組織了大量人員阻攔我們,我們在請求進入未同意的情況下也沒有強行進入等過激行為發生,並 且在當天大量三鹿人員將我們圍堵在角落裏甚至將一位死亡患兒的奶奶拉扯在地上的情況下我們依然保持了極強的克制力。最後我們在極度委屈的心情下離開了。當 天也有石家莊警方在現場,也沒有指出我們有任何構成犯罪的行為。我們也認為我們的行為沒有構成犯罪,更不存在起訴書指控的內容。
第四次去石家莊是 6月24日,當天我與另外3名家長代表去向石家莊新華區人民法院,石家莊中級人民 法院,河北省高級人民法院遞交我們受害家庭致全國各級法院系統的公開信,期望能公平、公正進行三聚氰胺民事訴訟案,當天遞交過程非常順利,更不存在起訴書 內所指控的任何行為。
以上是四次去石家莊的大致情況,綜上所 述,我不認為我這4次在石家 莊的行為構成犯罪,並且我還要重點強調,我的每次出行都有警方人員在現場或隨從,也沒有任何警方人員提示說我們的行為構成犯罪,故此,我更認為我上述事情 都沒有構成犯罪。
自2008年9月11日三聚氰胺事件發生以來,我作為維權帶頭人被警方多次談話,但從未提及我曾 經的事情構成犯罪,另在 2009年7月 後因準備進行結石寶寶周年紀念,與警方再多次頻繁解除溝通,在7月至 9月11日 結石寶寶周年長達兩個月與警方多次接觸的時間 裏,也多次談及曾經的這些事情也從未指出我這些事情構成犯罪,並一再好意的勸告我千萬別有什麼衝動的事情發生構成犯罪。這些情況也證實我曾經的這些事情並 沒有被警方認為是犯罪,我也沒有因這些事情收到過警告或提示說我構成犯罪,讓我不能理解並痛心的是事後竟指控我那些在警方嚴密監控下的事情構成犯罪。
我們身為被傷害的孩子們的父母們,我們是 希望切實解決發生在我們孩子們身上的傷害以及有效保障我們孩子們一生的健康。迄今為止,不僅僅中國甚至全世界也沒有任何一個權威機構敢斷言三聚氰胺對孩子 們的傷害僅僅是腎結石,而已有的研究和相關報導都是讓我們緊張並焦慮的,我們至今擔心一些隱性的傷害將會影響孩子們一生的健康。
世衛組織發佈的通報明確提到了通過動物實 驗發現三聚氰胺是可以導致動物有膀胱癌等病變發生( 請參見世衛組織中文網站內有關三聚氰胺病理學方面的研究通報 ),而我們在國內也通過南方都市報 08年底有關三聚氰胺的專題系列報導瞭解到東北餵養三 聚氰胺飼料而亡的動物貉子的屍體解剖後發現腎臟都有明顯的嚴重破壞,其被破壞殘蝕的腎臟實物照片讓我們每個給孩子消費過三聚氰胺產品的孩子家長都不得不心 有餘悸,恐懼萬分,並且這種擔憂並未隨著孩子結石的消失而停止。我們迄今仍強烈呼籲相關部門重視這個問題,儘快出臺公示相關的專業研究及進展情況,防患于 未然。
我們身為孩子的家長最關心孩子們生命健康 及一生有效地保障,我們的維權也一直是合理合法且理性文明的,我們也從沒有指控的所謂“非法聚集,呼喊口號,起哄鬧事”等這些無中生有的事情。
這天起因是因為我的一個朋友被關押在外地 政府駐京辦私自設置非法關押訪民的一個黑監獄中,在當天竟駭人聽聞的發生了一起性質及其惡劣的黑監獄看押人員當眾強姦安徽上訪女青年李蕊蕊的事件。我在當 天得到求救的消息後去營救她們,在前往的路上得知她們自己闖出被關押的黑監獄後前往北京市公安局報案的路上又被截訪人員攔截的情況下,只能更加義無反顧的 趕過去營救,擔心剛剛逃出魔窟的她們再陷入惡境,並最終協助了李蕊蕊她們成功報了案。對於這次極其正常並屬於見義勇為的報案,竟被指控為煽動糾集多人起哄 鬧事,對於這樣的指控不能不令我心痛,我們正確並帶有正直的行為談何犯罪呢?
對於本指控我完全不認同,我們在當天不僅 沒有任何過激的行為發生,並且在警方強行抓人導致嚇跑一些訪民的情況下,將一切害怕且跑開的當事人及證人勸說留了下來,我不僅不認為我當天的行為構成犯 罪,反倒更認為當天在我的堅持及推動下能得以最終報案、立案成功,得以最終有效地打擊了罪犯,在我及多名訪民證人被東交民巷派出所強行扣留關押一天后,8 月5日中午警方多名領導找我談話說馬上釋放我們,但要求我 們走後不要再對記者多提這個事情了,然後就讓我們就離開了。
從8月4日被強行關押直至8月5日離開,警方自始至終也未說我們的行為構成了犯罪,故此,我不認為我在8月4日的行為有任何犯罪成分。如果法庭認為我的行為構成犯罪,那我認為是對真正犯罪分子無形的庇護,是對正確行為的打擊,由此會導致的 不良後果不堪設想,正義、正直被壓制的情況下只能讓真正的犯罪分子更加囂張,也將會錯誤引導正確的是非判斷觀。故此,請法庭慎重考慮,並作出正確的判定。
我在8月4日當天的所作所為,可由多位當天現場的當事人作證,如法庭不認同我的辯解,我 將請求相關證人出庭為我作證。
以上是我就起訴書指控的內容做的必要說 明。
我身為一名結石寶寶的父親及社會的一員, 我堅信我自三聚氰胺事件以來所做的事情沒有犯罪,我反而要自豪驕傲於我所做的所有努力,我在盡力盡職我應肩負的責任,我也期望自己曾經的所有努力與付出能 對我們社會的進步有所推動,並且我堅信我所做的一切無愧於我自己的良心、無愧於我們身處的這個時代,我認為我所做的都是正確的,反而我倒認為如果我不去做 這些事情,我將認為是一個罪人有愧于自己的良知與靈魂,也有愧有罪於我身處的時代及我們的後代,我們努力讓我們的思想與行為更加高尚,堅定我們正確的做人 信念,並期待能對社會進步有積極有益的作用。我們身處這個時代,有責任堅持正確的事情並讓人為的錯誤儘量減少。我們作為社會的一員,有不可推卸的責任甚至 使命為我們的後代努力營造一個更有道德、更公正、更公平、更美好的社會環境。
我因為維權及協助別人報案被冠以莫須有的 罪名而失去自由,在此我期忘這樣的傷害與委屈儘快結束,並期望是非被顛倒的事情不要再發生。
在此,我要說:如果維權有罪,那勢必會助 長利慾薰心的奸商繼續喪盡天良、肆無忌憚的將自己的利益建立在殘害他人的基礎上,我們本已日漸淪喪的社會將會變成何等扭曲的樣子。
今天的我,由於錯誤的指控被強行關押失去了自由,我所能期待的也只有祈盼法律應有的公平公正來為我主 持正義還我于清白。在此也真誠期望我們的政府相關部門能正視已犯下的錯誤,不要一錯再錯。
我堅信,正義與真理的光芒必將照耀我們這 個國度的每個角落,而我所能做的也只能是倔強的堅持,不為別的,僅僅為了我自己良心與靈魂的安穩,以及為了我們的後代們能生活在一個具有優良品質的社會 裏,更為了我們這個民族,我們這個國度能以健康的體魄繼續存在於世界。
我堅信我所做的一切都沒有犯罪,也 期望擁有權力的人能擁有高尚的人格與美德,想想所有被三聚氰胺毒奶殘害的孩子們,秉持懲惡揚善的準則,做出無愧於這個國度、無愧於良知與靈魂及無愧於子孫 後代的決定。這樣,我們才無愧於我們做為一個生命在這個世界、在這個國度的意義。
最後,我要再重申,我沒有進行起訴 書內指控的犯罪行為,我堅信我所做的一切都是身為一名公民應擔當的一份責任,我堅信自己所做的事情都是文明且沒有錯誤的,我也祈盼自己的努力能讓社會有所 進步。
為了將正直、良知的品德保留在我們 的生命及靈魂中,我們只能堅定正確的信念和準則,否則將動搖我們正直的心靈並錯誤的影響我們的後代,那樣,我們才將是罪人。
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