天圖佈局--每晚燒 15張1,000紙
他在 88年 一度失業。89年 計劃以睇風水 及 相命維生,並取得先父的 風水書《 天圖佈局 》。
每晚燒 15張 1,000紙,梁即時反對 。 陳同意他燒 100 紙 也可以,最後燒了大概 50萬紙。
Samstag, 23. Mai 2009
Freitag, 22. Mai 2009
EE4209/EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
Course web site:
Notes and Answers
Course web site:
Notes and Answers
Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009
SCTP in java
SCTP in java
CS4282/CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming
JDK7 supports SCTP ( Stream Control Transport Protocol ).
串流控制傳輸協議(Stream Control Transmission Protocol 或 簡寫 SCTP)是在 2000 年由 IETF 的 SIGTRAN 工作組定義的一個傳輸層協議。RFC 4960 詳細地 定義了 SCTP,介紹性 的文檔是 RFC 3286。
作為一個 傳輸層協議,SCTP 可以理解為和 TCP 及 UDP 相類似的 。它提供的服務 有點像 TCP,又同時將 UDP 的一些優點相結合 。是一種 提供了可靠、高效、有序的 數據傳輸協議 。相比之下 TCP 是面向位元組的,而 SCTP 是針對成幀 的消息。
SCTP 主要的 貢獻是對 多重聯外線路 的支持,一個 端點 可以由多於一個 IP 位址 組成 ,使得傳輸 可在主機間 或 網卡間 做到 透明的網路容錯 備援。
SCTP 最初是被 設計用於在 IP 上傳輸 電話協議(SS7),把 SS7 信令網路的 一些可靠特性引入 IP 。IETF 的這方面的 工作稱為 信令傳輸 SIGTRAN。
CS4282/CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming
JDK7 supports SCTP ( Stream Control Transport Protocol ).
串流控制傳輸協議(Stream Control Transmission Protocol 或 簡寫 SCTP)是在 2000 年由 IETF 的 SIGTRAN 工作組定義的一個傳輸層協議。RFC 4960 詳細地 定義了 SCTP,介紹性 的文檔是 RFC 3286。
作為一個 傳輸層協議,SCTP 可以理解為和 TCP 及 UDP 相類似的 。它提供的服務 有點像 TCP,又同時將 UDP 的一些優點相結合 。是一種 提供了可靠、高效、有序的 數據傳輸協議 。相比之下 TCP 是面向位元組的,而 SCTP 是針對成幀 的消息。
SCTP 主要的 貢獻是對 多重聯外線路 的支持,一個 端點 可以由多於一個 IP 位址 組成 ,使得傳輸 可在主機間 或 網卡間 做到 透明的網路容錯 備援。
SCTP 最初是被 設計用於在 IP 上傳輸 電話協議(SS7),把 SS7 信令網路的 一些可靠特性引入 IP 。IETF 的這方面的 工作稱為 信令傳輸 SIGTRAN。
EE4209 Digital Audio Technology
EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
Digital audio ebooks
Digital audio ebooks
陶傑 試做通識科 樣版試卷
" 你不要理我 答得 合不合格 , 依家我 話俾你聽 , 個試題本身就 不合格 。"
根本 無一個 標準答案 。俾分完全無根據 , 睇個老師 BUY 唔 BUY 佢個意見 咋嘛 ! !
" 你不要理我 答得 合不合格 , 依家我 話俾你聽 , 個試題本身就 不合格 。"
根本 無一個 標準答案 。俾分完全無根據 , 睇個老師 BUY 唔 BUY 佢個意見 咋嘛 ! !
Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009
科學家找到 哥白尼遺骸
科學家找到 哥白尼遺骸
Scientists say Copernicus' remains, grave found
波蘭考古學家 欣喜地宣佈 ,通過對比一根夾在 16世紀 波蘭天文學家 哥白尼書中的頭髮 和 一具遺骸的 DNA,他們 最終確定了 現代 天文學創始人 哥白尼 的 遺骸 和 墓地 。
Scientists say Copernicus' remains, grave found
波蘭考古學家 欣喜地宣佈 ,通過對比一根夾在 16世紀 波蘭天文學家 哥白尼書中的頭髮 和 一具遺骸的 DNA,他們 最終確定了 現代 天文學創始人 哥白尼 的 遺骸 和 墓地 。
Montag, 18. Mai 2009
趙的玩女“ 哲學 ”
趙的玩女“ 哲學 ”
撮要 :
1. 讓女人主動黏上來,不是見到美女就追。
2. “女人閙自殺,是男人 處事不當,他們應該 來請教我。跟女人分手,要一步一步來,不是 今天説要分手就馬上分手,這様她們當然要跳樓啦!”
秘訣 : 逐日减少見面次數,從一周見7天到4天,再减到2天、1天......,對方就會 慢慢明白,知道是時候自己‘走路’了。”
3. 美女今天分手後,明天 又可以找到新歡 ;没人要的女人,被甩了也會自己找條“ 生路 ”的。
4. 不能久拖 :“ 女人 拖越久就越不值錢,對她反而不好。一個女子的青春和外貌就是 她的本錢,女子 通常會想要跟男人一輩子,如果你不想却又死硬拖住她,對她是很不公道的。”
5. 所以 : 如果覺得没有 長遠的計劃,就應該散。
“ 我就常跟 分手的 女朋友説:‘大家 没可能發展下去 ,再拖 ,你就會 損失你的 本錢了’。”
6. 女人煩不煩,主導權 完全在男人手中 :“ 不能不寵 女人,但,也不能一味的寵,女人 亂發脾氣 是男人 亂寵出來的,有時要懂得寵壞女人,有時也要 表明立場。”
撮要 :
1. 讓女人主動黏上來,不是見到美女就追。
2. “女人閙自殺,是男人 處事不當,他們應該 來請教我。跟女人分手,要一步一步來,不是 今天説要分手就馬上分手,這様她們當然要跳樓啦!”
秘訣 : 逐日减少見面次數,從一周見7天到4天,再减到2天、1天......,對方就會 慢慢明白,知道是時候自己‘走路’了。”
3. 美女今天分手後,明天 又可以找到新歡 ;没人要的女人,被甩了也會自己找條“ 生路 ”的。
4. 不能久拖 :“ 女人 拖越久就越不值錢,對她反而不好。一個女子的青春和外貌就是 她的本錢,女子 通常會想要跟男人一輩子,如果你不想却又死硬拖住她,對她是很不公道的。”
5. 所以 : 如果覺得没有 長遠的計劃,就應該散。
“ 我就常跟 分手的 女朋友説:‘大家 没可能發展下去 ,再拖 ,你就會 損失你的 本錢了’。”
6. 女人煩不煩,主導權 完全在男人手中 :“ 不能不寵 女人,但,也不能一味的寵,女人 亂發脾氣 是男人 亂寵出來的,有時要懂得寵壞女人,有時也要 表明立場。”
Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009
小甜甜--「 種生機 」
小甜甜--「 種生機 」
風水先生 :
有消息指陳疑在.....旗下的中港物業布下多個 鮮為人知的「 種生機 」風水洞,而該報得悉 風水洞 暗藏於尖東 總部、淺水灣...
<< Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre >>
《 存在主義:從杜思妥也夫斯基 到 沙特 》
Walter Kaufmann
《 存在與虛無 》的要務之一,就是揭露 和 剖析 我們每個人心底中的 自欺心態 :能認識 和 擺脫自欺,才能當一個真正 負責和 體現一己 自由的人。
沙特 ( Sartre ) 畢生要帶出的訊息就是 :我們命定自由,但要善用我們的自由,才不枉此生。
On Bad faith or self-deception
中國文化的 Collective deception : Shanzhaiism ( 山寨主義 ) 's fake and pirate mind-set
風水先生 :
有消息指陳疑在.....旗下的中港物業布下多個 鮮為人知的「 種生機 」風水洞,而該報得悉 風水洞 暗藏於尖東 總部、淺水灣...
<< Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre >>
《 存在主義:從杜思妥也夫斯基 到 沙特 》
Walter Kaufmann
《 存在與虛無 》的要務之一,就是揭露 和 剖析 我們每個人心底中的 自欺心態 :能認識 和 擺脫自欺,才能當一個真正 負責和 體現一己 自由的人。
沙特 ( Sartre ) 畢生要帶出的訊息就是 :我們命定自由,但要善用我們的自由,才不枉此生。
On Bad faith or self-deception
中國文化的 Collective deception : Shanzhaiism ( 山寨主義 ) 's fake and pirate mind-set
Samstag, 16. Mai 2009
Cora Diamond-- Throwing Away the Ladder
Cora Diamond- "Throwing Away the Ladder: How to Read the Tractatus"
6.54 My propositions serve as elucidations in the following way : anyone who understands me eventually recognizes them as nonsensical, when he has used them - as steps - to climb up beyond them.
(He must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after he has climbed up it.)
He must transcend these propositions, and then he will see the world aright.
《 邏輯哲學論 》6.54 :「 我的諸命題乃 由此闡明 :當了解我的人通過這些命題――踩在其上――而攀登 至其上方時,終將會把 這些命題都視為 無意義的 。( 就像當他 登上梯子之後,必須將之 遺棄那樣。)…… 」
Throw away the expired cocktail fruit can. It contains bad faith, an expired For-Itself.
6.54 My propositions serve as elucidations in the following way : anyone who understands me eventually recognizes them as nonsensical, when he has used them - as steps - to climb up beyond them.
(He must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after he has climbed up it.)
He must transcend these propositions, and then he will see the world aright.
《 邏輯哲學論 》6.54 :「 我的諸命題乃 由此闡明 :當了解我的人通過這些命題――踩在其上――而攀登 至其上方時,終將會把 這些命題都視為 無意義的 。( 就像當他 登上梯子之後,必須將之 遺棄那樣。)…… 」
Throw away the expired cocktail fruit can. It contains bad faith, an expired For-Itself.
Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009
Feminine sex : The Hole
Sartre's Existentialism and Human Emotions
The Hole
notes: p.84
1.The obscenity of the feminine sex is that of everything which " gapes open ". It is an appeal to being as all holes are. In herself woman appeals to a strange flesh which is to transform her into a fullness of being by penetration and dissolution.
2. Conversely, woman senses her condition as an appeal precisely because she is " in the form of a hole. "
The Hole
notes: p.84
1.The obscenity of the feminine sex is that of everything which " gapes open ". It is an appeal to being as all holes are. In herself woman appeals to a strange flesh which is to transform her into a fullness of being by penetration and dissolution.
2. Conversely, woman senses her condition as an appeal precisely because she is " in the form of a hole. "
--Existentialism is a humanism
存在先于本質-- ( existence precedes essence )
Quote :
1. 我們的意思是:人 首先存在着,首先 碰到各種際遇,首先 活動于這世界——然後,開始 定義自己 。若依 存在主義者 看來,一個人 如果無法 予以定義,那是因為人之初,是 空無所有 。只是到了 後來,他 才成為 某種東西,他 才把自己 創造成 他所要 成為的 東西 。因此 ,就無所謂 人的本性 ,因為 没有 上帝來給予它 一個概念 。人赤裸裸地 存在着 ,他躍進 存在之後 ,他 才意欲自己 成為 什麽東西 。
2. 人 ,不外是 由自己造成 的東西 。這是存在主義的 第一個原則 。也就是 人們所説的 主觀性 ( subjectivity ),他們 用這個字來 譴責我們 。但是 我們這様説 的意思 ,還不是 指人比 一塊石頭 或者 一張桌子 更為尊嚴 ?因為 ,我們説 ,“ 人 首先 是存在着 ”,這意思 就是説,人 首先 是一種 把自己 推向將來的 存在物,并且覺識到 自己 把自己想像成未來 的存在 。 人 確實是 一種有 自覺生命 的設計,而不是 青苔,蘭花 ,或是 花椰菜 。
3. 在這個 自我設計 之先,無物存在 。即使在 睿智的上天 也没有 。人只有在 他計劃 成為 什麽時 才能獲得 存在 。只是希望,還不够 。因為“ 希望 ”或者“ 意願 ”一詞,通常是指一種在 我們 已塑造出 我們自己之後 所作的 一種自覺决定 。我們可以 希望 加入一個政黨,寫一本書,或是 結婚 —— 但是在這些 情形下,通常 所謂“ 我的意願 ”可能是一種較早的 和 較自發的 决定的 表現 。然而 ,假如 存在先于本質 是真實的話 ,人就要對 他自己負責。
4. 因此 ,存在主義 的第一個作用 是它使每一個人 主宰他自己 ,把他存在 的責任 全然放在他 自己的肩膀上 。由是,當我們 説人對他的 本質負責時,我們并不只 是説 他對他個人 負責而已,而是對 所有的人 負責。 "
--Existentialism is a humanism
存在先于本質-- ( existence precedes essence )
Quote :
1. 我們的意思是:人 首先存在着,首先 碰到各種際遇,首先 活動于這世界——然後,開始 定義自己 。若依 存在主義者 看來,一個人 如果無法 予以定義,那是因為人之初,是 空無所有 。只是到了 後來,他 才成為 某種東西,他 才把自己 創造成 他所要 成為的 東西 。因此 ,就無所謂 人的本性 ,因為 没有 上帝來給予它 一個概念 。人赤裸裸地 存在着 ,他躍進 存在之後 ,他 才意欲自己 成為 什麽東西 。
2. 人 ,不外是 由自己造成 的東西 。這是存在主義的 第一個原則 。也就是 人們所説的 主觀性 ( subjectivity ),他們 用這個字來 譴責我們 。但是 我們這様説 的意思 ,還不是 指人比 一塊石頭 或者 一張桌子 更為尊嚴 ?因為 ,我們説 ,“ 人 首先 是存在着 ”,這意思 就是説,人 首先 是一種 把自己 推向將來的 存在物,并且覺識到 自己 把自己想像成未來 的存在 。 人 確實是 一種有 自覺生命 的設計,而不是 青苔,蘭花 ,或是 花椰菜 。
3. 在這個 自我設計 之先,無物存在 。即使在 睿智的上天 也没有 。人只有在 他計劃 成為 什麽時 才能獲得 存在 。只是希望,還不够 。因為“ 希望 ”或者“ 意願 ”一詞,通常是指一種在 我們 已塑造出 我們自己之後 所作的 一種自覺决定 。我們可以 希望 加入一個政黨,寫一本書,或是 結婚 —— 但是在這些 情形下,通常 所謂“ 我的意願 ”可能是一種較早的 和 較自發的 决定的 表現 。然而 ,假如 存在先于本質 是真實的話 ,人就要對 他自己負責。
4. 因此 ,存在主義 的第一個作用 是它使每一個人 主宰他自己 ,把他存在 的責任 全然放在他 自己的肩膀上 。由是,當我們 説人對他的 本質負責時,我們并不只 是説 他對他個人 負責而已,而是對 所有的人 負責。 "
Samstag, 9. Mai 2009
Waking Life :Existentialism
Waking Life :Existentialism
Waking Life : Free Will
a) " The message of Existentialism, unlike that of many more obscure and academic philosophical movements, is about as simple as can be.
It is that every one of us, as an individual, is Responsible —- Responsible for what we do, Responsible for who we are, Responsible for the way we face and deal with the world, Responsible, ultimately, for the way the world is.
b) " It is, in a very short phrase, the philosophy of 'No EXCUSES!' "
—Prof. Robert Solomon (the professor from Texas talking in this video)
Robert Solomon:
1 The reason why I refuse to take existentialism as just another French fashion or historical curiosity is that I think it has something very important to offer us for the new century.
2. I’m afraid we’re losing the real virtues of living life passionately, sense of taking responsibility for who you are, the ability to make something of yourself and feeling good about life.
3. Existentialism is often discussed as if it’s a philosophy of despair. But I think the truth is just the opposite. Sartre once interviewed said he never really felt a day of despair in his life. But one thing that comes out from reading these guys is not a sense of anguish about life so much as a real kind of exuberance of feeling on top of it. It’s like your life is yours to create.
4. I’ve read the postmodernists with some interest, even admiration. But when I read them, I always have this awful nagging feeling that something absolutely essential is getting left out. The more that you talk about a person as a social
construction or as a confluence of forces or as fragmented or marginalized, what you do is you open up a whole new world of excuses.
5. And when Sartre talks about responsibility, he’s not talking about something abstract. He’s not talking about the kind of self or soul that theologians would argue about. It’s something very concrete. It’s you and me talking. Making decisions. Doing things and taking the consequences.
6. It might be true that there are six billion people in the world and counting. Nevertheless, what you do makes a difference. It makes a difference, first of all, in material terms. Makes a difference to other people and it sets an example.
7. In short, I think the message here is that we should never simply write ourselves off and see ourselves as the victim of various forces. It’s always our decision who we are.
You can google "The Teaching Company" to find a couple of Professor Solomon's lectures, including " No Excuses : Existentialism and the Meaning of Life."
Waking Life : Free Will
a) " The message of Existentialism, unlike that of many more obscure and academic philosophical movements, is about as simple as can be.
It is that every one of us, as an individual, is Responsible —- Responsible for what we do, Responsible for who we are, Responsible for the way we face and deal with the world, Responsible, ultimately, for the way the world is.
b) " It is, in a very short phrase, the philosophy of 'No EXCUSES!' "
—Prof. Robert Solomon (the professor from Texas talking in this video)
Robert Solomon:
1 The reason why I refuse to take existentialism as just another French fashion or historical curiosity is that I think it has something very important to offer us for the new century.
2. I’m afraid we’re losing the real virtues of living life passionately, sense of taking responsibility for who you are, the ability to make something of yourself and feeling good about life.
3. Existentialism is often discussed as if it’s a philosophy of despair. But I think the truth is just the opposite. Sartre once interviewed said he never really felt a day of despair in his life. But one thing that comes out from reading these guys is not a sense of anguish about life so much as a real kind of exuberance of feeling on top of it. It’s like your life is yours to create.
4. I’ve read the postmodernists with some interest, even admiration. But when I read them, I always have this awful nagging feeling that something absolutely essential is getting left out. The more that you talk about a person as a social
construction or as a confluence of forces or as fragmented or marginalized, what you do is you open up a whole new world of excuses.
5. And when Sartre talks about responsibility, he’s not talking about something abstract. He’s not talking about the kind of self or soul that theologians would argue about. It’s something very concrete. It’s you and me talking. Making decisions. Doing things and taking the consequences.
6. It might be true that there are six billion people in the world and counting. Nevertheless, what you do makes a difference. It makes a difference, first of all, in material terms. Makes a difference to other people and it sets an example.
7. In short, I think the message here is that we should never simply write ourselves off and see ourselves as the victim of various forces. It’s always our decision who we are.
You can google "The Teaching Company" to find a couple of Professor Solomon's lectures, including " No Excuses : Existentialism and the Meaning of Life."
Freitag, 8. Mai 2009
The Little Philosophy Book(3)
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》
by Robert C. Solomon
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :
notes : page 99
1 ...We want to do something with our lives. We should miss our friends. We'd like to get married someday ", the response is that that is exactly what you will do, and you will have all of the relevant experiences, the joys, the frustrations, the hard work, and the rest of it.
2. But they are still unsettled because they want to REALLY do something with their lives and REALLY spend time with their friends and REALLY meet someone and get married.
3. That seems to show that most of us insist on REALLY living in the world, as fraught with ( 伴隨...的 ) uncertainty and dangers as that might be.
by Robert C. Solomon
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :
notes : page 99
1 ...We want to do something with our lives. We should miss our friends. We'd like to get married someday ", the response is that that is exactly what you will do, and you will have all of the relevant experiences, the joys, the frustrations, the hard work, and the rest of it.
2. But they are still unsettled because they want to REALLY do something with their lives and REALLY spend time with their friends and REALLY meet someone and get married.
3. That seems to show that most of us insist on REALLY living in the world, as fraught with ( 伴隨...的 ) uncertainty and dangers as that might be.
The Little Philosophy Book(2)
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》
by Robert C. Solomon
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :
notes: p.100
1. As you go through life and more from course to course, career to career, you will no doubt learn many things and be able to give the "correct" answers to a great many questions, but there will also be those questions which you will immediately recognise as philosophical:
a) Who am I really?
b) What do I really know?
c) How can I make myself more free?
d) How should I live?
e) What should I value?
2. And now you know: ultimately, you are on your OWN, and you have to make your OWN LIFE by answering these questions in your OWN WAY. That is philosophy.
by Robert C. Solomon
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :
notes: p.100
1. As you go through life and more from course to course, career to career, you will no doubt learn many things and be able to give the "correct" answers to a great many questions, but there will also be those questions which you will immediately recognise as philosophical:
a) Who am I really?
b) What do I really know?
c) How can I make myself more free?
d) How should I live?
e) What should I value?
2. And now you know: ultimately, you are on your OWN, and you have to make your OWN LIFE by answering these questions in your OWN WAY. That is philosophy.
Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009
The Little Philosophy Book
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》-- 探討哲學上 最基本而重要的問題
by Robert C. Solomon
探討哲學上 最基本而重要的問題
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :
「 我們 到底是誰 ?」、
「 為什麼 我在這裡 ?」、
「 我們應怎樣 生活在這世界上 ?」
Quote page 99: "
1. A happy and meaningful life, in others words, cannot be just a life internally enjoyed. We want to be part of the world as well.
2. We also realize that we have a limited time, and that makes it all the more urgent that we do something worthwhile with what we 've got.
3. So we gives our lives meaning by the choices we make, by the relationships we form, and by the difference we make. That, in a nutshell, is what happiness is all about.
4. No just a life of pleasure but a life of doing something meaningful and worthwhile, and, as a virtuous person, enjoying it all as well. "
by Robert C. Solomon
探討哲學上 最基本而重要的問題
《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :
「 我們 到底是誰 ?」、
「 為什麼 我在這裡 ?」、
「 我們應怎樣 生活在這世界上 ?」
Quote page 99: "
1. A happy and meaningful life, in others words, cannot be just a life internally enjoyed. We want to be part of the world as well.
2. We also realize that we have a limited time, and that makes it all the more urgent that we do something worthwhile with what we 've got.
3. So we gives our lives meaning by the choices we make, by the relationships we form, and by the difference we make. That, in a nutshell, is what happiness is all about.
4. No just a life of pleasure but a life of doing something meaningful and worthwhile, and, as a virtuous person, enjoying it all as well. "
刺猬 vs 狐狸
刺猬 vs 狐狸
The hedgehog and the fox
“ 狐狸 多才多藝 ,刺猬 只會一件看家本領 。”
"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows ONE BIG thing".
Berlin expands upon this idea to divide writers and thinkers into two categories:
hedgehogs, who view the world through the lens of a single defining idea (examples given include Plato, Lucretius, Dante, Pascal, Hegel, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Ibsen, and Proust) and
foxes who draw on a wide variety of experiences and for whom the world cannot be boiled down to a single idea (examples given include Herodotus, Aristotle, Erasmus, Shakespeare, Montaigne, Molière, Goethe, Pushkin, Balzac, Joyce, Anderson).
The hedgehog and the fox
“ 狐狸 多才多藝 ,刺猬 只會一件看家本領 。”
"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows ONE BIG thing".
Berlin expands upon this idea to divide writers and thinkers into two categories:
hedgehogs, who view the world through the lens of a single defining idea (examples given include Plato, Lucretius, Dante, Pascal, Hegel, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Ibsen, and Proust) and
foxes who draw on a wide variety of experiences and for whom the world cannot be boiled down to a single idea (examples given include Herodotus, Aristotle, Erasmus, Shakespeare, Montaigne, Molière, Goethe, Pushkin, Balzac, Joyce, Anderson).
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