Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2008

Java Hearts Remarks1

EE3206/EE5805 Java Porgramming and Applications

How to draw cards on the JPanel?

1. Whenever a component is displayed, the jvm automatically creates a Graphics object for the component on the native platform.

eg Graphics graphics = jpanelcanvas.getGraphics();

2. In order to draw things on a component eg JPanel
consistently, you need to declare a class that
extends a Swing GUI component class an overrides
its paintComponent method to specify what to draw

3. ImageIcon imageicon = new ImageIcon("CardImg/36.png");
Image qimage = imageicon.getImage();
g.drawImage(qimage, 40, 40, 72, 96, this);


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class DrawQueen extends JFrame
// paint a quueen card image
//In order to draw things on a component eg JPanel
// consistently, you need to declare a class that
// extends a Swing GUI component class an overrides
//its paintComponent method to specify what to draw

public DrawQueen()
add (new DrawPanel() );

public static void main (String[] args)
DrawQueen frame = new DrawQueen();

frame.setTitle("Draw a Queen on a JPanel component");
frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //centre the frame


class DrawPanel extends JPanel

ImageIcon imageicon = new ImageIcon("CardImg/36.png");
ImageIcon imageicon2 = new ImageIcon("CardImg/35.png");
ImageIcon imageicon3 = new ImageIcon("CardImg/12.png");
ImageIcon imageicon4 = new ImageIcon("CardImg/13.png");

Image qimage = imageicon.getImage();
Image rimage = imageicon2.getImage();
Image simage = imageicon3.getImage();
Image timage = imageicon4.getImage();

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.drawString("Player 1", 0, 40);

if (qimage != null )
g.drawImage(qimage, 40, 40, 72, 96, this);
g.drawImage(rimage, 60, 40, 72, 96, this);
g.drawImage(simage, 80, 40, 72, 96, this);
g.drawImage(timage, 100, 40, 72, 96, this);


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