Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008

Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2008

推薦: <<柏楊曰─讀通鑑‧論歷史>>

推薦: <<柏楊曰──讀通鑑‧論歷史>>


  我在1998年7月台北遠流出版公司出版的《柏楊曰》第一集序中曾説:歷史的教訓,因為人類的健忘和野心家的篡改,而微乎其微……現在我補充:原因是經驗無法傳承,事非經過 不知難。這是上帝創造人類開的一項最大的玩笑。

盡管人性古今一致、中外不分,可是每一個人的生存基因中都同様有非常頑强的自我毁滅因子,既無法從歷史借鏡, 也很不容易自我克制。世界文明能向前邁進一步,才會有這麽艱巨的工程,這裏面牽涉到大自然的生態環境、牽涉到國民性與文化的累積,更决定于一個族群政策與 制度的抉擇。文明的更上層樓,是一個民族救危存亡的裏程碑。

   歷史的功能如果純粹從以上的角度來衡量,不但可讀性大减,連值不值得書寫都令人質疑。事實上,歷史的借鏡固然微弱,但,人類的歷史實在是世界進化的卷 標,讓你知道我們從怎麽様的原點出發,歷經的路程以及終將要奔赴的方向。如果没有歷史,人類的生存就茫茫無所歸依,所有生存中的顛簸、匍匐、挣扎、奮鬥都 是汹涌波濤中的一葉扁舟,没有舵手,也没有彼岸。

從這個角度認知,歷史的功能就不同于“使用手册”,它不可能告訴你如何開機、如何操作、如何修復、如何换 新零件……但,却是整個世界的文明生産制作不可或缺的原創力。

 中國是世界文明古國之一,有綿長豐富的歷史,在整個世界文明發展的進程中,她不只是汪洋大海中的一葉扁舟,簡直是一艘驚動四海的航空母艦。人類能不能振 衰起弊,和中國歷史能不能創造新猷息息相關。

可是,中國歷史上封建制度太長,暴君暴行接連不斷。人民唯一能期待的就是遇到“明君”“以德化民”,這實在是 天大的騙術。可憐,我們善良的人民幾千年來都眼巴巴地在被剮、被殺、被黥、被刖、被磔……之餘,叩首仰望“明君”由天而降。

   我用《柏楊曰》來讀歷史、提出我對傳統歷史不同角度的分析和批判,除了鍛練自己誠實面對自己國家的歷史之外,也要設法使讀歷史的人擺脱以往士大夫 附庸權貴,為執掌大權的皇帝老爺張目、護短,甚至為他們的酷虐暴行提供最没有良心的 合理化理論的習行。


Samstag, 27. Dezember 2008

一 代 AV 天 后 飯 島 愛 陳 屍 香 閨

一 代 AV 天 后 陳 屍 香 閨
飯 島 愛 離 奇 死 (25 Dec 2008)

蘋果日報 :【 本 報 訊 】 飯 島 愛 , 一 個 「 三 十 世 代 」 開 外 男 性 都 不 會 忘 記 的 名 字 。 她 有 天 使 面 孔 、 魔 鬼 身 材 , 在 無 數 AV ( 成 人 電 影 ) 中 身 演 出 , 之 後 更 打 破 壁 壘 , 成 為 首 位 成 功 打 入 藝 能 界 殿 堂 的 AV 女 優 , 在 AV 界 寫 下 一 個 經 典 傳 奇 。 然 而 , 這 位 一 代 AV 天 后 昨 日 被 發 現 陳 屍 香 閨 , 懷 疑 自 殺 , 短 短 36 年 的 生 命 坎 坷 到 底 。

Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

Chapte 3 : Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering

main points

1.Basic Intensity Transformation Functions

- Image Negatives
- Log Transformation
- Power-Law (Gamma) Transformation
- Piecewise-Linear Transformation Functions

2. Histogram Processing

- Histogram Equalization
- Histogram Matching (Specification)
- Local Histogram Processing
- Using Histogram Statistics for Image Enhancement

3. Spatial filtering

- Spatial Correlation and Convolution
- Vector Representation of Linear Filtering
- Generating Spatial Filter Masks

4. Smoothing Spatial Filters

- Order-Statistic (Nonlinear)Filters

5. Sharpening Spatial Filters

- Using the Second Derivative for Image Sharpening -The Laplacian
- Unsharp Masking and Highboost Filtering
- Using first-Order Derivative for (Nonlinear) Image Sharpening -The Gradient

Montag, 22. Dezember 2008



本書是對孔子、孟子、莊子、墨子、韓非、蘇秦 的一次充滿力量與冒險的解讀。 文章不拘學院套路,另開闡釋法門,演練了一場先秦諸子與當今社會風氣相互激蕩、生發的實驗。

孔子是否“打劫”了儒者? 儒學在現實生活中是利還是弊?
蘇秦的一生是 ”無間道” ?!

徹底廢棄 “儒學”, “國學” 復興才有希望。


作者追溯了“儒”的起源,並提出: 只有徹底廢棄 “儒學”,“國學”復興才有希望——“將蒙在中華文明美味湯麵上的儒學油垢,一撇而盡。讓每一個獨立、真實的生命體,直接照射在二十一世紀的陽光下。”

Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008





  時大清嘉慶三年歲次戊午九月九日 棲雲山 素樸散人悟元子 劉一明 敘於 自在窩中



  大清嘉慶三年歲次戊午九月九日 受業門人 王附青 雲峰甫 沐手敬題 軒轅黃帝著
  洮陽門人 張陽全 校閱
  悟元子 劉一明 注
  後學 陶鑄靈 重刊


1. 上篇

  1.1 觀天之道,執天之行,盡矣。


 1.2 天有五賊,見之者昌。

1.3 五賊在心,施行於天。宇宙在乎手,萬化生乎身。

1.4 天性,人也。人心,機也。立天之道,以定人也。


 1.5 天發殺機,移星易宿;地發殺機,龍蛇起陸;人發殺機,天地反覆;天人合發,萬化定基。

1.6 性有巧拙,可以伏藏。


 1.7 九竅之邪,在乎三要,可以動靜。

1.8 火生於木,禍發必克;奸生於國,時動必潰。知之修煉,謂之聖人。

1.9 天生天殺,道之理也。


2. 中篇

  2.1 天地,萬物之盜;萬物,人之盜;人,萬物之盜。三盜既宜,三才既安。故曰:食其時,百骸理;動其機,萬化安。




  2.2 人知其神而神,不知不神之神而所以神。


  2.3 日月有數,小大有定,聖功生焉,神明出焉。其盜機也,天下莫能見,莫能知。君子得之固窮,小人得之輕命。



3. 下篇

  3.1 瞽者善聽,聾者善視。絕利一源,用師十倍。三返晝夜,用師萬倍。 



 3.2 心生於物,死於物,機在目。


 3.3 天之無恩,而大恩生。迅雷烈風,莫不蠢然。至樂性餘,至靜性廉。


 3.4 天之至私,用之至公,禽之制在氣。


3.5  生者死之根,死者生之根。恩生於害,害生於恩。


  3.6 愚人以天地文理聖,我以時物文理哲;


 3.7 人以愚虞聖,我以不愚虞聖;人以其奇期聖,我以不奇期聖。




3.9  自然之道靜,故天地萬物生。天地之道浸,故陰陽勝。陰陽相推,而變化順矣。


  3.10 是故聖人知自然之道不可違,因而制之。至靜之道,律曆所不能契。爰有奇器,是生萬象,八卦甲子,神機鬼藏。陰陽相勝之術,昭昭乎進於象矣。 





城大PCLL-Law 扣起1分肥你全個programme?

城大PCLL-Law 扣起1分肥你全個programme?




1. 上篇——論道
2. 中篇——論法
3. 下篇——論術







Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008



(明報)12月19日(2008) 星期五 00:05

成為城中話題的倪震 與周慧敏 戀情峰迴路轉,倪震下午2時許向傳媒表示,已跟周慧敏申請註冊結婚。



Geertz--Local Knowledge

Clifford Geertz

地方知識: 詮釋人類學論文集
Local Knowledge: Further essays in interpretive anthropology. (1983)

王 維 基 聲 明 全 文

王 維 基 聲 明 全 文

王 維 基 聲 明 全 文 。

各 位 朋 友 :

過 了 這 十 二 天 , 我 上 了 人 生 寶 貴 的 一 課 : 堅 持 直 率 , 用 辭 謹 慎 。

亞洲 電 視 是 一 個 具 有 使 命 和 社 會 責 任 的 機 構 , 無 論 從 香 港 人 的 立 場 還 是 其 他 因 素 來 考慮 , 亞 視 始 終 是 一 個 香 港 人 的 電 視 台 , 我 認 為 這 個 方 向 至 今 依 然 正 確 。 香 港 的 人 均本 地 生 產 總 值 是 內 地 十 多 倍 , 中 國 是 我 們 的 國 家 , 有 能 力 時 , 我 們 應 該 想 想 有 什 麼貢 獻 , 而 不 是 過 份 依 賴 。

亞 視 始 終 是 一 間 商 營 機 稱 , 他 的 希 望 在 於 自 己, 不 可 以 長 期 依 靠 賑 助 。 亞 視 從 新 定 位 , 讓 創 作 有 更 大 的 空 間 、 讓 觀 眾 有 更 多 選 擇, 令 亞 視 成 為 香 港 有 公 信 力 的 媒 體 , 這 是 我 們 三 人 的 共 同 夢 想 。 直 至 今 天 , 我 依 然擁 抱 這 個 熱 切 期 待 。

從 接 受 這 份 工 作 的 第 一 天 起 , 我 已 經 知 道 這 是 一 項艱 鉅 的 任 務 。 聽 張 永 霖 先 生 所 言 : 「 出 任 執 行 主 席 一 職 , 百 感 交 集 , 戰 戰 兢 兢 , 如履 薄 冰 。 」 , 我 就 想 起 康 有 為 先 生 廢 除 八 股 文 , 一 段 可 歌 可 泣 的 歷 史 。

沒有 膽 識 , 就 幹 不 了 大 事 。 要 改 革 , 我 沒 有 想 過 得 到 全 部 人 的 認 同 ; 改 革 的 過 程 中 ,我 們 要 面 對 固 有 利 益 者 的 強 大 阻 力 ; 要 改 革 成 功 , 就 一 定 要 迅 速 、 全 面 和 徹 底 , 更重 要 的
是 , 要 有 後 備 計 劃 。

以 上 種 種 , 我 已 經 有 充 足 準 備 。 過 往 四 年 , 我 在城 市 電 訊 亦 在 進 行 過 類 似 改 革 工 作 , 公 司 由 幾 年 前 虧 損 數 億 元 到 今 天 賺 一 億 二 千 多萬 。 我 認 為 這 種 全 面 改 革 , 對 亞 視 來 說 是 必 須 的 ; 改 革 的 目 的 , 是 要 令 員 工 對 自 己的 公 司 、 工 作 和 人 生 重 投 信 心 , 感 到 驕 傲 。

我 不 是 一 個 輕 言 放 棄 的 人 ,我 已 盡 我 的 最 大 努 力 。 我 依 然 深 信 我 所 做 的 大 部 份 事 , 對 亞 視 和 員 工 都 是 正 確 和 有利 的 , 只 是 , 大 家 的 步 伐 並 不 一 致 。 我 也 曾 經 說 過 , 我 已 經 愛 上 這 間 公 司 , 因 為 那裡 充 滿 希 望 和 優 秀 的 前 線 員 工 , 這 種 想 法 至 今 不 變 。 我 一 直 以 堅 持 直 率 , 真 心 待 人, 所 做 的 一 切 , 都 從 亞 視 和 員 工 的 利 益 為 出 發 點 。

最 後 , 我 想 提 提 張 永霖 先 生 , 因 為 我 在 他 身 上 學 到 很 多 。 正 如 Linus 說 過 , 我 們 是 背 對 背 的 , 無 其 他 人可 以 離 間 我 們 。 雖 然 在 短 暫 的 未 來 , 我 不 能 再 和 他 一 起 為 亞 視 服 務 , 但 我 會 繼 續 默默 的 支 持 他 。

可 能 我 倆 實 在 太 用 心 去 做 事 , 根 本 不 單 止 當 這 是 一 份 工 作, 更 將 亞 視 當 成 自 己 的 公 司 。 若 我 們 之 間 任 何 一 個 出 現 差 錯 , 都 只 因 為 太 過 用 心 、太 過 投 入 。 由 始 至 終 , 我 沒 有 考 慮 過 自 己 個 人 的 成 敗 和 利 益 , 我 們 只 有 一 個 焦 點 :怎 樣 才 可 以 令 亞 視 走 上 成 功 之 路 。 可 惜 , 事 情 發 展 就 像 很 多 愛 情 故 事 一 樣 , 你 最 愛的 , 不 一 定 是 和 你 結 婚 和 生 活 的 那 位 。

我 們 擁 有 一 個 共 同 目 標 , 只 可 惜, 在 日 常 運 作 上 出 現 不 同 看 法 。 就 好 像 爸 爸 媽 媽 照 顧 他 們 的 嬰 孩 一 樣 , 孩 子 過 了 晚上 的 飲 奶 時 間 , 仍 然 熟 睡 。 到 底 應 該 由 他 安 睡 , 還 是 叫 醒 他 喝 奶 呢 ? 雖 然 觀 點 不 同, 大 家 都 只 是 希 望 用 最 好 的 方 法 去 照 顧 孩 子 , 愛 心 卻 是 共 通 的 。

大 家 都 同 意 , 要 為 亞 視 建 立 新 文 化 和 新 路 向 。 我 選 擇 在 這 時 退 下 來 , 應 該 是 最 恰 當 的 做 法 。

無論 如 何 , 在 過 往 的 十 二 天 , 我 倆 一 直 緊 密 合 作 , 所 做 的 每 一 件 事 、 每 一 個 決 定 都 有我 們 的 共 同 意 見 和 討 論 。 藉 此 , 我 衷 心 感 謝 他 帶 領 我 走 過 這 一 段 路 。 工 作 完 結 了 ,兄 弟 情 仍 在 。

最 後 , 是 關 於 亞 洲 小 姐 面 試 的 。 我 用 錯 字 眼 , 但 我 絕 無 半點 不 尊 重 之 意 , 失 言 亦 是 無 心 之 失 。 無 論 如 何 , 我 必 須 承 認 這 是 一 個 錯 誤 。 對 此 我深 感 歉 疚 , 衷 心 希 望 得 到 佳 麗 和 大 眾 的 原 諒 。

王 維 基
二 零 零 八 年 十 二 月 十 七 日

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

Notes, tutorial, and assignments questions

login: student
password: image

This maths is quite difficult. If you don't understand the maths, you cannot write those image processing programs.

Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2008

Cora Diamond : Riddles and Anselm's Riddle

Cora Diamond : Riddles and Anselm's Riddle

notes, p.273

On riddle phrases

1. Riddle phrase: a linguistic expression put together by continuing familiar patterns, so the question or request looks like those we know how to use;

2. to solve it, though, what we need is not somethingof which we have been given a description, but something which it willstrike us as right to call by the phrase.

3. And it is the familiarity of the pattern which makes it possible for us not to see the kind of quest we are engaged in.

Cora Diamond: Realism and The Realistic Spirit

Cora Diamond: Realism and The Realistic Spirit
notes p.59

Berkeley on misunderstandings about language:

1. when language is not being used to communicate information about particular matters in the world as we know it in experience, it is used to communicate information about something else...

2. when we can follow a bit of language, we take it that we must have in our mind an idea of what it is the words we understand stand for.

EE4216/EE5816 Internet Client-Server Comp

EE4216/EE5816 Internet Client-Server Computing

This course is about java network programming

Recommended text:

Reilly and Reilly (2002))
Java network Programming and Distributed Computing

Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008

Cora Diamond- Riddles and Anselm's Riddle

Cora Diamond : Riddles and Anselm's Riddle

The Realistic Spirit

notes: p267

1. Where you can ask, you can look for an answer, and where you cannot look for an answer, you cannot ask either. Nor can you find an answer.

2. Do something which I shall be inclined to accept as a solution, though I don't know now what it will be like.

3.WE remain in the situation of linguistic description or interpretations. What we want is to change it.

Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008

BitTorrent 估值大跌

BitTorrent估值大跌 廢除1700萬美元融資項目

騰訊科技訊 北京時間12月15日消息(2008),據國外媒體報導,美國科技博客網站Techcrunch創始人邁克爾•阿靈頓(Michael Arrington)周日撰文稱,美國知名檔共用服務商BitTorrent近日向公司股東發送的一封絕密電子郵件顯示,受美國金融危機等因素影響,該公司目前估值大幅下降,因此被迫廢除已於今年夏季完成的1700萬美元融資專案。


BitTorrent聯合創始人阿什文•納文(Ashwin Navin)上月初表示,自己將辭去公司總裁職務,然後將同Google旗下視頻共用網站YouTube聯合創始人陳士俊等人組建一家創業公司。

Cora Diamond: Belief in Abstract General Ideas

Cora Diamond : Realism and the Realistic Spirit


The disease of Belief in Abstract General Ideas.

"Its most characteristic symptom is his way of conceiving the connections between events. The only reason there can be for accepting a prediction is belief in a connection supposed to be real, in the sense if independent of our thoght, and for which the observed regularity is evidence."

But the term "real connection" is an abstract idea.

"You do indeed believe that you believe it!"

Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008

EE3206 Java Polymorphism

EE3206/EE5805 Java programming and Applictions

notes on Savitch(2006)'s Absolute Java , p 478-486

1. Polymorphism refers to the ability to associate many meanings to one method name by means of the late binding mechanism.

2. with late binding, the definition of a method is not bound to an invoction of the method until run time, in fact, not until th time at which the particular invocation takes place.

public class Sale
private String name;
private double price;

public Sale()
name = "No name yet";
price =0;

public Sale(String theName, double thePrice)

public Sale(Sale originalObject)
if(originalObject == null)
System.out.print("Error: null Saleobject.");

name =;
price = originalObject.price;

public static void announcement()
System.out.println("this is the Sale class");

public double getPrice()
return price;
public void setPrice(double newPrice)
if(newPrice >= 0)
price = newPrice;
System.out.println("Error: Negative price.");
public String getName()
return name;
public void setName(String newName)
if (newName != null && newName !="")
name = newName;
System.out.println("Error: Improper name value.");


public String toString()
return (name + " Price and TTotal Cost = $" + price);
public double bill()
return price;

/* returns true if the names are the same and the
bill for the calling object is equal to the bill for otherSale; */

public boolean equalDeals(Sale otherSale)
if(otherSale == null)
return false;
return (name.equals(
&& bill() == otherSale.bill() );

/* returns true if the bill for the calling
object is less than the bill for otherSale */

public boolean lessThan(Sale otherSale)
if(otherSale == null)
System.out.println("Error: null Sale object");

return (bill() < otherSale.bill() );

public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
if (otherObject == null)
return false;
else if (getClass() != otherObject.getClass())
return false;
Sale otherSale = (Sale)otherObject;

&& (price == otherSale.price));


//derived class, note the method name
public class DiscountSale extends Sale
private double discount;
//cannot be negative

public DiscountSale()
discount = 0;

public DiscountSale(String theName,
double thePrice, double theDiscount)

super(theName, thePrice);

public DiscountSale(DiscountSale originalObject)
discount =;

public static void announcement()
System.out.println("This is theDiscountSale class.");
public double bill()
double fraction = discount/100;

return (1-fraction) *getPrice();
public double getDiscount()
return discount;

public void setDiscount(double newDiscount)
if (newDiscount >= 0)
discount = newDiscount;
System.out.println("Error: Negative discount.");

public String toString()
return (getName() + " Price = $" + getPrice()
+ " Discount = " + discount
+"%\n" + " Total cost = $"
+ bill());
public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
if (otherObject == null)
return false;
else if (getClass() != otherObject.getClass())
return false;
DiscountSale otherDiscountSale =

&& discount ==;



// : main
public class LateBindingDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
Sale simple = new Sale("floor mat", 10.00);
DiscountSale discount = new DiscountSale("floor mat", 11.00, 10);


if (discount.lessThan(simple))
System.out.println("Discounted item is cheaper");
System.out.println("Discount item is not cheaper.");

Sale regularPrice = new Sale("cup holder", 9.99);
DiscountSale specialPrice =
new DiscountSale("cup holder", 11.00, 10);


if (specialPrice.equalDeals(regularPrice))
System.out.println("Deals are equal.");
System.out.println("Deals are not equal.");



Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008

EE3206 java this reference

EE3206/EE5805: Java programming and Applications

notes Liang(2009), p 334

The "this" reference is the name of a reference that refers to a calling object itself.

this.i=i; means "assign the value of parameter i to the data field i of the calling object."

We can also use "this" to invoke another constructor of the same class.


public Circle()
// invoke another constructor

EE3206 java: immutable class


Java Programming and Application
notes Liang (2009),

Three requirement for an immutable class

1. declare all fields private

2. provide no set() methods

3.Provide no accessor methods that returns a reference to a data field that is mutable. eg .return a Date object.



(明報)12月11日 星期四 20:00

藝人周慧敏 和倪震 發表聲明,周慧敏原諒倪震,但會回復朋友關係,倪震就基於「問責」,決定「引疚分手」。










Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008

Frege: Begriffsschrift-preface

Frege's Begriffsschrift :preface

excerpted from "The Frege Reader" edited by M Beaney, p.51.

1. I hope that logicians, if they are not put off by first impression of unfamiliarity, will not repudiate the innovations to which I was driven by a necessity inherent in the subject matter itself.

2. These deviations from what is traditional find their justification in the fact that logic hitherto has always followed ordinary language and grammer too closely.

3. In particular, I believed that the replacement of the concepts subject and predicate by argument and function will prove itself in the long run. It is easy to see how taking a content as a function of an argument gives to concept formation.

4. What also deserves notice is the demostraion of the connection between the meanings of the words: if, and, not, there is, some, all, etc.

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008

Cora Diamond: Realism and the Realistic Spirit

Cora Diamond : Realism and the Realistic Spirit

notes: p.43

On philosophical glasses

1. "...the philosopher who takes himself to be wearing irremovable glasses does not take these to be distorting his view. The 'glasses' here are the underlying logical order of all thought... "

2. "Because he is convincedthat all thought must have his order, he is convinced that he is able to ee it in the reality of our actual thought and talk, even though the ways we think and speak do not (to what he takes to be a spuerficial view) appear to exhibit such an order."

3."The removal of the glasses is his being able to see properly what always was before him; what stood in the way of his removing them was a confused understanding of language."

Cora Diamond: Realism and the Realistic Spirit

Cora Diamond: Realism and the Realistic spirit

notes: p.41

1. "The conception of calculation as an experiment tends to strike us as th only realistic one.
Everything else, we think, is monshine. In an experiment we have someing tangible.

2. Ramsey's view on logic: that whenever we make an inference (of any sort) we do so according to some ruleor habit.

Montag, 8. Dezember 2008

Cora Diamond : Intro 2-1

Cora Diamond- The Realistic Spirit

notes p.35

1. The common thing: they do not invite us to give up the making of philosophical propositions because such propositions are nonsensical (because they are a priori, or departures from some language-game, or in whatver other way fail to meet some supposed requirement).

2. They both treat philosophical propositions as constructions we make on the basis of linguistic analogies, patterns, or images in our language.

3. We may come to see that we do not want to go on doing anything with these linguistic constructions; the satisfaction of our needs does not lie that way.

4. We abandon them; we leave them unused; we say "These we do not want." To call them nonsensical is to exclude them in that way from the commerce of our lives.

java Thread pools


notes on Liang(2009) p. 969

1. java 5 uses the Executor interface for executing tasks in a thread pool and the ExecutorService interface for managing and controlling tasks.

Reading Comprehension

I cannot write java multi-thread programming though I have read the whole chapter on multi-threading.

This is not a problem of reading comprehension.

An empirical question cannot be solved by logical understanding.




EE3206/EE5805 java Thread animations

EE3206/EE5805 Java programming and Application

notes on Liang(2009), p.964

use a thread to control animations

import javax.swing.*;

public class FlashingText extends JApplet implements Runnable
private JLabel jlblText = new JLabel("DMC Welcome", JLabel.CENTER);

public FlashingText()
new Thread(this).start();

public void run()
if (jlblText.getText() == null)
jlblText.setText("DMC Welcome");

Thread.sleep(300); // static
} // end while

catch(InterruptedException e)


java : 3 steps to threads

EE3206/EE5805 Java programming and Applications

notes on Liang(2009), p.958-961:

Three steps to start a thread

1. create a class that implements the Runnable interface and implements the run() method.

2. new() a thread object by passing the Runnable object to the Thread class

3. start threads by invoking the start() method


public class TaskThreadDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
// create tasks
Runnable printA = new PrintChar('a', 100);
Runnable printB = new PrintChar('b', 100);
Runnable print100 = new PrintNum(100);

// 2. create thread objects by passing
// the Runnable object to the Thread class
Thread thread1 = new Thread(printA);
Thread thread2 = new Thread(printB);
Thread thread3 = new Thread(print100);

// 3. start threads



public class PrintChar implements Runnable
// 1. implements th Runnable interface and implements the run() method

private char charToPrint; //the characte to print
private int times; // the number of times to print

public PrintChar(char c, int t)
charToPrint = c;
times = t;

public void run()
for (int i=0; i< times; i++)



public class PrintNum implements Runnable
private int lastNum;

/** a task to print 1,2,3, ...i */
public PrintNum(int n)
lastNum =n;


public void run()
for(int i=1; i<= lastNum; i++)
System.out.print(" " + i);

Event dispatcher thread

EE3206/EE5805 java programming and Appications

Event dispatcher thread: notes on Liang(2009)

You need to write code in he event dispatch thread to avoid deadlock.

import javax.swing.*;

public class EventDispatcherThreadDemo
extends JApplet
// you need to write code in he event dispatch
// thread to avoid deadlock

public EventDispatcherThreadDemo()
add(new JLabel("Hi, it runs from an event dispatch thread"));

public static void main(String[] args)
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run()
JFrame frame =
new JFrame("EventDispatcherThreadDemo");
frame.add(new EventDispatcherThreadDemo());

}); // anonymous inncer class

Freitag, 5. Dezember 2008



中國歷史通俗演義 - 明史

中國歷史通俗演義 - 明史

How to Draw in Java

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

notes from Liang(2009), p.478

How to draw in Java:

1. create a class that extends JPanel

2. override paintComponent()

The paintComponent() is automatically invoked to paint graphics when the component is first displayed or whenever the component needs to be redisplayed.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.*;

public class TestDrawPanel extends JFrame {

public TestDrawPanel()
JPanel dp = new DrawPanel();

// 3. add JPanel to the JFrame

public static void main(String[] args)
TestDrawPanel tdp = new TestDrawPanel();



class DrawPanel extends JPanel
// to draw, 1. create a class that extends JPanel
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
// 2. override the paintComponent()

g.drawLine(10,10, 70, 70);
g.drawRect(30,50 ,150, 100);


Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2008

Cora Diamond: Later philosophy on Liberating

Cora Diamond : The Realistic Spirit

Introduction II

notes p.33

1. The notion in the later philosophy of philosophy as liberating is thus tied to an ability to look at the use without imposing on it what one thinks must already be there in it.

2. The notion of use itself and what is meant by giving or presenting it thus also changes: an expression is not presented timelessly--its use is not given --by the general form of the proposition it characterizes; use can be seen only as belonging to the spatial, temporal phenomenon of language.

Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008

Cora Diamod: No Philosophical Requirements

Cora Diamond : The Realistic Spirt

Notes: P28-29

1. "The aim of philosophy, as I see it, being in a kind of liberation from laying down this or that requirement..."

2. Philosophical Requirements may take the following form:

"Regardless of what things look like, if we are to have or do such-and-such, there must be so-and-so."

Cora Diamond: Intro II

Cora Diamond: The Realistic Spirit

notes: P27-28

1. "Our practice are exploratory, and it is indeed only through such exploration that we come to see fully what it was that we ourselves thought or wanted to say."

The present situation is not to explain and interpret but to explore and configure.

2. "Justification, in ethics as anywhere else goes on within lives we share with others, but what we make count in that life is not laid down in advance.

The force of what we are able to say depends on its relation to the life of the words we use, the place of those words in our lives; and we may make the words tell by argument, by image, by poetry, by Socratic redistribution, ... by proverbs, by all sorts of old and new things."

java : The Most Popular Language

TIOBE Programming Community Index

Java is the most popular programming language in 2008

Montag, 1. Dezember 2008

EE3206/EE5805 Java Sys properties

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Application

Here is the java code to check your system properties:

import java.util.*;

public class SysProperty

public SysProperty()


public static void main(String[] args)
Properties prop =



Sonntag, 30. November 2008

Blender Anination

Blender Animation

EE3206/EE5805 Java-thread-5

EE3206/ EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

14.3.2 static synchronized mtehods,
notes from Gosling etc. "The Java progamming Language"

1. A static synchronized method acquires the lock of the Class object for its class. If static data is shared between threads then access to it must be protected by static synchronized methods.

2. Acquiring the Class object lock in a static synchronized method has no effect on any objects ofthat class.

3. You can still invoke synchronized methods on an object while another thread holds the Class object lock in a static synchronized method, only other static synchronized methods are blocked.

Samstag, 29. November 2008

The Java mind-set

The java mind-set

You must read Gosling etc 's "the Java programming Language".

It javalizes you on how to act in a java way.

The java mind-set, whether it is good or bad likes a pair of goggles put on your eyes.

EE3206/EE5805 Java thread-4

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and application

notes on 14.3.1 Synchronized methods
excerpted from the "The Java Programming Language, 4th ed."

1. Synchronization forces execution of the two threads to be mutually exclusive in time. On the contrary, unsynchronized access does not wait for any locks but proceeds regardless of locks that may be held on the object.

2. Locks are owned per thread, so invoking a synchronized method from within another method synchronized on the same object will proceed without blocking, releasing the lock only when the outermost synchronized method returns.

3. This per-thread behavior prevents a thread from blocking on lock it already has, and permits recursive method invocations and invocations of inherited methods which themselves may be synchronized.

4. The constructor does not need to be synchronized because it is executed only when creating an object, and that can happen in only one thread for any given new object.

5. Access to the field must be synchronized. With the synchronized declaration, two or more running thread are guaranteed not to interfere with each other.

6. There is no guarantee as to the order of operations. If the balance is queried about the same time that a deposit occurs, one of them will complete first but you cannot tell which.

7. You can ask whether the current thread holds the lock on a given object by passing that object to the Thread class's static holdsLock() method, which returnstrue if the current thread does hold the lock on that object.

Eg. assert Thread.holdsLock(this);

8. When an extended class overrides a synchronized method, the new method can be synchronized or not. The superclass's method will still be synchronized when it is invoked.

9. If the unsynchronized method uses super to invoke the superclss's synchronized method, the object 's lock will be acquired at that time and will be released when the superclass's method returns.

EE3206/EE5805 Java thread-3

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

notes on 14.3 Synchronization, from "The Java Programming Language":

1. We need to avoid interleaved operation that can corrupt the data. Such potentially interleaving actions are termed critical sections or critical regions, and you prevent interference by sychronizing access to those critical regions.

2. It is solved by acquiring a lock on an objet. Threads cooperate by agreeing to the protocol that before certain actions can occur on an object, the lock of the object must be acquired.

3. Acquiring the lock on an object prevents any other thread from acquiring that lock until the holder of the lock receives it.

4. Every object has a lock associated with it, and that lock can be acquired and released through the use of synchronized methods and statements. The terms syschronized code describes any code that is inside a synchronized method and statement.

EE3206/EE5805 Java thread-2

EE3206/EE5805 Java programming and Applications

notes on 14.2 using Runnable
from Gosling etc.. 's "The Java Programming Language , 4ed"

1.The work done by a thread is oackaged up in its run() method.

2. You can execute a Runnable object in its own thread by passing it to a thread constructor. If a thread object is constructed with a runnable object, the implementation of will invoke the runnable object's run() method.

3. Real classes define complete state and behaviour, where having something execute in a separate thread is only a part of theit functionality.

4. Eg. new thread(this).start();
--While we didn't keep a reference to the thread, when the thread itself was created, it stored a reference to itself in its ThreadGroup.

5. We can place the run() method in part of an anonymous inner class (interface based) that implements Runnable. Eg.

public PrintServer2()
// constructor
Runnable service =
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
realPrint(request.remove() );
}; // queer
new Thread(sevice).start();

6. Using Runnable objects, you can create very flexible multithreaded designs. Each Runnable becomes a unit of work and each can be passed from one part of the system to another.

7. We can store Runnable objects in a queue and have a pool of worker threads servicing the work requests in the queue-- a very common design used in multithreaded server applications.

EE3206/EE5805 Java Threads-1

EE3206/ EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

notes on Threads from "The Java Programming Language, 3rd" p 229-231:

Creating Threads

1. To create a thread of control, you start by crating a Thread object:

Thread student = new Thread();

2. When the thread is ready to run, you invoke its start() method. The start() method spawns a new thread of control based on the data in the Thread object, then returns.

3. The JVM invokes the new thread's run() method, making the thread active. You can invoke start() only ONCE for each thread--invoking it again results in an

4. When a thread's run() method returns, the thread has exited. You can cease running a thread by invoking its interrupt() method.

5. To get a thread that does something, you must either extend Thread to provide a new method or create a Runnable object and pass it to the thread's constructor.

6. You can get the Thread object for the currently running thread by invoking the static method Thread.currentThread.

Mittwoch, 26. November 2008

EE3206/EE5805 :


public class Calculator {
/** Main method */
public static void main(String[] args) {

// Check command-line arguments
if (args.length != 3) {
"Usage: java Calculator operand1 operator operand2");

// The result of the operation
int result = 0;

// Determine the operator
switch (args[1].charAt(0)) {
case '+': result = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) +
case '-': result = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) -
case 'x': result = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) *
case '/': result = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) /

// Display result
System.out.println(args[0] + ' ' + args[1] + ' ' + args[2]
+ " = " + result);

Java Coding Style

EE3206/ EE5805 Java Programming

Java Coding Style

Dienstag, 25. November 2008

Ogg Vorbis 格式

Ogg是一個完全開放性的多媒體系統計劃的名稱,也是Ogg Vorbis文件的擴展名。

Ogg Vorbis是一種類似于Mp3的有損音頻壓縮格式,但是它自由(免費、無專利限制)且開放源代碼。Vorbis是這種音頻壓縮格式的名稱。目前Ogg計劃只實現了Vorbis的部分。

Ogg Vorbis格式非常先進,雖然Vorbis也是有損壓縮,但是由于其使用了更加先進的聲學模型,同様位元率 (Bit Rate)下的Ogg文件比Mp3文件聽起來更好一些。事實上,一些評測結果顯示,在80k-256k的位元率下ogg格式呈現出該位元率範圍下的相對于其他音頻格式(mp3pro,wma,aac)更高的保真度。

Montag, 24. November 2008

Cora Diamond--Philosophy and the Mind-1

Cora Diamond--Philosophy and the Mind-1

Notes: (p.3)

1. ...Because logic 'fills' the world and because the possibilities of the world are the possibilities for thought, for the self considered non-psychologically, philosophical talk will be 'about the self' in its analysis of ordinary proposition about any and every ordinary subject matter.

2....remark about philosophy's being able to talk about the self in a non-psychological way is one of the remarks that has to be überwindet: we must win over it, throw away the ladder of which it is a rung.

3... The final step is the philosophical journey that takes us to the seeing of philosophical analysis as philosophy's non-philosophical presentation of the self leaves us without that description or any supposedly unspeakable understanding corresponding to it.

Samstag, 22. November 2008

The Logic of Experience

How is the logic of experience possible?

An empirical question cannot be logically deduced although it is logical.

So ./ cannot be .txt.

Donnerstag, 20. November 2008

EE3206 Java Mouse Color Panel

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming (tut09)

There are 3 file in this exercise; (main)

// (main)

public class TestDrawableColorPanel

public static void main(String[] args)
RadioColorPanel rcp = new RadioColorPanel();



import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class RadioColorPanel extends JFrame
public static final int WIDTH = 600;
public static final int HEIGHT =300;

private JPanel radioButtonPanel;
private DrawColorPanel colorPanel;

private JRadioButton blackButton;
private JRadioButton blueButton;
private JRadioButton greenButton;
private JRadioButton redButton;
private JRadioButton whiteButton;

// to group radio button and add() them
private ButtonGroup btg;

super("Test Drawable Color Panel");

setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,5) );

radioButtonPanel = new JPanel();

radioButtonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout() );

btg= new ButtonGroup();

blackButton = new JRadioButton("Black");
blackButton.addItemListener(new radioColorButtonListener() );

blueButton = new JRadioButton("Blue");
blueButton.addItemListener(new radioColorButtonListener() );

greenButton = new JRadioButton("Green");
greenButton.addItemListener(new radioColorButtonListener() );

redButton = new JRadioButton("Red");
redButton.addItemListener(new radioColorButtonListener() );

whiteButton= new JRadioButton("White");
whiteButton.addItemListener(new radioColorButtonListener());

//ButtonGroup is not a subclass of Component. So a Buttongroup
// object cannot be added to a container

add(radioButtonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

colorPanel = new DrawColorPanel();
colorPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Color Area by ( Martin Leung )") );
add(colorPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);


private class radioColorButtonListener implements ItemListener
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
//make sure the source is a JRadioButton
if (e.getSource() instanceof JRadioButton)
else if (blueButton.isSelected() )
else if (greenButton.isSelected() )
else if (redButton.isSelected() )
else if (whiteButton.isSelected() )




import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class DrawColorPanel extends JPanel
implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener

private Point lineStart = new Point(0,0);
private Point mousePoint = new Point();

private boolean blackColor =false;
private boolean blueColor = false;
private boolean greenColor = false;
private boolean redColor = false;
private boolean whiteColor = false;

public DrawColorPanel()


public void drawInBlack()
blackColor =true;
blueColor = false;
greenColor = false;
redColor = false;
whiteColor = false;

public void drawInBlue()

blackColor =false;
blueColor = true;
greenColor = false;
redColor = false;
whiteColor = false;

public void drawInGreen()

blackColor =false;
blueColor = false;
greenColor = true;
redColor = false;
whiteColor = false;


public void drawInRed()

blackColor =false;
blueColor = false;
greenColor = false;
redColor = true;
whiteColor = false;


public void drawInWhite()
blackColor =false;
blueColor = false;
greenColor = false;
redColor = false;
whiteColor = true;

// mouse handling interface

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
// get its (x,y) coord
// mousePoint = e.getPoint();
// repaint();

public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)

public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)


public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)

public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)
lineStart.move(e.getX(), e.getY());
// repaint();

public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)

Graphics g= getGraphics();

if (blackColor == true)
else if (blueColor ==true)
else if (greenColor == true)
else if (redColor == true)
else if (whiteColor == true)

mousePoint = e.getPoint();

// the order of the 3 lines is very important...
g.drawLine(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, e.getX(), e.getY());
lineStart.move(e.getX(), e.getY()) ;
// repaint();


public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)

public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

//g.drawLine(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y);





From Student to Professional...

"讓學生 獲得對 各種價值的 理解和 感受是很重要的,
他必須能真切地 感受到 美麗 與道德的 良善,
而不是 一個和諧發展的人."

EE3206 Java Drawing Mouse

EE3206 Java : How to Draw with a Mouse


1. why only draw straight lines? use ArrayList to hold the points from the mouse event

Mittwoch, 19. November 2008

Throwing Away the Ladder

Cora Diamond--Throwing Away the Ladder: How to Read the Tractatus

notes : (p.181-2)

1. to throw the ladder away is, among other things, to throw away in the end the attempt to take seriously the language of 'features of reality'.

2. To speak of features of reality in connection with what shows itself in language is to use a very add kind of figurative language. That goes also for "what shows itself."

Dienstag, 18. November 2008

EE3206 Java Event Handling

EE3206 Java Programming

Event Handling-- from Savitch 's Absolute Java (p.931)

1. Clicking a button with your mouse creates an object known as an event and sends the event object to another object known as the listeners. This is called firing the event.

2. The listener then performs some action. When we say that the event is "sent" to the listener object, what we really mean is that some method in the listeners object is invoked with event object as the argument.

3. For each button, it needs to specify what objects are listeners that will respond to events fired by that button; this is called registering the listener.

4. Different kinds of components require different kinds of listeners classes to handle the events they fire. A button fires events known as action events, which are handled by listeners known as action listeners.



Montag, 17. November 2008

Cora Diamond--Realism and the Realistic Spirit

Cora Diamond--Realism and the Realistic Spirit

There is a quotation from Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (p.325)

"Not empiricism and yet realism in philosophy, that is the hardest thing."

Cora Diamond--How to Read the Tractatus

Cora Diamond-- Throwing Away the Ladder: How to read the Tractatus

Notes: (p.179)

"...the distinction between what can be said and what can only be shown."

Cora Diamond- Throwing Away the Ladder

Cora Diamond- "Throwing Away the Ladder: How to Read the Tractatus"

6.53 To say nothing except what can be said....

6.54. He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it.

7. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be slient.

There is an useful link:

Sonntag, 16. November 2008

Cora Diamond--linguistic surfaces

Cora Diamond--The Realistic Spirit (p.55)

'linguistic surfaces':

'sentences used independently of the ties to evidence and consequences which characterize the ordinary application of the expressions which they contain.'

-'The representation was not meant to be taken as an accurate portrayal of how things were...'

-'Conventions of representation of the sort we have been concerned with, in painting or in writing, do not settle truth...'

-(p.62) 'We make sentences called causal laws--when we have learned to reason inductively. To have learned to do so is indeed to have learned to behave in a certain way, and causal generalizations are what we come up with when we behave that way.'

Cora Diamond--conventions of description

Cora Diamond --The Realistic Spirit (p.54)

'conventions of description'

'the existence of rules or conventions concerning what my appropriately be said and indeed thought about a certain matter,... leaves open the question what is true about those matter.

HOW to convert yourself to LINUX

HOW to convert yourself to LINUX

1. You need a FRIEND who uses LINUX

2. Your LIFE needs LINUX

You need a complier to build from source.

Now think of Life as your compiler.
All of us have Life, but we need to recompile Life first using the -lessgeek and
-moreoutgoing flags in order to create Life suitable for you.

make LIFE -lessgeek -moreoutgoing

Donnerstag, 13. November 2008

EE3206 Java-whichCard()

EE3206/EE5805 Java Hearts Programming Project

before executing westPlayer.playACard(CArd dealCard);, CPU needs to determine which card to deal, hence the algorithm :

public Card whichCardToDeal(int currentSuit);

public Card whichCardToDeal(int currentSuit)
if (player can follow suit)
retrun card same with the current suit
else if (player leads the suit && heartBreak == false)
if (player can deal card other than HEART)
retrun a card which is NOT a HEART
this player can only deal HEARTS
deal a HEART
heartBreak = ture
else if (player leads the trick && heartBreak == true)
can deal any card
this player only follow suit
return any card


Dienstag, 11. November 2008

Java Hearts remarks

EE3206/ EE5805 Java programming and Applications

Hearts game Project

public Card whcihCardToDeal(int leadSuit);

before CPU player playsACard(String cardname) , it needs to determine which card to deal.

The conditions are:

1. what is the value of leadSuit?
2. can it follow suit?
3. if not, which suit can be dealt?
4. if no other suits other than hearts-- deal a hearts,
then brokenHeart = ture
5 update playerCardList

Cora Diamond: The Realistic Spirit

Cora Diamond: The Realistic Spirit

Philosophy as liberating (p.32-33)

1."The way philosophy liberates is...connected with the significance of 'use' and of willingness or unwillingness to look to the use for what it enables us to see."

2."...philosophy as liberating is thus tied to an ability to look at the use without imposing on it what one thinks must already be there in it."

3." expression is not presented timelessly--its use is not given -- by the general form of the propositions it characterizes; use can be seen only as belonging to the spatial, temporal phenomenon of language."

Montag, 10. November 2008

EE3206 Hearts Games

EE3206/ EE5805 Java Programming and Applications


1.It needs to be decomposed. Thre is a currentTrickList to record which player deals
whick and. display the displayCurrentTrickList().

2. When a CPU player deals a card , remove a card element in his playerCArdList. Add a card in currentTrickList in gamelogic.

whoTakeTrick() by using the currentTrickList
resetTrickList() for the next trick

Also, need to remember whoPlayNext. and the score

Frege's Ontological Argument

Notes on Joan Weiner's Frege Explained (p.159-161):

1. The ontological argument for the existence of God:

2." God is omniscient", "God exists"...

3. existence is not a property. The predicate 'exists' is actually a natural language expression for a quantifier.

4. To say that a cat exists is not to predicate existence of a particular cat but rather, to say that there exists an X such that X is a cat.

5. To say that God exists is not to predicate a property of God.

6. It is, rather to say something about the concept most perfect being that can be conceived; existence statements are about concepts.

7. There is no property of existence that can be predicated of an object. Thus the argument does not go through.

I first encountered this argument when I read Anscombe. But Weiner 's explanation is more clear and concise.

Sonntag, 2. November 2008

Frege Explained

Joan Weiner 's book "Frege Explained: From Arithmetic to Analytic Philosophy" is a very clear and good introduction to Frege.

I like Chaper 1: Frege's life and Character. I am rather sympathetic to Frege.

There is a sharp contrast between the fate of Frege and Russell in intellectual life.

Frege: Grundlagen

The Foundations of Arithmetic 算術基礎

From the Frege Reader (1997) edited by Michael Beaney, p.90 :

"In this investigation I have adhered to the following fundamental principles:

There must be a sharp separation of the psychological from the logical, the subjective from the objective;

The meaning of a word must be asked for in the context of a proposition, not in isolation;

The distinction between concept and object must be kept in mind.

Beaney comments on J.L. Austin's tranlation (page X) as making Frege "too muck like an Oxford linguistic philosopher." I hope there is another translation in the wiki.

Samstag, 1. November 2008

Frege: Begriffsschrift

Frege's Begriffsschrift



In The Foundations of Arithmetic (算術基礎 ), Frege devised 3

"fundamental principles:

1. always to separate sharply the psychological from the logical, the subjective from the objective;

2. never to ask for the meaning of a word in isolation, but only in the context of a proposition;

3. never to loose sight of the distinction between concept and object."

(tranlated by J. L. Austin)(1980)

Freitag, 31. Oktober 2008 is a central point for development, maintenance and distribution of Free Software that runs on free operating systems.

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008

Java Hearts Remarks5

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

There is a PlayerInfo class which holds 4 players in an ArrayList.
Each Player in turn contains an ArrayList to hold 13 cards.

swap3card() to swap 3 cards to a neighbor player.
sortcard() to sort the card in the ArrayList.

Montag, 27. Oktober 2008



Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik

(The Foundations of Arithmetic)

"Are the laws of arithmetic synthetic a priori or analytic?"

java interface wiki

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

From Savitch's Absolute Java (2 ed. 2006), p.711-713, " An inteface is a type that can be satisfied by any class that implemetns the interface."

"An interface is a type. This allows you to write a method with a parameter of an interface type, ... and that parameter will accept as an argument any class you later define that implements the interface."

Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

F S LCM-2008

predicted states and actions taken in logic..

on what condition will collective action taken?

To forecast the state..

action is taken on the same state...predefined in logic--LCM

Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008

java interface

EE3206 / EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

interface inheritance

In the java textbook, Liang(2009), p.397, "You can use an interface as a data type for a variable, as the result of casting and so on."

"You can now use the Edible interface to specify whether an object is edible.

The relationship between the class and the interface is known as interface inheritance.

Since interface inheritance and class inheritance are essentially the SAME, we will simply refer to both as inheritance. "

if (objects[i] instanceof Edible)
System.out.println(( (Edible) objects[i] ).howToEat() );

Freitag, 17. Oktober 2008


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Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008

Samstag, 4. Oktober 2008

Java Hearts Remarks4

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Application

Java Hearts Game Project Remarks4

The following notes are summarized from David Eck 's Introduction to Programming Using Java, Chap 5.4:

1. For the Hearts Game, we need a standard deck of playing cards. Each player gets a hand of cards.

2. The Deck is shuffled and Cards are dealt one at a time from the Deck and added to the player's hand.

3. The Card classs has instance variable, suit and value.

4.The Deck class has shuffle() and dealCard().

5. The Hand class has addCard() and removeCard()

6. A Deck obect has 52 cards in standard order when created. Activate shuffle() to randomize the card.

Activate dealCard() to get the next card from the deck. The return type is card.

7.Hand Class. It has no cards when first created. Activate addCard() to add a card to the hand.

Specify the Card object for which card is added. Activate removeCard() to specify which card to remove.

8. Card Class. Use new Card(value, suit) to create a card object. There are four suits, eg, Card.SPADES.
Use enum type to specify.

In the Hearts game, Ace is the largest while 2 is the smallest card. Modify the code.

9. In text mode, 2 helper methods, getValueAsString() and getSuitAsString() for toString() .

Java Hearts Remarks3

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

Java Hearts Project Remarks3

In desgining the java Hearts game project, Eck's book is a very good reference. See Chap 5.4, 6 and 12.

We need 3 classes: Card, Hand and Deck

1. How to randomize,shuffle cards?

2. For the swap direction , "x mod 4 =0" to decide the direction of swapping the 3 cards

Java Hearts Remarks2

EE3206/EE805 Java Programming and Applications

The Java Hearts game project: Remarks 2

There is a card demo program on how to drag card UNDER another while the order and layer of the card remain the SAME.

Card images can be obtained from the textbook : Liang's Introduction to Java programming 7/e website. see chap 13 exercise,

Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2008

Java Hearts Remarks1

EE3206/EE5805 Java Porgramming and Applications

How to draw cards on the JPanel?

1. Whenever a component is displayed, the jvm automatically creates a Graphics object for the component on the native platform.

eg Graphics graphics = jpanelcanvas.getGraphics();

2. In order to draw things on a component eg JPanel
consistently, you need to declare a class that
extends a Swing GUI component class an overrides
its paintComponent method to specify what to draw

3. ImageIcon imageicon = new ImageIcon("CardImg/36.png");
Image qimage = imageicon.getImage();
g.drawImage(qimage, 40, 40, 72, 96, this);


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class DrawQueen extends JFrame
// paint a quueen card image
//In order to draw things on a component eg JPanel
// consistently, you need to declare a class that
// extends a Swing GUI component class an overrides
//its paintComponent method to specify what to draw

public DrawQueen()
add (new DrawPanel() );

public static void main (String[] args)
DrawQueen frame = new DrawQueen();

frame.setTitle("Draw a Queen on a JPanel component");
frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //centre the frame


class DrawPanel extends JPanel

ImageIcon imageicon = new ImageIcon("CardImg/36.png");
ImageIcon imageicon2 = new ImageIcon("CardImg/35.png");
ImageIcon imageicon3 = new ImageIcon("CardImg/12.png");
ImageIcon imageicon4 = new ImageIcon("CardImg/13.png");

Image qimage = imageicon.getImage();
Image rimage = imageicon2.getImage();
Image simage = imageicon3.getImage();
Image timage = imageicon4.getImage();

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.drawString("Player 1", 0, 40);

if (qimage != null )
g.drawImage(qimage, 40, 40, 72, 96, this);
g.drawImage(rimage, 60, 40, 72, 96, this);
g.drawImage(simage, 80, 40, 72, 96, this);
g.drawImage(timage, 100, 40, 72, 96, this);


Freitag, 26. September 2008

EE5805 Java 傷心小棧-Wiki

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The following wiki information on "傷心小棧" is excerpted from:傷心小棧





[編輯] 牌面

[編輯] 目標

[編輯] 遊玩概要

[編輯] 發牌

[編輯] 交換卡牌



[編輯] 捨牌

首輪:首先由有2♣的玩家開始首輪捨牌,規定一定要出2♣,其他玩家依照順時鐘選牌丟出有相同花色的牌,若是沒有,則可以出其他花牌, 惟獨不能出有計分的牌(紅心牌和Q♠)。除了與首位出牌者不同花色的玩家之外,由點數大者贏得此次的捨牌。

第二輪之後:由上一輪贏者出牌,除了紅心牌其他花色皆可出,除非手中只剩下紅心牌而無其他花色,或是上幾輪中心碎(見下解釋),方可出紅心牌。 其他玩家依序丟出相同花色的牌,若是沒有,則可以出其他花牌,亦可以出有計分的牌。首次丟出紅心牌稱作心碎,下一輪之後出牌者皆可以出紅心牌。

[編輯] 計分


EE5805 Java 傷心小棧遊戲過程

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The following information on "傷心小棧遊戲過程" is excerpted from:


























Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

EE5805 Java Hearts Images

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

Hearts Game project

There are 52 card images from wiki:

SCROLL down. You can also find the unicode and html codes.

The images are published under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Montag, 22. September 2008

EE5805 Java Programming (3)

EE3206 or EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

Tutorial 3 – Programming with Objects and Classes

Submission Required (Question 4--Due on 24 Sept 08)

1. Create a project “JTutor03”. Write a Java class SimpleBankAccount with a public
data field balance.

Write your own main method to create an object of
SimpleBankAccount. Test the object by reading from and writing to the balance.

2. The bank requires that a minimum balanace should be $100 upon creation of an
account. For this purpose, create another class DefaultBankAccount in the same

It has a public data field balance and a no-arg constructor to initialize the
balance. Test the object by reading from and writing to the balance.

3. The DefaultBankAccount is not well protected as its balance is a public field.
Rewrite the class by changing its balance field to private and providing getters and
setters as suggested below.

Save the class as ProtectedBankAccount. You must
make sure the balance is enough for transaction. Test the object by using the
getters and setters to access the balance.

Method Headers:

-public double getBalance() // return balance
-public boolean withdraw(double amount) // return true on success
-public boolean deposit(double amount) // return true on success

Sample Test Output:

My initial account balance is 100.0
After depositing $200:
My account balance is 300.0

After withdrawing $200:
My account balance is 100.0

After withdrawing $200 again:
My account balance is 100.0

4. Create another class RealBankAccount by renaming the ProtectedBankAccount.
Write an instance method transfer based on the given header and static version
below. The instance method transfers money from its own account to another

Method Header

-public boolean transfer(RealBankAccount to, double amount)
-Static Method - transfer

-public static boolean transfer(RealBankAccount from, RealBankAccount to, double amount) {
if(amount <= from.getBalance() && -amount <= to.getBalance())
return true;
} // end if
return false;

Write a main method in RealBankAccount to test the class. The main method takes
three arguments from command line: balance of account A, balance of account B,
transferred amount. Demonstrate your result to the tutor during the tutorial class.

Example 1: java RealBankAccount 200 300 100
Account A balance is 200.0
Account B balance is 300.0

After transferring $100.0 from A to B:
Account A balance is 100.0
Account B balance is 400.0

Example 2: java RealBankAccount 300 400 500
Account A balance is 300.0
Account B balance is 400.0

After transferring $500.0 from A to B:
Account A balance is 300.0
Account B balance is 400.0

You have just progressively built up your bank account program. You may find that
each revision is just done by adding some extra features to the existing one, with most
of the class properties being same.

However, you have to redefine the same things in a new class every time. This is inconvenient and may cause errors when you copy and
paste the code. What even worse is that you are now maintaining multiple pieces of

For example, you are asked to change the type and name of the balance in all
these four classes.

This could be a disaster when you have a fundamental change in
the base class of a big project that have hundreds of classes.
In the next lesson, you will see how we handle this problem.

- END -

Samstag, 20. September 2008

EE5805 Java-Use Cases Notes

EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The following notes on Use Cases are excerpted from Fowler's "UML Distilled":

1. Use cases are a technique for capturing the functional requirements of a system.

2. Use cases work by describing the typical interactions between the users of a system the system itself. It provides a narrative of how a system is used.

3. A scenario is a sequence of steps describing an interaction between a user and a system.

4. Therefore, a use case is a set of scenarios tied together by a common user goal.

5. An actor isa role that a user plays in the system.

6. But almost all the value of use cases lies in the textual content, and the diagram is of rather limited value.

Content of Use Case

EE5805 Java -UML Tutorial

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

As we need to desgin the "Hearts" game using UML, there is a good tutorial on UML.

Also, a good brief introduction is Fowler's "UML Distilled"

Freitag, 19. September 2008

EE5805 Hearts Project (Python)

There is an open source game named "Hearts" written in python.

What is "Python"? It is the language which the first version of the BT software was written.

You need to install python nand pygame in order to play the game.

But, Pygame (a game development website in using python) is blockd by the the CityU firewall system.

EE5805 Java Project-Hearts-1

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

Project Part I – Problem Analysis


CitySoft is a software company and the leading solution provider in the market. You
are working in the Java team to develop Java-based applications and systems. Your
team has just received a new project about a popular card game named Hearts that is
also a widespread computer game as packaged in Microsoft Windows XP.

Basically,the client wants to make a Java clone of MS Windows Hearts with a few additional features and modifications.

Figure 1. Microsoft Windows XP Hearts

1. Rename the players as East, North, West and South according to their position.
2. Enable both graphical and text mode display.
3. Enable following cheat codes:

Cheat code syntax (case insensitive) Example Remarks
a) set [east/south/west/north] [score] set east 30 Change players’ scores.
b) void [spade/heart/diamond/club] void diamond Remove a suit from human player by
exchanging with other players’ cards
on hand randomly.
c) shootmoon shootmoon Human player incurs all point cards of
preceding tricks.
d) visible [true/false] visible true Turn over all players’ cards.

Requirement Analysis

Now, you are asked to analyze this card game system and document the system
requirements with the following things:

1. A brief summary of the game play

- For ease of reading, you should list out the steps or instructions in point form
with short sentences. You may also divide the game play into different sections
based on the game states if it is too long.

2. Use Cases and Use Case Diagrams

- Draw use case diagram(s) to demonstrate the functional requirements as well as
any entities involved.
- Use cases should be detailed with a sequence of actions and responses between
the actor and system. Alternative flows, if any, should also be shown. You may
tabulate the actions and responses in each use case for ease of reading.


Upload your document to Blackboard before 8pm in 1st October 2008. Your document
should be well-formatted based on the guidelines below:

1. Filename
- Since all students upload to the same pool, please rename your file as
Hearts_Group_NN.doc (e.g. Hearts_Group_05.doc).

2. Cover page
- Show your Name, Student ID, Group Number, Course Code and Last
Modification Dates.

3. UML tools
- Do not use the MS Word built-in drawing tools for the UML diagrams. You
should use some specialized drawing or modeling tools. Some of them are
available for free (see references). Others like Visio and Poseidon for UML are
also good but costly.


Wikipedia, Hearts (Window) -

Videocast, How to play Hearts -

JUDE Community Edition -

UMLet -

Samstag, 13. September 2008

The Rise of British Idealism

I have noticed that there are signs for the rise of British Idealism. There is a phenomenlogical turn in British philosophy. Many papers are "produced" on the Hussurlian context.

That means British philosophy is declining from the Empirical tradition.

May be the term "Postivist" or "Empiricist" sounds out-dated. Use "inter-subjectivity", "Meditiation: Descarte's way".

Is there any "new" Russell or Moore? Not to mention "new" Frege or "new "Wittgenstein.



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Freitag, 12. September 2008

No pygame at cityu

You cannot access at City University of Hong Kong.

The site is blocked by the Computing Centre.

But you can access python. That means you can wrtite python but cannot write games in python at cityu.

python game rescources: At HERE