Montag, 3. Mai 2010

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

Modified Auto-Contrast

quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 58-59

1. The mapping function could be strongly influenced by only a few extreme (low or high) pixel values, which may not be representative of the image content.

2. This can be avoided to large extent by "saturating" a fixed percentage (s-low, s-high) of pixels at the upper and lower ends of the target intensity range.

3. Predefined quantiles (s-low and s-high) of image pixels are "saturated", i.e., mapped to the extreme values of the target range. ) The intermediate values are mapped linearly to the interval [a-min, a-max].



我現在既然一律不承認任何虛妄的事物,因此,嚴格說來,我只是一個思想物(thinking thing),也就是說,我是一個心靈( mind),一個靈魂( soul ) ,或是一個理解(understanding),一個理性(reason ) ,這些名詞的意義都是我以前所不知道的。


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