Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

to install packages in R :

install.packages("XXX"); # XXX is package name

Quote : Purohit,Gore and Deshmukh (2008) Statistics using R
page (1.2)

1. Theory of probability plays an important role in construction of mathematical models. The main reason is that the statistician looks on probability as an idealization of the proportion of times a certain result will occur in repeated trials of an experiment.

2. The mathematical model that a statistican selects for repetitive operation is usually one that enables him/her to make decisions about the population from which sample is drawn.

3. Since model is ONLY an idealization of the actual situation, conclusions derived from it can be relied on only to the extent that the model chosen is a sufficiently good approximation to the actual situation under study.

4. In any given problem, therefore, it is essential to be well acquainted with the field of application in order to know what models are likely to be realistic.


1. Statistical analysis of financial data in S-PLUS by René A. Carmona.
2. Modeling Financial Time Series with S-PLUS’ by Wang, Jiahui; Zivot, Eric.

3. Introduction to Modern Portfolio optimization with NuOPT and S-PLUS / Bernd Scherer, R. Douglas Martin
4. The Basics of S-PLUS by Krause, Andreas; Olson, Melvin.

Paul Tillich 田立克 是當代橫跨哲學與 神學兩大領域的著名思想家。《信仰的動力》信仰在形式上的定義就是:信仰是『終極關懷』。在此不牽涉任何信仰內容的限定。

人一生都有許多關懷,這些關懷或大或小,但總有些事情 會成為我們生命中的核心,是我們最看重的,我們可以說 這種關懷便是終極的關懷。


可以看到,當田立克把信仰定義為 終極關懷時,并不是純粹視信仰為一種主觀的行為,毋寧說這是一種 主體的處境,一種關系,在其中,信仰有它的主觀面和 客觀面。

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