Dienstag, 9. September 2008

EE5808 Engineering Techniques for Computer Graphics

For EE5808 Engineering Techniques for Computer Graphics, the required textbook is:

Hearn and Baker (2004). Computer Graphics with OpenGL. PH.

To do list:

1. Use VC++2005 to do OpenGL programming (with GLUT)
2. PPT presentations in tutorial
3. Create a character (Individual project)
4. Animate the characterin a story (Group Proj)
5. Usual assignments/ exercises

For the opensource alternative, you may use wx-Dev C++. It claims it is compatible with VC++2005.

There are 6 parts:

1. Database Traversal
2. Modelling Transform
3. Viewing Transform
4. Lighting
5. Rasterization
6. Display




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