Freitag, 26. September 2008

EE5805 Java 傷心小棧-Wiki

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The following wiki information on "傷心小棧" is excerpted from:傷心小棧





[編輯] 牌面

[編輯] 目標

[編輯] 遊玩概要

[編輯] 發牌

[編輯] 交換卡牌



[編輯] 捨牌

首輪:首先由有2♣的玩家開始首輪捨牌,規定一定要出2♣,其他玩家依照順時鐘選牌丟出有相同花色的牌,若是沒有,則可以出其他花牌, 惟獨不能出有計分的牌(紅心牌和Q♠)。除了與首位出牌者不同花色的玩家之外,由點數大者贏得此次的捨牌。

第二輪之後:由上一輪贏者出牌,除了紅心牌其他花色皆可出,除非手中只剩下紅心牌而無其他花色,或是上幾輪中心碎(見下解釋),方可出紅心牌。 其他玩家依序丟出相同花色的牌,若是沒有,則可以出其他花牌,亦可以出有計分的牌。首次丟出紅心牌稱作心碎,下一輪之後出牌者皆可以出紅心牌。

[編輯] 計分


EE5805 Java 傷心小棧遊戲過程

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The following information on "傷心小棧遊戲過程" is excerpted from:


























Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

EE5805 Java Hearts Images

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

Hearts Game project

There are 52 card images from wiki:

SCROLL down. You can also find the unicode and html codes.

The images are published under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Montag, 22. September 2008

EE5805 Java Programming (3)

EE3206 or EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

Tutorial 3 – Programming with Objects and Classes

Submission Required (Question 4--Due on 24 Sept 08)

1. Create a project “JTutor03”. Write a Java class SimpleBankAccount with a public
data field balance.

Write your own main method to create an object of
SimpleBankAccount. Test the object by reading from and writing to the balance.

2. The bank requires that a minimum balanace should be $100 upon creation of an
account. For this purpose, create another class DefaultBankAccount in the same

It has a public data field balance and a no-arg constructor to initialize the
balance. Test the object by reading from and writing to the balance.

3. The DefaultBankAccount is not well protected as its balance is a public field.
Rewrite the class by changing its balance field to private and providing getters and
setters as suggested below.

Save the class as ProtectedBankAccount. You must
make sure the balance is enough for transaction. Test the object by using the
getters and setters to access the balance.

Method Headers:

-public double getBalance() // return balance
-public boolean withdraw(double amount) // return true on success
-public boolean deposit(double amount) // return true on success

Sample Test Output:

My initial account balance is 100.0
After depositing $200:
My account balance is 300.0

After withdrawing $200:
My account balance is 100.0

After withdrawing $200 again:
My account balance is 100.0

4. Create another class RealBankAccount by renaming the ProtectedBankAccount.
Write an instance method transfer based on the given header and static version
below. The instance method transfers money from its own account to another

Method Header

-public boolean transfer(RealBankAccount to, double amount)
-Static Method - transfer

-public static boolean transfer(RealBankAccount from, RealBankAccount to, double amount) {
if(amount <= from.getBalance() && -amount <= to.getBalance())
return true;
} // end if
return false;

Write a main method in RealBankAccount to test the class. The main method takes
three arguments from command line: balance of account A, balance of account B,
transferred amount. Demonstrate your result to the tutor during the tutorial class.

Example 1: java RealBankAccount 200 300 100
Account A balance is 200.0
Account B balance is 300.0

After transferring $100.0 from A to B:
Account A balance is 100.0
Account B balance is 400.0

Example 2: java RealBankAccount 300 400 500
Account A balance is 300.0
Account B balance is 400.0

After transferring $500.0 from A to B:
Account A balance is 300.0
Account B balance is 400.0

You have just progressively built up your bank account program. You may find that
each revision is just done by adding some extra features to the existing one, with most
of the class properties being same.

However, you have to redefine the same things in a new class every time. This is inconvenient and may cause errors when you copy and
paste the code. What even worse is that you are now maintaining multiple pieces of

For example, you are asked to change the type and name of the balance in all
these four classes.

This could be a disaster when you have a fundamental change in
the base class of a big project that have hundreds of classes.
In the next lesson, you will see how we handle this problem.

- END -

Samstag, 20. September 2008

EE5805 Java-Use Cases Notes

EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The following notes on Use Cases are excerpted from Fowler's "UML Distilled":

1. Use cases are a technique for capturing the functional requirements of a system.

2. Use cases work by describing the typical interactions between the users of a system the system itself. It provides a narrative of how a system is used.

3. A scenario is a sequence of steps describing an interaction between a user and a system.

4. Therefore, a use case is a set of scenarios tied together by a common user goal.

5. An actor isa role that a user plays in the system.

6. But almost all the value of use cases lies in the textual content, and the diagram is of rather limited value.

Content of Use Case

EE5805 Java -UML Tutorial

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

As we need to desgin the "Hearts" game using UML, there is a good tutorial on UML.

Also, a good brief introduction is Fowler's "UML Distilled"

Freitag, 19. September 2008

EE5805 Hearts Project (Python)

There is an open source game named "Hearts" written in python.

What is "Python"? It is the language which the first version of the BT software was written.

You need to install python nand pygame in order to play the game.

But, Pygame (a game development website in using python) is blockd by the the CityU firewall system.

EE5805 Java Project-Hearts-1

EE3206/EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

Project Part I – Problem Analysis


CitySoft is a software company and the leading solution provider in the market. You
are working in the Java team to develop Java-based applications and systems. Your
team has just received a new project about a popular card game named Hearts that is
also a widespread computer game as packaged in Microsoft Windows XP.

Basically,the client wants to make a Java clone of MS Windows Hearts with a few additional features and modifications.

Figure 1. Microsoft Windows XP Hearts

1. Rename the players as East, North, West and South according to their position.
2. Enable both graphical and text mode display.
3. Enable following cheat codes:

Cheat code syntax (case insensitive) Example Remarks
a) set [east/south/west/north] [score] set east 30 Change players’ scores.
b) void [spade/heart/diamond/club] void diamond Remove a suit from human player by
exchanging with other players’ cards
on hand randomly.
c) shootmoon shootmoon Human player incurs all point cards of
preceding tricks.
d) visible [true/false] visible true Turn over all players’ cards.

Requirement Analysis

Now, you are asked to analyze this card game system and document the system
requirements with the following things:

1. A brief summary of the game play

- For ease of reading, you should list out the steps or instructions in point form
with short sentences. You may also divide the game play into different sections
based on the game states if it is too long.

2. Use Cases and Use Case Diagrams

- Draw use case diagram(s) to demonstrate the functional requirements as well as
any entities involved.
- Use cases should be detailed with a sequence of actions and responses between
the actor and system. Alternative flows, if any, should also be shown. You may
tabulate the actions and responses in each use case for ease of reading.


Upload your document to Blackboard before 8pm in 1st October 2008. Your document
should be well-formatted based on the guidelines below:

1. Filename
- Since all students upload to the same pool, please rename your file as
Hearts_Group_NN.doc (e.g. Hearts_Group_05.doc).

2. Cover page
- Show your Name, Student ID, Group Number, Course Code and Last
Modification Dates.

3. UML tools
- Do not use the MS Word built-in drawing tools for the UML diagrams. You
should use some specialized drawing or modeling tools. Some of them are
available for free (see references). Others like Visio and Poseidon for UML are
also good but costly.


Wikipedia, Hearts (Window) -

Videocast, How to play Hearts -

JUDE Community Edition -

UMLet -

Samstag, 13. September 2008

The Rise of British Idealism

I have noticed that there are signs for the rise of British Idealism. There is a phenomenlogical turn in British philosophy. Many papers are "produced" on the Hussurlian context.

That means British philosophy is declining from the Empirical tradition.

May be the term "Postivist" or "Empiricist" sounds out-dated. Use "inter-subjectivity", "Meditiation: Descarte's way".

Is there any "new" Russell or Moore? Not to mention "new" Frege or "new "Wittgenstein.



第一、 二卷:《八千頌般若經論對讀》上、下

第三卷:《般若波羅蜜多心經講錄》、 全文下載:(繁體) / (简体)

《能斷金剛般若波羅密多經纂釋》全文下載:(繁體) / (简体)

第四卷:《解深密經圓測疏節要》全文下載:(繁體9M) / (简体10M)



第七-九卷:《成唯識論述記刪注》一 至 三 全文下載:(繁體50M)

第十卷:《唯識方隅》全文下載:(繁體3.3M及 索引) / (简体5.0M及 索引)



Freitag, 12. September 2008

No pygame at cityu

You cannot access at City University of Hong Kong.

The site is blocked by the Computing Centre.

But you can access python. That means you can wrtite python but cannot write games in python at cityu.

python game rescources: At HERE

Donnerstag, 11. September 2008

Pygame programming

You can use pygme to write Games.

When you go to 7-11 ot OK shop, we see on-line games written on Windows.

Why there aren't open source games? Anyone think of writing on-line games with python, pygame and the python twisted framework?

Anyone want to implement this project?

University and IVE game design courses won't teach you. They need to fit the industry with the proprietry software.

EeePc as NDS

Asus 's EeePc is a paradigm shift to the PC market.
The Linux O/S can have a market share which is legitmately dominated by Microsoft Windows.

Also, with its portability and affordable price about HK$4700, it can be a portable multimedia device.

It can also be a game console same as NDS but the former is a PC.

Skype + EeePC = Mobile phone

Mittwoch, 10. September 2008

EE5805 Java Programming (2)

EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The Tutorial notes of EE5805 or EE3206 Java Programming and Application is shown as follows:

EE3206 or EE5805: Tutorial 2 – Developing Java Applications with NetBeans

1. Read the online training below and follow the steps to familiarize yourself with
the NetBeans development tools.

Before generating Javadoc, do add some Javadoc style comments for the acrostic method (e.g. @param, @return, @see, etc.) and see the Javadoc output.

Introduction to Developing General Java Applications

2. Create a project “JTutor02”. Write a Java class “Circle” and complete its method of the following header.

Test the class by writing a main method to show the area of circles with radii ranging from 10 to 100, with increment of 10.

static double circleArea(double radius);

3. Computer programs commonly need to process numerical data and characters.
Each character has a unique Unicode between 0 and FFFF in hexadecimal (65535
in decimal).

To generate a random character is to generate a random integer
between 0 and 65535.

Now write a class to generate random characters. A template, as shown in Code 1, is provided for you. You have to write a driver to
test your class.

4. Using the RandomCharacter class, write another program to generate 100
lowercase letters randomly and assign to an array of characters. Count the
occurrence of each letter and display to the screen.

Code 1 – Template of

// Generate random characters

public class RandomCharacter {

/** Generate a random character between ch1 and ch2 */

public static char getRandomCharacter(char ch1, char ch2)
// write your code here

/** Generate a random lowercase letter */
public static char getRandomLowerCaseLetter()
// write your code here

/** Generate a random uppercase letter */
public static char getRandomUpperCaseLetter()
// write your code here

/** Generate a random digit character */
public static char getRandomDigitCharacter()
// write your code here

/** Generate a random character */
public static char getRandomCharacter()
// write your code here

- END -

EE5805 Java Programming (1)

EE5805 Java Programming and Applications

The Tutorial notes of EE5805 or EE3206 is shown as follows:

EE3206 or EE5805 Tutorial 1 – Java Programming Environments

The programming exercises in this course require the following software to be installedon your system:

JDK 6 (or latest stable version),

NetBeans 6.1 (or latest stable version),

1. Read the online training below and follow the steps to create your first “Hello World”program.

NetBeans IDE Java Quick Start Tutorial

2. To compile and run your program using the command-line tools of JDK:

1). Choose [Run…] from the Start Menu of your Windows. Type in “cmd” and
then click [OK] to open a DOS command prompt.
2). Enter “path” to display your current path setting.
3). Add the path, if necessary, of the JDK compiler (javac.exe) by typing “set
path=%path%;BIN_PATH” where BIN_PATH is the location of the
compiler (usually as C:\Program Files\Java\jdkx.y.z\bin).

4). Go to the source directory of your project folder by entering “cd SRC_PATH”
where SRC_PATH is the actual path in your system.
5). Type “javac” to compile your program source.
Type “dir” and see if the class file is correctly generated.
6). Run the class file by entering “java HelloWorldApp”.

3. Under the project folder, the IDE tool created a JAR (Java Archive) file in the
“dist” subdirectory. The JAR file is in a ZIP-compatible format.

To explore the content of a JAR, you may use any ZIP programs (e.g. WinZip) to extract it or use the command-line tool (jar.exe) with this command “jar xfv yourjarfile.jar”.

Write down what you find inside the JAR file.

4. For each of the following code fragments, decide whether it can be compiled. If yes,determine the value of x after the execution of the code. If no, explain why.

a) byte x = 0;
b) byte x = 127;
c) byte x = 128;

d) char x = '0';
x = x + 1;
e) char x = '0' + 1;
f) char y = '0';
char x = y + 1;

g) final char y = '0';
char x = y + 1;
h) int x = 3f * 4;
i) int x = (int) 3f * 4;
j) int x = (int) 3f * 4f;
k) int x = 'f' * 4;

l) float x = 1.0;
m) float x;
x = 1.0;
n) double x;
x = 1f;

5. For each of the following code fragments, decide whether it can be compiled.
If yes,determine the output display of the execution of the code. If no, explain why.

a) int x = 1, y = 2, z = 3;
if (x > y) if (z > y)
System.out.println(“y is the smallest”);
System.out.println(“y is not the smallest”);

b.) boolean t = true, f = false;
if (t && f)
System.out.println(“t && f”);
if (t && !f)
System.out.println(“t && !f”);
if (t || f)
System.out.println(“t || f”);
if (!!t & !f)
System.out.println(“!!t & !f”);

c.) int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
switch (x) {
case 0:
y = 1;
z = 2;
case 1:
y = 2;
z = 1;

d.) for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
for (int j=0; j<10; j++)
if (j == 5)
System.out.print(i * j + “ ”);

e.) for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
if (j == 5)
System.out.print(i * j + “ ”);

f.) for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
if (i == 5)
System.out.print(i * j + “ ”);

g.) for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
if (i == 5)
System.out.print(i * j + ' ');

6. Create a project “JTutor01”. Write a class “PrintPyramid” that prompts the user toenter an integer ranging from 1 to 15 and displays a digit-pyramid.

For example, if the input integer is 12, the output is shown below.

- END -

芒果酥皮拿破崙: Mango Mille-feuille

美味DIY - 芒果酥皮拿破崙Mango Mille-feuille

Other Desserts


Dienstag, 9. September 2008

EE5808 Engineering Techniques for Computer Graphics

For EE5808 Engineering Techniques for Computer Graphics, the required textbook is:

Hearn and Baker (2004). Computer Graphics with OpenGL. PH.

To do list:

1. Use VC++2005 to do OpenGL programming (with GLUT)
2. PPT presentations in tutorial
3. Create a character (Individual project)
4. Animate the characterin a story (Group Proj)
5. Usual assignments/ exercises

For the opensource alternative, you may use wx-Dev C++. It claims it is compatible with VC++2005.

There are 6 parts:

1. Database Traversal
2. Modelling Transform
3. Viewing Transform
4. Lighting
5. Rasterization
6. Display



Freitag, 5. September 2008

Fitting the Industry

We learn tools to fit the Industry. Tools that are proprietry are stable for the Industry.

Expect the expected?

Python/Ruby cannnot fit the Industry. Then why there are people still using it?

6.1261: In logic process and result are equivalent. (Hence the absence of surprise.)


Expect the unexpected in using oss tools.

The concept of generativity is embeded in oss tools which can give you a new way of thinking.

Donnerstag, 4. September 2008

Leisure time is very expensive

Russell 's essay "In Praise of Idleness" talks about leisure time.

"Leisure" How much is it?

EE5806 Digital Image Processing

There is a very good Flash-powered ebook written by Professor Hong Yan for EE5806 Digital Image Processing.

Username: student
Password: image

Montag, 1. September 2008



Anscombe 's Glossary

The Glossary of Anscombe 's book: An Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus is very good in understanding the symbols in the Tractatus.

5.1361 We cannot infer the events of the future from those of the present.
Superstition is nothing but belief in the causal nexus.

5.1362 The freedom of the will consists in the impossibility of knowing actions that still lie in the future. We could know them only if causality were an inner necessity like that of logical inference. ---The connexion between knowledge and what is known is that of logical necessity.
('A knows that p is the case' has no sense if p is a tautology.)