Sonntag, 21. November 2010

MS5220 Consistency Index ( CI ) 凡意之所發必有其事,意所在之事謂之物

MS5220 Consistency Index (CI)

1. pairwise comparison matrix of the 4 site selection criteria X the preference vector for the criteria.

ie., Pij X Qj ( j,j 咁乘)

The result is Rj.

2. Rj/Qj

we divide each of these values by the corresponding weight from the criteria preference vector.

3. sum the values and take the average = 16.6257/4 = 4.1564.

4. consistency index ( CI) = ( 4.1564 - n )/ (n-1)

5. If CI =0 then Southcrop woule be a perfectly consistent decision maker.

6. An acceptable level of consistency is determined by comparing the CI to a random index, RI, which is the consistency index of a randomly generated pairwise comparison index.

7. the Degree of Consistency for the pairwise comparisons in the decision criteria mstrix is determined by computing the ration of CI to RI


( You still NEED to evaluate the pairwise comparison of EACH of the four individual crteria matrix before we could be sure the entire AHP for this problem was consistent! )

8. If CI/RI < 0.10, then normal. Otherwise, it is INconsistent!

1. 良知者,孟子所謂「 是非之心,人皆有之」者也。是非之心,不待慮而知,不待學而能

2. 凡意念之發,吾心之良知無有不自知者。其善歟,惟吾心之良知自知之,其不善歟,亦惟吾心之良知自知之。是皆無所與於他人者也。故雖小人為不善,既已無所不至,然其見君子,則必厭然掩其不善,而著其善者,是亦可以見其良知之有不容於自昧者也。今欲別善惡以誠其意,惟在致其良知之

3. 意念之發,吾心之良知既知其為善矣,使其不能誠有以好之,而復背而去之,則是以善為惡,而自昧其知善之良知矣。


5. 今於良知之善惡者,無不誠好而誠惡之,則不自欺其良知而意可誠也已。然欲致其良知,亦豈影響恍惚而懸空無實之謂乎?

6. 是必實有其事矣。故致知必在於格物。物者,事也,凡意之所發必有其事,意所在之事謂之物。格者,正也,正其不正以歸於正之謂也。正其不正者,去惡之謂也。歸於正者,為善之謂也。夫是之謂格。

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