Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010

POSIX Access Control Lists on Linux

POSIX Access Control Lists on Linux

Andreas Grunbacher SuSE Labs, SuSE Linux AG Nuremberg, Germany
Linux Extended Attributes and ACLs

quoted from Grunbacher:

Extended Attributes

Extended attributes are arbitrary name/value pairs which are associated with files or directories. They can be used to store system objects like capabilities of executables and access control lists, as well as user objects. The attr(5) manual page describes which kinds of extended attributes are defined.
Access Control Lists

On UNIX and UNIX-like systems, file permissions are defined by the file mode. The file mode contains nine bits that determine access permissions of a file, plus three special bits.

This mechanism allows to define access permissions for three classes of users: the file owner, the file group, and others. This mechanism is very simple. With a couple of bits, many permission scenarios can be modeled.

Some applications require more control over permissions than this model offers. Access control lists implement a more fine-grained permission model: In addition to the file owner, the file group, and others, additional users and groups can be granted or denied access.


(綜合報道) (星島日報報道) 警方重案組調查早前有人在互聯網揚言以汽油彈炸毀中聯辦,經調查後昨日採取行動,掩至北角拘捕一名二十三歲涉案男子,現提醒市民不可在互聯網上作任何違法行為或損害社會安寧行為。

消息稱,較早前,有人在網上發放向中聯辦放炸彈言論,並?人上網參考有關製造炸藥方法,警方港島總區重案組人員接手調查後,昨晨九時許在北角區拘捕一名姓陳涉案男子(二十三歲 ),他涉嫌「 破壞公眾體統 」罪,經調查後已獲准保釋,下月三十日再往警署報到。

警方提醒市民必須合法及負責使用互聯網,不可在互聯網上作任何違法行為或損害社會安寧行為,若違反「 有犯罪或不誠實意圖而取用電腦 」最高可被判監禁五年。

日前在一個網上討論區,有網民公然教授以啤酒瓶製作汽油彈及燃燒彈的做法,其中詳述了材料及製作步驟,有網民更聲言要「炸?中聯辦 」。有法律界人士指,即使有關人等尚未實質行動,但已經干犯罪行,警方可根據《刑事罪行條例》第一六一條起訴有關人等。

The Divine Comedy: Illustrations by Gustave Doré

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Linux compatibility

* Android uses a version of Linux as its kernel (albeit tweaked by Google to fit Android needs and separated from the main Linux kernel tree),[108] but it is not a conventional Linux distribution; it does not have a native X Window System, nor does it support the full set of standard GNU libraries like its system libraries (GNU C Library). This makes it difficult to reuse existing Linux applications or libraries on Android.[109]
* Google no longer maintains the Android code they previously contributed to the Linux kernel, effectively branching kernel code in their own tree, separating their code from Linux. The code which is no longer maintained was deleted in January 2010 from the Linux codebase.[5][6][110] However, Google announced in April 2010 that they will employ staff to work with the Linux kernel community.[111]

2. in lxr, when i search for android, no search result 0.!