Mittwoch, 28. April 2010

EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology

EE4209/ EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
Sampling Theorem
依家既, 2010 世博, 試運測試又搞到一穫泡, 你D 秩序搞又搞唔好 但又放咁撚多煙花

Quoted from : Signal Processing First by McClellan, Schafer and Yoder (2003), page 71

The sampling Theorem states that when the sampling rate is GREATER THAN TWICE the highest frequency contained in the spectrum of the analog signal, the original signal can be reconstructed exactly from the samples.

Gibbs phenomenon, Pheno crack...

Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals by Horatio Scott Carslaw
西元 2010年 03月28日 — ( 蘋果日報 ) 剛從羅馬回港的天主教 香港教區榮休主教 陳日君樞機,怒轟由中國天主教主教團 及中國天主教愛國會舉辦的天主教代表大會,指大會企圖繼續以官方勢力控制教會,教會妥協已到底線。


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