Donnerstag, 29. April 2010

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing
日本大肆報導 上海世博 混亂情況

quoted from Digital Image Processing : An algorithmic Introduction Using Java by Burger and Burge (2008) page : 56-57
The relationship between point operation and histograms

1. increasing the brightness of an image by a constant value shifys the entrire histogram to the right;
2. raising the contrast widens the histogram;
3. inverting the image flips the histogram.

4.Histogram entries map to sets of pixels of the same value. If a histogram line is moved as a result of some point operations, then all pixels in the corresponding set are equally modified.

5 If, due to this operation, two histogram lines h(a1) and h(a2) coincide on the SAME index, the two corresponding pixel set joins the contained pixels become undiscernable. It is irreversible.

今次真係醜死怪了 :-( :-( :-(


成日搞埋d 面子工程,以為上太空, 搞奧運人地就會睇得起你
點之真係連最基本既禮貌, 秩序都無,
搞埋咩世博, 只會比世界更多人睇到, 咩叫 " 醜陋的中國人 "

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