Samstag, 26. Dezember 2009

EE5412 Telecommunication Networks

EE5412 Telecommunication Networks

Linux Kernel in a Nutshell


中國政府於1997年、1998年分別簽署了兩個重要的國際人權公約,全國人大於2004年 通過修憲把「尊重和保障人權」寫進憲法,今年又承諾制訂和推行《國家人權行動計劃》。



EE5412 Telecommunication Networks

EE5412 Telecommunication Networks

2 books by Forouzan which are good for self-study

1.Data communications and Networking
2.TCP/IP protocol Suite

Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009


Dieser schwarze Kugelschreiber schreibt sehr gut: ich will nächste Woche einen zweiten kaufen.

Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2009

沉默的代價 : - 德國宗教領袖 Martin Niemoller

沉默的代價 : - 德國宗教領袖 Martin Niemoller


滕麗名 咕嚕咕嚕魔法陣 齊來動腦筋

崔世安(吹屎眼)的普通話 (字幕版)

笨撚 吹屎眼 剪翅傷屍 笨撚走音
中華孕麵公河果 歐文特別洗珍珠
屎精醬關 必當用戶 病父炸芝士
中華孕麵公河果 歐文特別洗珍珠 資品化
晒盅中華孕麵公河果 屎恥 歐文特別洗珍珠
賤中豬手 中手花鹿 靚姐鳳功
至利於毀污 歐文的搵叮 荷花茶 堆
中央孕麵蒸符 可 歐文特別洗珍珠 褲窄



Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

MS5312 Business Statistics with R
80後反高鐵青年: 十二月十八日讓我們快快樂樂地集會


我們是一班80後年輕人。我們反對 立法會倉卒審批廣深港高速鐵路香港段669億 撥款。 高鐵濫用公帑,破壞家園,漠視市民的參與權;我們一直以各種方法反對都不被理會,如今 撥款在即,我們決定以一項和平而持久的行動再次表明心志。

我們將於星期三 (2009年12月16日) 下午四時開始圍繞立法會苦行,直到星期五(2009年12月18日)立法會高鐵撥款議 決為止,藉此呼籲市民當日前來包圍立法會,並盡最後努力呼籲支持政府方案的議員懸崖勒 馬。種子和稻米緊握在我們的手中,盛載果實與未來。

我們專注﹑默想﹑耐久,沿立法會繞圈慢行,時而以前額及前臂(雙腳跪下)伏地舒展。以 靜謐的身體點燃立法會本應秉持公義的情志,誠如無聲的抗議。普羅市民一圓一角辛苦積蓄 回來的669億公帑,政府必須珍視並用得其所,更應讓在香港紮根了五十年的菜園村及其 擁抱自然生活的文化繼續承傳下去。

我們用溫柔的雙手保護稻米和種子,不讓其撤落在地, 不讓其隨之淡忘,不讓其瞬間消失,是以象徵年輕人對香港的承擔,對未來的想像。

三天兩夜期間,我們只會適量休息和進食,以求維持基本體力。以下是規定的休息和進食時 段:


年輕人不是因為自己有問題才走出來,而是要為整個社會衝出新的未來;年輕人不是反社會 ,而是太愛這個地方;年輕人不是精力過剩無處發泄,而是在有能力時選擇承擔更多。


十二月十八日下午,請容我告假半日。你會看到我在立法會門前快樂地集會,抗議政府興建 高鐵,浪費公帑,抄貧民的家。我們集會,是要呼籲立法會的議員秉持公義,投反對的一票 。

也 許,因為香港的立法會被功能組別的闊佬騎劫,官商勾結,利益輸送,情況未必可以扭轉。 到頭來,很可能你和我都會失去一大筆稅款,失去元朗的田園美景,失去 香港市民的經濟和規劃自主權。但是,不抗爭,就什麼希望都沒有了。團結抗爭,不論成敗 ,我們尚且有一群正義和快樂的市民。

請批准我請假,放我走向正義,走 向快樂。韓國的工人說過,在議會面前呼喊一回,勝過食人參大補湯,我想去試試這滋味。 你也不妨來。

若公司要避免留下紀錄,可在公司的人事檔案上,註明「急事」便可。正義要現身,若你同 意請假,你便是善人,我可將你的善意帶去,使立法會抗爭多了一份默默的市民善意。十二 月十九日早上,我會一身正氣,返回崗位。你會見到的。

XXX 敬上

80後反高鐵青年: 十二月十八日讓我們快快樂樂地集會

酒井法子 - 世界中の誰よりきっと LIVE

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

MS5312 Business Statistics with R
酒井法子 - 1億のスマイル(水着)




但令人遺憾的是,在當今世界的所有大國裏,唯獨中國還處在威權主義政治生态中,并由此造成連綿不斷的人權災難 和社會危機,束縛了中華民族的自身發展,制約了人類文明的進步——這種局面必須改變!政治民主化變革不能再拖延下去。

酒井法子 - 1億のスマイル(水着)
山口百惠 - 秋桜 (Live)

山口百恵 いい日旅立ち(歌詞 付)

酒井法子Noriko Sakai-Yokogao

酒井法子 - さよならを過ぎて

由於香港沒有普選權 (Universal suffrage) , 沒有普選權, 在香港的 340萬英國國民 (海外) (BNO) 國籍的歐盟公民, " 民族自決 (self-determination) " ,要求 "正統性地 "( legitimately) 加入歐盟。

Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

MS5312 Business Statistics with R
2008-2009 final exam paper

Question 1 (25 marks)

(a) A production line makes bottles of shampoo. When operating correctly, it produces bottles whose contents weigh, on average, 20 ounces. A random sample of 9 bottles from the production line gave the following weights (in ounces).

21.4 19.7 18.7 21.6 21.8 20.1 18.7 22.3 21.9

Assume that the population distribution is normal.

(i) Test the null hypothesis that the production line is operating correctly against the alternative that it is not operating correctly at the 5% level, and draw your conclusion. (7 marks)
(ii) Find a tight range of the p-value in subpart (i), and use it to draw your conclusion? (3 marks)
(iii) Construct a 99% confidence interval for the population mean weight of the bottles of shampoo. (4 marks)
(iv) Assume that the population standard deviation is known to be 0.6 ounces. What sample size is needed to estimate the population mean weight to within 2 ounces with 90% confidence? (3 marks)

(b) Many academic researchers have developed models based on financial ratios in order to predict whether a firm will go bankrupt next year. In a reliability study of one such model, the records indicate that the model had correctly predicted 85% of firms that went bankrupt and correctly predicted 82% of firms that did not go bankrupt. Suppose that 4 firms out of 100 go bankrupt in a year,

(i) what is the probability that the model predicts bankruptcy? (3 marks)
(ii) what is the probability that a firm will go bankrupt given that the model predicts bankruptcy? (2 marks)
(iii) what is the probability that the prediction of the model is correct? (3 marks)

Question 2 (25 marks)

(a) In a television commercial, the manufacturer of a toothpaste claims that 4 dentists out of 5 recommend the ingredients in his product. To test that claim, a consumer-protection group randomly samples 400 dentists and asks each one whether he or she would recommend toothpaste that contained the ingredients. The responses can only be in two forms: 'Agree or 'Disagree'. The sample shows that 240 dentists choose 'Agree' and 160 dentists choose 'Disagree'.

(i) At the 5% significance level, can the group infer the over-statement in the TV commercial? (6 marks)
(ii) Determine a 95% approximate confidence interval for the proportion of dentists' recommendation for the ingredients. (4 marks)
(iii) Given that the proportion of dentist recommendation for the ingredients is between 60% and 80%, and if the estimation error of this proportion must be within 0.05 at the 90% confidence, what is the sample size? (4 marks)

(b) The BDW car dealership sells one sports model, the FX500. Of the customers who buy this model, 50% choose fire-engine red as the color, 30% choose snow white and 20% choose jet black.

(i) What is the probability that at least 2 of the next 10 customers who buy the FX500s will choose black? (4 marks)
(ii) What is the probability that at least 40 of the next 100 customers who buy the FX500s will choose white? (5 marks)
(iii) A customer who buys a red, white or black FX500 on average puts a premium of $3000, $2000 or $1500 on his/her car, respectively. What is the expected value of a premium? (2 marks)

Question 3 (20 marks)

A sample of 12 homes sold last week in Shatin was selected. The home sizes x (in thousands of square feet) and the corresponding selling prices y (in millions of dollars) were recorded as follows:

x 0.9 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.0 0.8 1.3 1.2 0.9 1.1
y 4.4 4.8 5.3 5.4 4.8 5.2 4.1 3.2 7.2 4.5 3.1 4.0

(a) Test through both linearity and strength whether there is a straight-line relationship between the two variables 'size' and 'price'.

(i) What are the respective null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses? (2 marks)
(ii) Calculate the respective values of the test statistic for the given data set. (4 marks)
(iii) What will be your conclusions if the significance level of the test is 0.05? (2 marks)

(b) Find a straight-line equation for the data so that we are able to estimate or predict the price for a given size. (4 marks)
(c) What will be the estimated or predicted price if the size is 1150 square feet? (2 marks)
(d) Interpret the slope of the fitted straight-line equation. (2 marks)
(e) What are the values of the determination coefficient and correlation coefficient? (2 marks)
(f) For the given data set, what percentage of the observed total variation in prices can be explained by the estimated straight-line relationship with sizes? (2 marks)

Question 4 (30 marks)

(a) To celebrate their first anniversary, Peter decided to buy a pair of diamond earrings for his wife Mary. He was shown 9 pairs with marquise germs weighing approximately 2 carats per pair. Because of differences in the colors and qualities of the stones, the prices varied from set to set. The average price was $2990, with a sample standard deviation of $370.
He also looked at 6 pairs with pear-shaped stones of the same two-carat approximate weight. These earrings had an average price of $3065, with a standard deviation of $805. Assume that both population distributions are normal and their variances are equal,

(i) find a 95% confidence interval for the difference of the mean price between marquise diamonds (regarded as population 1) and pear-shaped (as population 2) diamonds. (4 marks)
(ii) can Peter conclude at a significance level of 5% that marquise diamonds cost less, on average, than pear-shaped diamonds? (6 marks)

(b) To test whether the mean times to mix a batch of a certain material done by three manufacturers are the same, we use the following mixing times (in minutes).

Manufacturer 1 Manufacturer 2 Manufacturer 3
32 44 33
30 43 36
30 44 35
26 46 36

(i) Obtain the six unknown values and the overall sample mean. (3 marks)
(ii) At the 5% level of significance, test whether the population mean time to mix a batch of the material differs for the three manufacturers. (5 marks)
(iii) Complete an ANOVA table for this problem. (2 marks)

(c) A diligent statistics student wants to see if it is reasonable to assume that some sales data have been sampled from a normal population before performing a hypothesis test on the mean sales. She collected 200 sales data, computed and s = 9, and tabulated the data as follows:

Sales ≤ 65 66 - 70 71 - 75 76 - 80 81 - 85 ≥ 86
Observed number 10 20 40 50 40 40

The following figure reveals the probabilities (obtained using a normal distribution with and ) that sales will be less than or equal to 65, between 66 and 70, between 71 and 75, between 76 and 80, between 81 and 85, and greater than or equal to 86 are 0.0823, 0.1210, 0.1864, 0.2206, 0.1864, and 0.2033, respectively.

(i) Notice that the degree of freedom for the goodness-of-fit test is 3 not 5. Give a brief explanation. (1 mark)
(ii) At the 5% level of significance, does the observed distribution follow a normal distribution? (9 marks)