Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

CS4282 /CS6282--Course Outcomes

CS4282 /CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming

- Detail Course Outcomes
Knowledge / Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis/Evaluation

1. Distributed System
_ Identify the main challenges in design and development of distributed systems.
_ Clearly describe the features and characteristics of distributed systems.
_ Apply / demonstrate working knowledge in the design and development of distributed systems.

_ Categorize and compare different distributed systems.
_ Analyze the challenges and potential problems faced by different distributed
_ Justify and provide suggestion on the design of distributed systems.

2. System Design and Testing
_ Identify and describe the basic principles /rules of Petri Net
_ Identify and describe the principle of task partition and allocation
_ Identify and describe the approaches use in debugging and testing on distributed systems
_ Provide system specification in Petri Net
_ Work out task allocations based on different cost requirements

_ Demonstrate working knowledge in system testing and debugging.
_ Analysis / validate a Petri-Model, task partition and allocation
_ Compare different testing /debugging approaches used in distributed systems.
_ Justify Petri-net model, tasks partition and allocation
_ Justify the application of testing / debugging approaches in distributed
Systems development.

3. Multi-Threading
_ Identify and describe the challenges in multithread programming
_ Describe the key techniques and approaches used in maintaining data
consistency and co-coordinating processes under multi-threading
_ Solve problem with multi-threading
_ Apply data consistency and process co-ordination techniques in multi-threading programming.

_ Compare and contract different approaches /techniques used in
multi-thread programming.
_ Provide analysis on multi-threading program
_ Criticize the techniques / approaches used in multi-threading program and provide justifications / suggestions.

4. Socket Programming
_ Identify and describe the challenges in socket programming
_ Describe the basic knowledge in computer network related to network programming
_ Demonstrate working knowledge in socket programming. E.g. Write a robust
program with network communication.

_ Provide analysis on the different approaches /techniques used in network
_ Justify the application of different approaches /techniques in network

5. Distributed Co-ordination
_ Identify the challenges in distributed co-ordination
_ List out the features and characteristics of distributed co-ordination algorithms
_ Implement distributed algorithms in programming language level

_ Demonstrate the working knowledge in distributed algorithms
_ Compare and contrast different distributed co-ordination algorithms
_ Justify the design and usage of different distributed co-ordination algorithms

Freitag, 30. Januar 2009

CS4282/CS6282--4.4BSD-Lite source code

Internet and Distributed Systems Programming

閱讀過 W.Richard Stevens 的 TCP/IP Illustrated (《TCP/IP 詳解》三卷本 經典)、正在研究 或者以後準備做 網絡安全產品 的研發,對 IP協議 的研究 感興趣, 那麼請您過來。

TCP/IP Illustrated: Volume2

Download 4.4BSD-Lite source code

in the linux shell...

1. gzip -d 4.4BSD-Lite2.tar.gz
2. tar xvf 4.4BSD-Lite2.tar
3. Done. use gedit to browse

In Windows, you cannot unzip it by just using winzip. Instead, download "gzip" from

CS4282/CS6282 TCP/IP Illustrated

Internet and Distributed Systems Programming

您準備閱讀《Understanding Linux Network Internals》嗎?

你準備研究 這本可以 媲美 << TCP/IP Illustrated >> 三卷本 的書籍嗎 ? 對 Linux IP代碼 實現感興趣的,請您過來。

如果您學習過 網絡協議 的原理、閱讀過 W.Richard Stevens 的 TCP/IP Illustrated (《TCP/IP 詳解》三卷本 經典)、正在研究 或者以後準備做 網絡安全產品 的研發,對 IP協議 的研究 感興趣, 那麼請您過來。

有許多公司,在 LINUX IP協議棧 代碼的基礎上 徹底重寫 了這些代碼,來實現他們自己的 安全產品。

這些產品 的研發都需要對 TCP/IP 協議棧 的代碼 有較深入的研究。

Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2009


下 籤: 中國文化

籤 文 :
「 君 不 須 防 人 不 肖 ,
眼 前 鬼 卒 皆 為 妖 ,
秦 王 徒 把 長 城 築 ,
禍 去 禍 來 因 自 招。 」

解 曰:
「 內 有 家 鬼 , 自 身 不 安 , 家 宅 不 吉 , 求 財 不 遂。 」

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2009

攻殼機動隊-Stand Alone Complex

1. 對這 世界有所不滿的話,就先 改變自己。 如果不想的話,就封住你的耳目閉嘴 孤獨的活下去。
如果 這樣還不要的話...

2.「You know what I’d like to be? If I had my goddamn choice, I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all.
(你知道 我想做什麼嗎?如果我有該死的 選擇,我想要去當個 麥田裡的捕手)」

3.「The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
( 不成熟者 的特徵在於 選擇為了理想崇高地死去,而成熟者 的特徵在於 選擇為了理想 卑微地活著)」

4."《麥田捕手》是一個 希望讀者 不要忘記 叛逆心態 的故事:對一切看 不順眼或許 不一定都有 十足的道理,卻是一種 動力;不一定 真的能夠 把心一橫地去發起革命,卻能夠在 自己能力 所及的範圍裡 擇善固執地 去愛去恨,去保護 或者 去疏離。 "


CS4282/CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming

Apache Hadoop 大笨象

What Is Hadoop?

The Apache Hadoop project develops open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing, including:

* Hadoop Core, our flagship sub-project, provides a distributed filesystem (HDFS) and support for the MapReduce distributed computing metaphor.

* HBase builds on Hadoop Core to provide a scalable, distributed database.

* Pig is a high-level data-flow language and execution framework for parallel computation. It is built on top of Hadoop Core.

* ZooKeeper is a highly available and reliable coordination system. Distributed applications use ZooKeeper to store and mediate updates for critical shared state.

* Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on Hadoop Core that provides data summarization, adhoc querying and analysis of datasets.

匯豐 HSBC 股價見底

你認為匯豐 HSBC 的股價是否已見底呢 (55元) ?


There are cracks in the phenomena--use stat models to simulate representations.

EE4216/EE5816 Internet Client-Server Computing

Java Multi-threading

Notes and Answers:

Montag, 19. Januar 2009





CS4282/CS6282--Tutorial 1

CS4282/CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming.

Tutorial 1

1. Location Transparency and Access Transparency

#1 Briefly explain location transparency and access transparency and describe the challenges to achieve these two transparencies

#2 Provide an implementation detail of these two transparencies

#3 Compare and contract these two transparencies

#4 Justify and provide suggestion on the implementation / design of these two transparencies

2. Study the Google File System and fill in the following table CILO –DS

#1 1. Identify the main challenges in design and development of distributed systems.
2. Clearly describe the features and characteristics of the distributed systems.

#2 1. Apply / demonstrate working knowledge in the design and development of distributed systems.

#3 1. Categorize and compare different distributed systems.
2. Analyze the challenges and potential problems faced by different distributed systems

#4 1. Justify and provide suggestion on the design of distributed systems.

CS4282/CS6282--Assignment 1

CS4282/CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming

Assignment 1: Survey on Distributed Applications

Date: 9-Jan-2009
Deadline: Week 3 (4-Feb -2009)

Aims and Description

The objective of this assignment is to widen students’ knowledge in distributed applications.

Students are required to conduct a survey on distributed applications found in the Internet and give a brief report on THREE selected applications.

The report should include the following items:

1. Briefly description on the challenges in designing and implementing the application as well as the features it provided (less than 50 words). (CILO-DS #1)

2. The distributed algorithms / technologies involved (e.g. election algorithm, replication algorithm). (CILO-DS #2)

3. Area of application (e.g. file sharing, replication, co-operative editing). (CILO-DS #3)

4. The transparencies that the application provided (CILO-DS #1)

5. The URL of the application.
6. Comment / potential improvement on the application. (CILO-DS # 4)

Marking scheme:
Your survey will be graded based on following criteria

1. The accuracy of your description on the founding.
2. The quality of your comment and suggestion on the founding.
3. The uniqueness of your founding.

Submission: Deadline: Week 3 (4-Feb-2009)
Typical Distributed Algorithms:
1. Election
2. Consistency Replication
3. Mutual exclusion
4. Routing
5. Fault Tolerance
6. Synchronization

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

EE4216/EE5816 Internet Client-Server Computing

EE4216/EE5816 Internet Client-Server Computing

Liang (2009) java textbook, Chapters on:

Remote Method Invocation ( RMI )

CS4282/CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming

CS4282/CS6282 Internet and Distributed Systems Programming

User name: cs4282
Password: ping

Samstag, 17. Januar 2009

CHANGE: 改變; 更改; 變化


CHANGE: 改變; 更改; 變化

mind-set towards CHANGE

Angular velocity in Fourier Series

Instantaneous rate of change in Calculus

Options and Futures in derivative markets

Araya shiki

apply in FS


在〈司馬光曰〉中,可以充份看出司馬光 的意識形態,他有一種
崇古的狂熱,和一種 維持現狀的 固執

司馬光 是一位正統的儒家學派學者,竭力反對 古代所沒有的任何東西
,和任何 改革現狀 的措施。

司馬光 這位儒家學派大師,所代表的儒家思想中,沒有民主觀念,更
沒有人權觀念,只有強烈的 維護既得利益階層的 奴性

他要求的是,平民必須安於被統治的現狀。等級 不可改變,名份 不可改變;君王 永遠是君王,平民永遠是平民,夾在當中的司馬光 所屬的以做官為唯一職業的 知識份子──士大夫階層,永遠 是士大夫。

Montag, 12. Januar 2009

EE4216/EE5816 Internet Client-Server Computing

EE4216/EE5816 Internet Client-Server Computing

Tentative Syllabus

• Multithreading
• Socket programming
• Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
• Java Media Framework
• Web-based applications
HTTP & HTML,Servlet,JavaServer Page,Javascript
• Remote Method Invocation (RMI)


1. Jan Graba, An Introduction to Network Programming with Java, Pearson 2003

2. C. S. Horstmann, G. Cornell, Core Java2 Vol. II – Advanced Features, Sun Microsystems Press, 2005.

3. H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel and A. B. Goldberg, Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall 2004

4. Sun Microsystems on-line documentation on JDK and NetBean

Samstag, 10. Januar 2009


攻殼機動隊全集- 專輯

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

EE4206/EE5806 Digital Image Processing

Chapter 4 main points

Filtering in the Frequency Domain

4.1 -Foutier Series and Transform

4.2 - Complex Numbers
- Fourier Series
- Impulses and their Sifting Property
- The Fourier Transform of Functions of one continuous variable
- Convolution

4.3 Sampling and the Fourier transform of Sampled functions
- Sampling
- The Fourier Transform of Sampled Functions
- The Sampling Theorem
- Aliasing
- Function Reconstruction (recovery) from Sampled Data

4.4 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of one variable
- Obtaining the DFT from the Continuous transform of a Sampled function
- Relationship between the Sampling and Frequency Intervals

4.5 Extension to functions of Two Variables
-The 2D Impulse and its Sifting Property
-The 2D Continuous Fourier Transform pair
-Two-Dimensional Sampling and the 2-D Sampling Theorem
- Aliasing in images
- The 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform and its Inverse

4.6 Some Properties of the 2D Discrete Fourier Transform
- Relations between Spatial and Frequency Intervals
- Translation and Rotation
- Periodicity
- Symmetry Properties
- Fourier Spectrum and Phase Angle
- The 2-D Convolution Theorem

4.7 Filtering in the Frequency Domain
- steps
- Correspondence between filtering in the Spatial and Frequency Domain

4.8 Image Smoothing using Frequency Domain filters
- Ideal Lowpass Filters
- Butterworth Lowpass Filters
- Gaussian Lowpass Filters

4.9 Image Sharpening using Frequency domain filters
- Ideal Highpass Filters
- Butterworth Highpass Filters
- Gaussian Highpass Filters
- The Laplacian in the Frequency domain
- Unsharp masking, highboost Filtering, and High-Frequency-Emphasis Filtering
- Homomorphic Filtering

4.10 Selective Filtering
- Bandreject and Bandpass Filters
- Notch Filters

4.11 Implementation
- Separability ofthe 2-D DFT
- computing the IDFT using a DFT algorithm

R--Language for Statistical Computing

R--Language for Statistical Computing

R 語言是主要用於統計分析、繪圖的語言和 操作環境。

R 內建多種 統計學及 數字分析功能。R 的功能也可以透過安裝套件(Packages,用戶撰寫的功能)增強。因為S的血緣,R 比其他統計學或 數學專用的 編程語言有更強的 物件導向(面向物件程式設計)功能。

R 的另一強項是繪圖功能,製圖具有印刷的質素,也可加入數學符號。

雖然R 主要用於 統計分析或者開發統計相關的軟體,但也有人用作 矩陣計算。其分析速度可比美 GNU Octave甚至 商業軟件 MATLAB。

The R Project for Statistical Computing

Dienstag, 6. Januar 2009


倪震 含淚發誓 愛周慧敏

20摯友見證結成夫妻 2009年1月6日

【明報專訊】「我們今天在婚姻監護人見證下宣誓結婚了!」這是44歲倪震與41歲周慧敏 這對經歷20年風雨的伴侶,昨天在家中註冊後發放給傳媒的3張照片與一句說話,「執子之手、與子偕老」,看到玉女掌門人周慧敏望覑一生中最愛的倪震,如此心醉的表情,周慧敏 的確尋覓到一生的幸福之源,只能對她送上「祝福」。

兩人在大約20名摯友見證下結成夫妻,倪震 含淚發誓一心一意只對周慧敏好,無論今後生老病死都甘苦與共,令周慧敏感動得熱淚盈眶,表示願意嫁這位一生的最愛。

接吻3次 賓客眼濕濕
