Montag, 14. Juli 2008

On Zittrain's The Future of the Internet(3)

PCs as the only safety valve to generativity

Unfortunately, IBM sold its PC business, the safety valve to Lenovo, a Chinese Computer company. Why PC is the only form of generativity? All companies want to exert control over the market.

Generativity is an accident, just as the Internet. No company wants a generative platform. We can see the products they produce- sterile "tethered appliance" instead of tinkerable systems.

Cellphone will be the centre of the IT ecosystem. Tinkerability is the key.

Why can only PC be tinkered? Why there aren't tinkerable cellphones?

Cellphone as "PC" or Cellphone as "appliance"? Free to choose.

Pray for the Openmoko. It is the first tinkable cellphone"PC", but hope won't be the last cellphone"PC" wiped out by "tethered appliances".

Free to choose.

On Zittrain's The Future of the Internet(2)

Rules of the game in the Mobile world

If iphone 3G is a way to change the rule of the game towards the appliance network, the openmoko project ( is the other extreme.

Openmoko strives to build a free and generative mobile network ( at the time of writing google 'Gphone is still a vapourware.)

But the success depends on the market's choice. I am rather optimistic that the generative network can be retained. the PC market defeated the Apple II or Mac appliances. So will the Openmoko defeat iPhone 3G.

On Zittrain's The Future of the Internet(1)

The End of the generative PC Age?

Why cell phone should be designed as appliances?

Why should not cell phone be designed as a PC-like computer so that people can "tinker"?

It is because cell phone is a multi-million business. To secure Apple's profit, Steve Jobs designed its iPhone 3G as a closed system and as an appliance.

However iPhone 3G has a competitor. It is the Linux OpenMoko( It is a cell phone that allow users to "tinker".

But it depends on consumer's choice. People may prefer a closed appliance network (iPhone3G) rather that a generative platform (Linux Openmoko). Free to choose to be fettered.

Montag, 7. Juli 2008

openmoko : Linux mobile phone

Great to hear that openmoko lanuches its new linux opensource cell phone.

Sonntag, 6. Juli 2008










Freitag, 4. Juli 2008

Reflections from Hume(1)

I was deeply impressed by Hume's view in the EHU.

"Man is a sociable, no less than a resaonable being:". "Be a philosopher; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man."

True. CS people always think in terms of *ptr++, ADTs, UML and GoF. Some even deserve an honourable name called "geek".

Be a geek; but, amidst all your geek, be still a man.

Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008


Googomipotence or the Google paradox is to describe a situation in the web2.0 epoch.

With Google's omnipotent searching capabilities, there are two things cannot be secrched by Google:

1. You cannot search Google's search Google's searching algorithms in Google.

2. You canot search Google's servers with Google Map.

Similar to the omnipotence paradox, are there any ways to solve the Google paradox?

The BIG Brother is watching you.
The BIG Google is searching you.

Can you escape from her search? How?

There is a question about free will. Everyone is connected to the Matrix. Can the mind be free if the body is connected? What would be The Future of the Internet? The Matrix?!

Globalization means Googlization

To get connected to the Internet means to googlize yourself. This is the basic survial skill in the era of globalization.

Be adaptable to the Google way of life.