Montag, 16. November 2009

五區總辭--前程錦繡--Absolute Faith

Absolute Faith
歌名: 前程錦繡 (1976)

斜陽裡 氣魄更壯
斜陽落下 心中不必驚慌
互助互勵又互勉 那怕去到遠遠那方
前程盡願望 自命百練鋼
淚下抹乾 敢抵抗高山 攀過望遠方

小小苦楚等於激勵 等於苦海翻細浪
藉著毅力 恃我志氣 總要步步前望

Absolute Faith

Tillich stated the courage to take meaninglessness into oneself presupposes a relation to the ground of being: absolute faith.[25] Absolute faith can transcend the theistic idea of God, and has three elements.

1. … The first element is the experience of the power of being which is present even in the face of the most radical manifestation of non being. If one says that in this experience vitality resists despair, one must add that vitality in man is proportional to intentionality. The vitality that can stand the abyss of meaninglessness is aware of a hidden meaning within the destruction of meaning.

– Tillich , The Courage to Be, p.177

2. The second element in absolute faith is the dependence of the experience of nonbeing on the experience on being and the dependence of the experience of meaninglessness on the experience of meaning. even in the state of despair one has enough being to make despair possible.

– Tillich , The Courage to Be, p.177

3. There is a third element in absolute faith, the acceptance of being accepted. Of course, in the state of despair there is nobody and nothing that accepts. But there is the power of acceptance itself which is experienced. Meaninglessness, as long as it is experienced, includes an experience of the "power of acceptance".

To accept this power of acceptance consciously is the religious answer of absolute faith, of a faith which has been deprived by doubt of any concrete content, which nevertheless is faith and the source of the most paradoxical manifestation of the courage to be.

– Tillich , The Courage to Be, p.177


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