Freitag, 26. März 2010

EE4209/EE5809 Digital Audio Technology--Audio compression

EE4209/EE5809 Digital Audio Technology
Audio compression

dictionary-based methods (eg. LZW compression) use a look-up table of fixed-length codes, where one codeword
may correspond to a string of symbols rather than to a single symbol in the file being compressed.

Entropy compression uses a statistical analysis of the frequency of symbols and achieves compression by encoding more frequently-occurring symbols with shorter code words, with one codeword
assigned to each symbol.

Shannon-Fano and Huffman encoding are examples of entropy compression.

Arithmetic encoding benefits from a similar statistical analysis, but encodes an entire file in a single code word rather than creating a separate code for each symbol.

Adaptive methods gain information about the nature of the file in the process of compressing it, and adapt the encoding to reflect what has been learned at each step.

LZW compression is by nature adaptive because the code table is created "on the fly".

Huffman encoding can be made adaptive if frequency counts are updated as compression proceeds rather than being collected beforehand; the method adapts to the nature of the data as the data are read.

differential encoding is a form of lossless compression that reduces file size by recording the difference between neighboring values rather than recording the values themselves.

The compression rte of a compression algorithm is the ratio of the original file size a to the size of the compressed file b, expressed as a:b.


在「 普選聯 」成立之初,中央對於溝通一度「 吹暖風 」,尤其全國人大常委范徐麗泰,承諾在北京兩會期間傳話,一度令大眾認為民主派與中央的關係取得突破。可惜事與願違,「 普選聯 」的意願化為高牆前空洞的回音。

相信「 普選聯 」諸君也不難發現,經過與林瑞麟和一眾建制派的對話後,要特區政府在政改諮詢文件中作出讓步的可能性極低,但特區政府以致中央仍然營造「 有得傾 」的氣氛,用心路人皆見:拉一派,打一派,「 冷處理 」甚至抹黑「 五區公投運動 」。

我們擔心「 普選聯 」諸君,每天戴著「溫和民主派」這頂主流傳媒所編織的桂冠,自我感覺良好,於是不惜與同屬民主派陣營的公社聯盟保持距離。

因此,蔡耀昌、單仲偕二人不敢公開表示將於5月16日投票支持「 盡快落實真普選,廢除功能組別 」。

我們認為,「普選聯」在「五一六投票」的態度模糊,將會影響支持民主派的選民的投票意向,戕害「 五區公投運動 」。


魯迅曾說:「 中國人的性情是總喜歡調和,折中的。譬如你說,這屋子太暗,須在這裏開一個窗,大家一定不允許的。但如果你主張拆掉屋頂,他們就會來調和,願意來開窗了。 」



市民可以接受 『 終極普選 』派與中央協商甚或妥協,但任何協商必須有實力作基礎。

『 終極普選 』派的談判實力,就來自五區公投的選民投票率。這是數量化的真正的理性主義。」(蘋果日報社評,2010 年2月24日。)



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