Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

MS5312 Business Statistics with R

Descriptive Statistics

quote: (Purohit, Gore, Deshmukh) : Statistics Using R (2008)

Every statistical study is aimed at making inferences about the population under study on the basis of random sample(s) drawn from that population. This is done in 3 steps:

1) Descriptive statistics: Study of patterns in the data.

2) Probability and probability distributions: Study the mathematical basis for making generalizations from sample to population.
This is a BRIDGE that connects sample study and decision making regarding the population.

3) Statistical inference: Probability distributions provide a kit of models for the population.
We use the patterns discerned by studying sample data to select an appropriate model for the population and use the theoretical knowledge of this model to draw inferences about the population.

Quote : wiki 《里斯本條約》:
根據《里斯本條約》內第20條的訂明,擁有歐盟成員國所發護照的人士,會擁有一種全新創造,和本國公民權無關的權利,名為 "歐洲公民權 (Citizenship of the Union) "[84]。

雖然擁有英國國民(海外)身份的人士 (簡稱: BNO) 沒有英國直接賦予居英權[85],但受惠於此新條約, 突然擁有全新的 "居歐權"。雖然條約第355條列明了,英國擁有部份地區的「例外」,但條文本身已經列出了所有「例外」地區,而這個非常仔細的名單上,沒有香港[86]。 . . . . . .

A brief guide to the EU's Lisbon Treaty on DW-TV,,4771677,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

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