Freitag, 8. Mai 2009

The Little Philosophy Book(2)

《 The Little Philosophy Book 》
by Robert C. Solomon

《 The Little Philosophy Book 》這本書 簡明扼要地 討論了一些哲學上 最重要 而基本的 問題 :

notes: p.100

1. As you go through life and more from course to course, career to career, you will no doubt learn many things and be able to give the "correct" answers to a great many questions, but there will also be those questions which you will immediately recognise as philosophical:

a) Who am I really?
b) What do I really know?
c) How can I make myself more free?
d) How should I live?
e) What should I value?

2. And now you know: ultimately, you are on your OWN, and you have to make your OWN LIFE by answering these questions in your OWN WAY. That is philosophy.

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