Montag, 14. Juli 2008

On Zittrain's The Future of the Internet(3)

PCs as the only safety valve to generativity

Unfortunately, IBM sold its PC business, the safety valve to Lenovo, a Chinese Computer company. Why PC is the only form of generativity? All companies want to exert control over the market.

Generativity is an accident, just as the Internet. No company wants a generative platform. We can see the products they produce- sterile "tethered appliance" instead of tinkerable systems.

Cellphone will be the centre of the IT ecosystem. Tinkerability is the key.

Why can only PC be tinkered? Why there aren't tinkerable cellphones?

Cellphone as "PC" or Cellphone as "appliance"? Free to choose.

Pray for the Openmoko. It is the first tinkable cellphone"PC", but hope won't be the last cellphone"PC" wiped out by "tethered appliances".

Free to choose.

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